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-   -   [FINAL] OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11* (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=142980)

OMJ 04-15-2011 11:32 AM

[FINAL] OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
First, there are many devs in the community to thank: Aamikam (rebuilt/tweaked base/mods), dsixda (Android kitchen), Tmartin (porting, leaks, help), Myn (all the help) :), and Toast( ROOT!) There are more devs that create mods, themes & help out, thanks to you all!


OMJ's EVO 2.3.3 GingerBread w/ Sense 2.1 v2.0!!!
Odexed - Stock Kernel

(If you get garbage on the Download link, right click on the link, save as)


OMJ's EVO 2.3.3 GingerBread w/ Sense 2.1 v2.0!!!
Deodexed - Stock Kernel

(If you get garbage on the Download link, right click on the link, save as)


7/2 Updates Sense 2.1 v2.0

-Based on Amikams v2.2 ReEngineered base (Thx Amikam!)
-Added deodexed version

6/22 Updates Sense 2.1 v1.9

-Based on Amikams v2.1 ReEngineered base (Thx Amikam!)
-Includes Kernel from new EVO OTA
-Netflix working

6/20 Updates Sense 2.1 v1.8

-Based on Amikams v2.0 beta ReEngineered base (Thx Amikam!)
-Based on official Speedy (Shift) OTA
-per amikam...ram should be much much better and overall system performance should be improved

6/7 Updates Sense 2.1 v1.7

-Based on Amikams v1.3 ReEngineered base (Thx Amikam!)
-included Sense restart fix

6/3 Updates Sense 2.1 v1.6

-Based on Amikams v1.0 ReEngineered base (Thx Amikam!)
-includes New Kernel from 4.22.651.2 ROM

6/2 Updates Sense 2.1 v1.5

-Based on Amikams v0.999 ReEngineered ROM (Thx Amikam!)
-Sense 3.0 Lockscreen fully working
-Sense 3.0 Weather working

5/22 Updates Sense 2.1 v1.3

-Based on Amikams v0.51 ReEngineered ROM which is based on MisFits EVO Shift GB port (Thx Misfit & Amikam!)
-4G now working
-Updated Wifi Tether to 3.0-pre14
-Added PPCG Wallpaper & keyboard
-Added Chrome-to-Phone
-Added Titanium Backup
-Added MSL reader
-Added CacheCleaner
-Added ES File Explorer
-Added MyBackup Root

Sense 3.0 Lockscreen

To install if not showing after installation:

Go to Settings, Display and select Stock Android Lockscreen, then install HTCLockscreen.apk which is attached below (it'll update previous lockscreen). Once completed go back to and deselect, new lockscreen should be working now.

From Amikams thread:


Added MMS from sense 3.0
Added landscape to all apps (clock, weather, radio, contacts, etc.)
Added my taskbar icons from RC1 with batt % charging
Fixed the issue with browser that some have been having
Cleaned a little more things from the system
if u want rosie in full landscape look at the themes/mods section
still a WIP... but i do a little bit each day.

Based on the Shift leaked GB rom
Cleaned out a lot of junk (not even close to being done though)
A2sd support
Dalvik2Cache (rom will boot twice at first boot, much like my mikfroyo v4.4 or v4.3)
The usual tweaks (noatime/zipalign/mem management/etc.)
Most of htc apps
Ported 4-in-1 reboot
Ported Hibernate option
Ported CRT animation including additional options in Settings/display
Ported Switch to Andriod lock screen on the Fly (Settings/Display)
Switched to a KB with arrows (i like it better)
Took out Htc Footprints, Swype, IQ, and most of sprint stuff (the rest is uninstallable)
Added GTalk with video
Fixed Cams (all wokring 100% including 720p)
Added sense 3.0 taskmanager
Added sense 3.0 USB connections
EPST should work 100%
Removed GPS icons and ADB icons

4/26 Updates Sense 2.1 v1.2

-Based on Amikams RC1 ReEngineered ROM
-Camcorder fixed
-VVM working (you should receive 2 texts after flashing, saying the VVM has been provisioned)
-GPS working (if you still get a reboot when using gps, try typing ##gpsclrx# in the dialer, then reboot)
-Possible improved battery life (from the removed debug from apks)

Flashable Stock Battery w/ %

Sense 3.0 Lockscreen

Disable Auto-landscape Rosie

Not working


From Amikams thread:


RC1 Change Log:
-All apks rebuilt
-Took out the "debug" from approx 75% of the apks
-Fixed Calendar Widget to work in Landscape (including the 4x1 loading issue)
-Fixed Social Clock for landscape (100% as it should be)
-Took out DataTransfer apk (really... i dont think anyone needs to transfer data from a diff device to this rom)
-Camcorder fixed (thanks virus for the finding the needed files)
-On first boot u should get 2 text messages from Android saying your VVM is provisioned (changed a few smali/xml edits in settings to make that work)
-Changed drop down to semitrans white (so its more easy to see)
-EPST works 100% (minus the wimax options)
-Added voice lang files for GMaps
-Added back Stocks
Probably more... but im forgetting.

