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Old 04-18-2010, 04:47 AM
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[ROM-DEV] 04/27/10 | Fresh Toast v1.1 | BFS + Full Scaling Overclock + EXT4/a2sd Fix

Geek 4 Me is proud to release

Fresh Toast v1.1 by toastcfh and flipz

First off let me remind everyone that this is a dev rom. Meaning it is a proof of concept type rom and is NOT going to be fully functional. This is built on the .27 kernel which means no camera and no light sensor (causing bottom lights to not come on). With that said...!

New features in 1.1:
  • Full scaling overclocking. You can now use setcpu to set the speed. Anywhere from 245mhz to 767mhz - toast. Thanks to phh and maejrep for their help. Download setcpu from the market for $1 or free here. Note: When you set it up and asks for device, scroll all the way to the bottom and pick custom!
  • BFS (Brain **** Scheduler) version 316 has been added and customized. This dramatically reduces latency on the phone. While it doesn't increase benchmarks it will really increase the usability and smoothness of the phone. Go here to learn more. -- toast. Thanks to maejrep for help.
  • Fixed apps2sd and ext4 not working together
  • Removed AutoKiller. It will likely still show up on peoples phones because it's on your /data/ partition but I decided to remove it after I realized it was reporting location and who knows what else. I already created a modified version that leaves the ads for the developers sake but strips the Flurry reporting however it's not playing nicely with installing. I'll get an update.zip posted when I figure out it's problem. -- flipz
  • Found and fixed a bug in HTC/Sprints code that was causing 99% cpu usage, draining battery, and causing overall slowness. This bug doesn't seem to affect everyone however it was affecting me big time. It exists in any Sprint 2.1 RUU based builds. --flipz

  • Custom kernel -- toast
  • OVERCLOCKED to 767mhz -- toast, with help from phh and madcoder
  • Compcache and ramzswap enabled -- toast and flipz (? and ? if you don't know what they are. **read warning below)
  • Ext4 support -- toast (has many benefits over ext3. ? for more info)
  • Fixed vanilla lock screen (including airplane mode/emergency call glitch) -- flipz
  • Some modified artwork (toolbar and selector, because toast loves it) -- flipz
  • Newest autokiller (more info on this app: http://geekfor.me/faq/autokiller)
  • Disabled home screen menu from popping up when using menu button to unlock --flipz ( patch to disable menu to unlock if you prefer: http://geekfor.me/fixes/bugfixes-requests-lock-screens)
  • Uses Fresh Rom 2.0d as it's base so all other fresh rom features are in here -- flipz

Not working:
  • Camera
  • Light sensor (causing bottom lights to not come on)
  • Please don't ask when these will be fixed. The short answer is they require the new kernel to work on Android 2.1, however we can't enable all these cool features on the new kernel until we get the source from HTC... again. But as always, toast is working on fixes. So buy him some coffee.

Compcache/ramzswap questions:
  1. How do I make it work? Your sdcard must be partitioned with a swap partition. Most anyone running apps2sd will have this already. Other than that it's automated.
  2. How do I know if it's working? Open an adb shell and type in "free". If you have "swap" listed with any numbers next to it, it's working.
  3. What is required to run it? A class 6 sdcard is highly recommended for speed and stability
  4. How do I disable it? Just delete or rename the script at /system/etc/init.d/compcache.sh to anything else and reboot
  5. **Will this wear out my sdcard? Just like apps2sd, ramzswap puts extra strain on your sdcard. If you are using a decent sdcard then it shouldn't be a problem. Many professional grade HD video cameras use sdcards as their medium, and they don't burn out. If you are using a low quality card then this may cause it to prematurely fail. Do not blame us. You have been warned!

Overclocking questions:
  1. How do I know if it's working? This is hard to prove, other than to say you can run benchmarks and clearly see it. Any CPU applications (including setcpu and OC widget) are going to continue to report the stock speed of 528mhz. Full scaling IS coming soon which will allow you to select the correct max speed.
  2. Will this hurt my phone? Toast and I have been running this for days with no ill effects, even when stress tested for hours. There were no crashes, no errors, and no significant heat gains. However, like always, you are doing this at your own risk and we can't be held responsible.
  3. Do I need to use setcpu/oc widget? They will provide you 0 benefit. The phone has HTC's power manager enabled which means it will throttle up the CPU when it's needed, and throttle it down when it's not. As mentioned above, full scaling is coming soon which will allow you to adjust the speed through those apps if you choose.
  4. Make sure you are using a temperature monitor if you are overclocking and watch your temps.

How do I flash this rom?

It is very likely that you can flash this rom on top of Fresh 2.0d without a wipe and have it work without any issues, however the following procedure would be recommended (assuming you have a class 6 sdcard).
  1. Boot in to RA and do data wipe
  2. Format your sdcard with 32mb swap, 512-1gb ext2, and the rest fat32
  3. Convert ext2 to ext3, and then ext3 to ext4
  4. Flash the rom and reboot

Download: http://geekfor.me/new-release/fresh-toast-v1-1/


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Fresh Hero: 2.4.0 (Android 2.1) || Fresh Kitchen
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Last edited by flipzmode; 04-27-2010 at 12:22 PM.
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Old 04-18-2010, 04:49 AM
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Re: [ROM-DEV] Fresh Toast v1 | Overclock + EXT4 + Compcache + Ramzswap

......................................... ......
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Old 04-19-2010, 05:04 PM
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Re: [ROM-DEV] Fresh Toast v1 | Overclock + EXT4 + Compcache + Ramzswap

wow no posts... you guys may have just outdone yourselves with the other roms....

I will say it is fast, and no camera no worries, but I cant play homerun battle like the 2.0d rom so i had to swap back
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Old 05-11-2010, 12:54 AM
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Re: [ROM-DEV] 04/27/10 | Fresh Toast v1.1 | BFS + Full Scaling Overclock + EXT4/a2sd

maybe i did something wrong...but I got 5hr, 58 minutes of battery life on Day 1 of this ROM. Minimal use, too.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2010, 12:15 AM
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Re: [ROM-DEV] 04/27/10 | Fresh Toast v1.1 | BFS + Full Scaling Overclock + EXT4/a2sd

Phone keeps locking up. I wiped my entire device (everything everything) and did the ext stuff. I don't see how this should be an issue if noone else is having the same problem?
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