4/20 Updates Sense 2.1

-Based on Virus/Amikam port/base.
-This rom is based off of the desire z port, the desire hd port of GB Sense 2.1, and of course the leak Evo GB rom
-Added Wifi Tether 2.0.8-pre1
-Added PPCG Wallpaper & keyboard
-Added Chrome-to-Phone
-Added Titanium Backup
-Added MSL reader
-Added CacheCleaner
-Added ES File Explorer
-Added MyBackup Root
-APPS2SD, Zipaligns on boot

Not working


From Amikams thread....


Beta 3 Change Log:
ODEX Finally
Fixed MMS (thanks all the guys that helped, especially SACS)
FIxed Calendar Widget to work in Landscape
Fixed Social Clock for landscape (not perfect but not distorted also)
3G instead of EVDO
Added 2 more themes (Wood and MikMikOrange)
6 Signal Bars instead of 4
Dialer works in Landscape in CarMode
Added black shade while overscrolling
Added A2SD support
Memory management set to Strict
Removed dalvik2cache (approx 400mb after flash... dalvik2cahce is useless on odex... just an fyi)
Added SprintVVM and GenieWidget
Batt percent showing while charging
GB white icons (i cant stand the gray ones myself)
Gps Icon only show while on
Removed adb debug icon from taskbar
Took out EReader and Laputa (saved approx 25mb-30mb)
Changed up the Home Screen at first boot (Shorts cuts/widgets locations etc.)
Opt a few more apks

Change Log:
Added Landscape
FIxed Front Cam
Working Dialer Codes
Added 3 Htc Themes (Slate, Metal, Block)
Semitrans App Drawer/Dropdown notification
Fully working HtcHub
Added more option to QuickSettings Menu
Rebuilt and opt approx 80% of the whole system's apks
Still Deodex (So first boot will take a while)
I/O Tweaks to improve performance
Added minfreq tweaks to improve bat life
Zipling on boot
Disabled Bug Reports to htc by default
Changed up the Home Screen at first boot (Shorts cuts/widgets locations etc.)
Fixed HtcMailWIdgets to work on landscape

Apps taken out:
Htc Plurk
Htc recommended
Htc Laputa (locations, etc.)
Loggers/Feedback (both Google's and Htc's)
i should probably take more out or add in... but later on.

Not Working:
Video Camcorder
4G (99.99% it will never work on this rom)
Calendar widget dont align nice on landscape
Brightness stays on 100% for certain Screens (Nova if im not wrong)

Future Plans:
Fix Video Camcorder
Fix Calendar widget to work on landscape
Fix brightness issues for those tht have it (will probably have to wit until GB is official for the Evo)


OMJ 04-15-2011 11:32 AM

OMJ's EVO 2.3.3 GingerBread w/ Sense 2.1 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
OMJ's EVO 2.3.3 GingerBread v5.0!!!
Odexed w/ Stock Kernel

(If you get garbage on the Download link, right click on the link, save as)


4/15 Updates v5.0

-GINGERBREAD!!!! Based on the leaked EVO GB 4.12.651.1 ROM
-Based on Aamikam's reEngineered/Optimized Odex base (Thx Aamikam!)
-Stock GB kernel
-Removed Bloatware to /sdcard/OMJ_Removed_Apps
-Added Wifi Tether 2.0.8-pre1
-Added PPCG Wallpaper & keyboard
-Added Chrome-to-Phone
-Added Titanium Backup
-Added MSL reader
-Added CacheCleaner
-Added ES File Explorer
-Added MyBackup Root
-APPS2SD, Zipaligns on boot

Latest Radio

Flashable Battery %


OMJ 04-15-2011 01:51 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.6 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 3/29/11*

OMJ 04-15-2011 01:51 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.6 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 3/29/11*
finalizing the GB ROM....should be up soon :)


Originally Posted by charlesjessop (Post 2085391)
Omj I have the evo and thunderbolt and the evo has your 4.4 and I'm lovin it now I'm wondering if you could figure something similar out for the tb cause there are so few features in comparison also does stock evo Mic not work with headphones plugged in and its something you added?

no, I wasn't anything I added...

hypeo 04-15-2011 01:53 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.6 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 3/29/11*


Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2085432)
finalizing the GB ROM....should be up soon :)

no, I wasn't anything I added...

BrandonEnr7 04-15-2011 02:11 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.6 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 3/29/11*
Awesome, what are you using as a base? Can't wait to see what you got coming up, and thanks for your hard work.

OMJ 04-15-2011 02:17 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.6 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 3/29/11*

Originally Posted by BrandonEnr7 (Post 2085441)
Awesome, what are you using as a base? Can't wait to see what you got coming up, and thanks for your hard work.

base will be amikam's optimized odex base....I can tell it's snappier :)

Vancer 04-15-2011 03:46 PM

I know it's Sense 1.0 but read somewhere it had a few additions ... have you noticed any yet?

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

OMJ 04-15-2011 03:56 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.6 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 3/29/11*

Originally Posted by Vancer (Post 2085487)
I know it's Sense 1.0 but read somewhere it had a few additions ... have you noticed any yet?

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

yes, it's definitely improved.....you'll see for yourself soon :)

uploading now, 10 min or so

yankees45us 04-15-2011 04:02 PM

What kernel comes in your rom omj? Thanks

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk

hypeo 04-15-2011 04:02 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.6 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 3/29/11*
OMJ, are you including the radios with this too or just the ROM?


Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2085490)
yes, it's definitely improved.....you'll see for yourself soon :)

uploading now, 10 min or so

BrandonEnr7 04-15-2011 04:06 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.6 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 3/29/11*

Originally Posted by Vancer (Post 2085487)
I know it's Sense 1.0 but read somewhere it had a few additions ... have you noticed any yet?

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

So far this is the Sense additions that have been made:
  • Fastboot (Basically Hibernate Mode)
  • Added Flip Animated Clock Widget
  • New 4x3 People's Widget
  • Quicker Loading (More Snappy)
  • Added Transition Animations
  • Some Font Sizes Lowered (not as big as before) - Mainly Web Browser
  • Added New 4x4 Music Widget
Italic items are things I am not sure if they are new or not

I am sure I am missing a few things but this is what I have noticed so far, and of course there is the additions to Gingerbread that I didn't mention.

OMJ 04-15-2011 04:10 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.6 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 3/29/11*

Originally Posted by yankees45us (Post 2085495)
What kernel comes in your rom omj? Thanks

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk

the stock EVO GB kernel


Originally Posted by hypeo (Post 2085496)
OMJ, are you including the radios with this too or just the ROM?

I just found out there was a new radio...I haven't even flashed it yet, though I'm running GB....so the radio is optional. I'll post the radio seperately

OMJ 04-15-2011 04:39 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*

Originally Posted by hypeo (Post 2085517)
to upload or to flash it??

I already uploaded it, but I'm not gonna flash yet......the version # is older, which is kinda odd, but this is a "TEST" ROM....


CoryNat 04-16-2011 11:59 AM

I can confirm that the kernel I posted fixes the brightness setting problem but causes the YouTube problem I mentioned.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

richarc93 04-16-2011 12:01 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*

Originally Posted by CoryNat (Post 2085820)

The kernel I posted in the other thread fixed the brightness problem for me on TMartin's rom.

Can someone try the youtube app on this rom and let me know if it works? I was getting a white screen on the one TMartin posted. Audio came through, just no video.

thanks for the kernel.. Downloading now.. I tried youtube before the kernel and it works fine. Lets see after I flash the kernel.

I still can't get the PRL to update. I get 1012 error... I hope I dont have to do a Data Wipe. I hate those...


richarc93 04-16-2011 12:08 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*
CONS - PROS With GB OMJ ROM I've been experiencing.. Some others haven't...

1 - Battery is BAD.... It's chewing up my 3500 in no time... It drops from 100% to 90% in about 10 mins or less...
2 - Brightness can't be adjusted (Could be cause of battery drain, but doubtful)
3 - Can't update my PRL and Profile. I get 1012 Error.
4 - VOICEMAIL Icon is stuck on the Status Bar?? I've deleted all of my voicemails but it still shows that I have 3??

1 - SPEED, SPEED, SPEED.. This baby FLIES.. And it's only a BETA/Test GB Release
2 - Internet is MUCH FASTER... I've noticed the webpages are loading extremely faster than before.

richarc93 04-16-2011 12:13 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*
I've been trying to get a fix for the Facebook notifications on the EVO. any1 been able to find anything...

Until now, the only way I seem to get TRUE notifications on my Status bar is when I REMOVE the Facebook Sync Acct from my ACCOUNTS and check the Notifications on the Facebook App. It seems to work ok that way... Only issue is that I loose the contacts and Friends doesn't link up.

Any1 found a fix or know of any other methods.??

OMJ 04-16-2011 01:30 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*
2 Attachment(s)
I didn't have time yesterday to mod the framework-res to add battery percent. I looked around this morning to see if anyone already made one, but I didn't find one.....so I modded it myself, here ya go :)

you can either flash the zip, or push the apk

btw...I'm able to update prl & profile np, and remember if you're not using a sbc kernel, your battery will always drop quick right after pulling from charger cuz it may not be fully charged.

CYNICALifornia 04-16-2011 03:08 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*
OMJ, thanks as always. I'm looking forward to giving GB a spin. :)

Also, thanks for including titanium, it's nice to not have to sign in and download to be able to restore.

richarc93 04-16-2011 03:16 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*

Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2085910)
I didn't have time yesterday to mod the framework-res to add battery percent. I looked around this morning to see if anyone already made one, but I didn't find one.....so I modded it myself, here ya go :)

you can either flash the zip, or push the apk

btw...I'm able to update prl & profile np, and remember if you're not using a sbc kernel, your battery will always drop quick right after pulling from charger cuz it may not be fully charged.

I got the PRL and Profile to update, but the voicemail icon still never went away even after deleting all voicemails and rebooting. Overall it runs REALLY FAST and smooth but the two things right now that made me go back to your 4.6 ROM were:
1 - BATTERY IS Draining like crazy...
2 - Voicemail icon not resetting on status bar.

Keep up the Awesome work... If it wouldn't be for the battery drain, I definetly could live with the voicemail icon not going away..

Thanks... I'll keep waiting to see what others say about the ROM... I'm wondering if anyone else is having the fast battery drain like I was.??? I hope it isn't my new 3500 that's already bad?? It could be??


Vegasden 04-16-2011 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by garapyuto (Post 2085868)
WOW!. GB is fast. I love it, but I NEED my slingplayer during baseball season, so I will be waiting until sling makes their slingplayer GB friendly. It makes me sad that I am going to have to go back to 4.6.

SO SAD cause this beta is pretty sweet :(

I have slingplayer 1.2 and have used it on GB with Decks & CM nightlies with no issues at all. What kind of problems are you experiencing?


CoryNat 04-16-2011 05:10 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*

Originally Posted by garapyuto (Post 2085868)
WOW!. GB is fast. I love it, but I NEED my slingplayer during baseball season, so I will be waiting until sling makes their slingplayer GB friendly. It makes me sad that I am going to have to go back to 4.6.

SO SAD cause this beta is pretty sweet :(

What are you getting with Slingplayer? Mine warns me that it not might work, but then works fine.

CoryNat 04-16-2011 05:56 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*
Anyone noticing oddness with data connections. Seems like I lose 3g off and on. Suddenly I have no connection. I can stop it and restart it and it will come back and then disappear again after awhile.

garapyuto 04-16-2011 07:10 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*

Originally Posted by CoryNat (Post 2085982)
What are you getting with Slingplayer? Mine warns me that it not might work, but then works fine.

Can't find it in the marketplace. Or am I blind?

Vegasden 04-16-2011 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by garapyuto (Post 2086023)
Can't find it in the marketplace. Or am I blind?

Type "Sling" in search and the $30 app should be on the top of the list.


garapyuto 04-16-2011 10:37 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*
weird. I will try again. I tried sling box and sling player. I thought I tried sling but it didn't show up. I assumed it was because it is not GB compatible yet

Vegasden 04-16-2011 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by garapyuto (Post 2086096)
weird. I will try again. I tried sling box and sling player. I thought I tried sling but it didn't show up. I assumed it was because it is not GB compatible yet

I'm on GB...and I did the search before I posted. Based on your first post about it not working, I thought you already had the app.


iknowsquat 04-17-2011 03:40 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*
Thanks Bruddah!!

@ALL-if you didnt FULLY wipe then expect issues. A cache and dalvik wipe isnt good enough. Wipe it all. To each his own but I suggest Calks Format ALL-cant get much cleaner than that. I do it for any ROM flash but especially one as raw as this (speaking of the leak, not OMJ's work :) )

For those with batt drain-have you checked your Up and Awake times? Are they the same? If you have crazy batt drain and/or your phone won't sleep AND you are on the 1.90 PRI then you may want to consider rolling back to the 1.77 PRI. According to reports it helps some to break the wake lock.
Calk Radio Thread

My *2 works fine
MY screen adjusts normally but that is manufacturer dependent.
I cant update PRL at the moment-could be network related
**EDIT**-updated PRL and Profile fine a few min ago.

yankees45us 04-17-2011 11:42 AM

I had the prl issue before and the only way to fix it is to do a full wipe. But like someone said, if your installing the new gb rom it's better if you do a complete wipe. This way when installing any apps you'll know which causes problems. I'm looking forward to the official update. It will get all these errors fixed.

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk

Vancer 04-17-2011 12:58 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*

Originally Posted by iknowsquat (Post 2086152)
Thanks Bruddah!!

MY screen adjusts normally but that is manufacturer dependent.
I cant update PRL at the moment-could be network related
**EDIT**-updated PRL and Profile fine a few min ago.

Hey IKS,

Which screen plays nice with the brightness and how do I tell which screen I have?

jayhuffdaddy 04-17-2011 02:07 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*
Nice, might wait till final is put out by OMJ so there are no issues. But, I might just make a backup and flash just to see what I can look forward to in the weeks to come.

jayhuffdaddy 04-17-2011 02:53 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*
Just flashed, is there a link of what has changed w/Gingerbread vs. the older OS?

iknowsquat 04-17-2011 03:14 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*

Originally Posted by Vancer (Post 2086221)
Hey IKS,

Which screen plays nice with the brightness and how do I tell which screen I have?

Sup Vancer.
Apparently the Novatec screens are having the issue.

Open a adb shell and at the # type:


This will throw a ton of code at you.
Search through it, its not that much, and look for novatec or epson.


<7>[ 6981.393920] mddi_epson_power: power off
Was the fourth line up from the bottom for me.

As usual I like doing stuff the hard way ;)
Here is a little simplification
What Screen Do I Have?

Vancer 04-17-2011 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by iknowsquat (Post 2086248)
Sup Vancer.
Apparently the Novatec screens are having the issue.

Open a adb shell and at the # type:


This will throw a ton of code at you.
Search through it, its not that much, and look for novatec or epson.


<7>[ 6981.393920] mddi_epson_power: power off
Was the fourth line up from the bottom for me.

As usual I like doing stuff the hard way ;)
Here is a little simplification
What Screen Do I Have?

Thanks man!

Sweet I have the epson! :) ... guess its time to flash 5.0 :)

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

cyespocket 04-17-2011 06:56 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*
GB rom is workin great..but that kernel that fixes the brightness borkes youtube..any fix yet?

EDIT:[ROM][STOCK] --- Version 4.12.651.1 --- odexed & deodexed --- - xda-developers
Read it that..if you flash a froyo kernel it fixes the brightness..i did it..and it did fix

Nevermind..it fixes brightness youtube is messed up..

jayhuffdaddy 04-17-2011 09:32 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*

Originally Posted by cyespocket (Post 2086300)
GB rom is workin great..but that kernel that fixes the brightness borkes youtube..any fix yet?

EDIT:[ROM][STOCK] --- Version 4.12.651.1 --- odexed & deodexed --- - xda-developers
Read it that..if you flash a froyo kernel it fixes the brightness..i did it..and it did fix

Nevermind..it fixes brightness youtube is messed up..

Where is just the kernel? That file is 198mb. I thought kernels were alot smaller. I want to keep OMJ gingerbread but need the kernel to fix the screen brightness.

jayhuffdaddy 04-17-2011 09:46 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*
I found the kernel I need. Anyone having problems after the phone turns off and booting into recovery by holding the volume button down and hitting the power button?

jayhuffdaddy 04-17-2011 09:56 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*

Originally Posted by cyespocket (Post 2086300)
GB rom is workin great..but that kernel that fixes the brightness borkes youtube..any fix yet?

EDIT:[ROM][STOCK] --- Version 4.12.651.1 --- odexed & deodexed --- - xda-developers
Read it that..if you flash a froyo kernel it fixes the brightness..i did it..and it did fix

Nevermind..it fixes brightness youtube is messed up..

The kernel just stayed on white htc evo 4g screen even after wiping cache and dalvik cache.

cyespocket 04-17-2011 10:02 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/15/11*

Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy (Post 2086346)
I found the kernel I need. Anyone having problems after the phone turns off and booting into recovery by holding the volume button down and hitting the power button?

make sure you turn the fast boot off..it's on setting..application


Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy (Post 2086351)
The kernel just stayed on white htc evo 4g screen even after wiping cache and dalvik cache.

sorry jay..but no matter what kernel we use..its not gonna work..it breaks the camera and youtube..sonar now..I suggest to revert back..and suffer with a bright screen..till someone finds a fix for it..a right fix

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