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-   -   [FINAL] OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11* (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=142980)

Curb71 04-27-2011 05:08 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
I flashed the version 1.2 rom (newest) and noticed it restored about 20 market apps after booting up but a few of them I have had uninstalled for months. Was wondering how and where it got those from and booted into recovery only to find that my 32GB SD card is jacked. I get this error if I try to do a nandroid backup or access my sd card.
E:Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 (or /dev/block/mmcblk0)
(Invalid argument)
E:Can't mount /sdcard

I googled the error and found I'm not the only one but trying USB-MS toggle didn't work for me. I can't find any other fixes for this problem. Anyone know if there is anyway to get my sd card files back? if not, guess I'd have to format the sd card and start over? argh...

I did partition my sd card moths ago. maybe the new gingerbread or sense rom doesn't like the way my card was partitioned?

My phone does work and turn on. When it's on I have a notification at the top left and when I drag it down it says, "BLANK SD CARD. SD card blank or has unsupported filesystem."

I want to backup what is on the card manually. If I boot into recovery (I use amon ra) and select USB-MS toggle, the SD card drive shows up on my computer but if I try to open it it freezes up for many seconds and finally errors out saying the location is not available. the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.

mdiaz33685 04-27-2011 08:41 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by b4u2 (Post 2091682)
I use app from market called brightness level to control the screen. It works great.

I downloaded brightness level, and brightness control..
no dice... not working for me..

I have the Nova screen... :angry1:

OMJ 04-27-2011 10:26 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by js11222 (Post 2091636)
Is the brightness fixed in this build?

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

nope, the problem is on certain screens, and is kernel related from the EVO GB leak....


Originally Posted by b4u2 (Post 2091681)
I noticed the speech to text does not work. Any fix for this?

I havent seen a fix, but I'll check again


Originally Posted by iknowsquat (Post 2091733)
And not even then.
GB isn't the culprit. 4G works on the GB leak/OMJ's 2.3.3 v5.0.

4G isnt working on OMJ's 2.3.3 w/ Sense 2.1 because its a port from the HTC Desire (like OMJ has said).

It will be near impossible to get 4G working on any port (I said NEAR ;) ) of a device like the Desire (Z or HD) which is GSM. Even a TBolt port wouldnt work because while it is CDMA VZW uses LTE and Sprint uses wimax.
If you want 4G, stick with Evo based ROMs
Cyanogen got 4G working but that is still Evo based, just AOSP.

As always I throw out my favorite saying-never say never. Some dev brainiac may come along and get it working but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Hope that helps.



Originally Posted by iknowsquat (Post 2091751)
Another port issue. You must be on the ROM with Sense 2.1 based on the Desire. For that ROM you need to flash back to an Evo based ROM and do your updates then jump back to the port ROM.

Both of OMJ's GB ROMs are odexed. If you are trying to install a deodexed version of Swype that could be your issue.
If you can track down an odexed version you may have better luck.
This was the issue with Footprints on a different ROM that I helped someone with so just a guess here.

the apk I posted w/ from the stock EVO GB leak....but I checked my last Froyo odex ROM & swype did have an odex file.....I'll make a flashable zip & post


Originally Posted by Curb71 (Post 2091901)
I flashed the version 1.2 rom (newest) and noticed it restored about 20 market apps after booting up but a few of them I have had uninstalled for months. Was wondering how and where it got those from and booted into recovery only to find that my 32GB SD card is jacked. I get this error if I try to do a nandroid backup or access my sd card.
E:Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 (or /dev/block/mmcblk0)
(Invalid argument)
E:Can't mount /sdcard

I googled the error and found I'm not the only one but trying USB-MS toggle didn't work for me. I can't find any other fixes for this problem. Anyone know if there is anyway to get my sd card files back? if not, guess I'd have to format the sd card and start over? argh...

I did partition my sd card moths ago. maybe the new gingerbread or sense rom doesn't like the way my card was partitioned?

My phone does work and turn on. When it's on I have a notification at the top left and when I drag it down it says, "BLANK SD CARD. SD card blank or has unsupported filesystem."

I want to backup what is on the card manually. If I boot into recovery (I use amon ra) and select USB-MS toggle, the SD card drive shows up on my computer but if I try to open it it freezes up for many seconds and finally errors out saying the location is not available. the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.

just for the hell of it....did u try removing the sd card & using a card reader w/ the pc?

OMJ 04-27-2011 11:40 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by jryanvt (Post 2091745)
i'm not feeling very smart because i can't get the swype apk to work. has anyone had any luck installing it?

ok, I found out the lib file was missing......here is a flashable file that will install Swype & the missing lib.....I havent tested this zip, as I pushed both files manually.....but I can verify, it's working....

If you still have the swype installed that I posted the other day, you can just extract the lib from this zip, then push to /system/lib.

Pushing from recovery:

adb shell mount /system
adb push libSwypeCore. /system/lib/

Pushing from Android:

adb remount
adb push libSwypeCore. /system/lib/

jayhuffdaddy 04-27-2011 12:33 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
I'm unable to change my tone for email notifications. I went into the HTC sound set but all I can do is play the tone. Any ideas?

OMJ 04-27-2011 12:38 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy (Post 2092075)
I'm unable to change my tone for email notifications. I went into the HTC sound set but all I can do is play the tone. Any ideas?

I noticed the same thing for text notification tone. I had to change it from the text settings screen, instead of menu/settings/sound

jayhuffdaddy 04-27-2011 12:43 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2092082)
I noticed the same thing for text notification tone. I had to change it from the text settings screen, instead of menu/settings/sound

Yea and within HTC mail you can't change it like you use to.

OMJ 04-27-2011 12:49 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy (Post 2092091)
Yea and within HTC mail you can't change it like you use to.

I know u can set the tone in gmail......I dont use the notification sound for any of my accounts.....so I would assume the "default notification sound" applies to both texts & email.....I dont see a sound choice specific for email in menu/settings/sound. so if it's the same tone, open messages (texts), settings, notifications, change the tone & see if it works on email notifications....

jayhuffdaddy 04-27-2011 12:56 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2092096)
I know u can set the tone in gmail......I dont use the notification sound for any of my accounts.....so I would assume the "default notification sound" applies to both texts & email.....I dont see a sound choice specific for email in menu/settings/sound. so if it's the same tone, open messages (texts), settings, notifications, change the tone & see if it works on email notifications....

I try to keep the same tone for HTC mail, Gmail, and SMS. I guess its a bug with the rom. My Gmail and SMS have the same tone, its just the HTC mail has the default that can't be changed. Guess I will deal with it until a final version comes out of GB.

OMJ 04-27-2011 04:02 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by kkryter (Post 2091562)
Quick question : is this ROM compatible with the large collection of Sense 2.0 themes that are available? An example would be those found at the following location :

[SKIN][Tutorial][08.03.2011] Skins for HTC Sense 2.0 roms & Framework mods. - xda-developers

Thanks in advance for the advice, and thanks as always for all of the work you put into this kind of thing for the community.

found some themes/skins/mods that should work.....

xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM]-[MikRoms]-[4/26/2011] - MikG - Re-Engineered GB Sense 2.1 RC1

[THEME][HTC SENSE 2.0/2.1] Sports Themes - xda-developers


theMikMik.com • View forum - MikGinger Sense 2.1 Themes, Mods and Tweaks

OMJ 04-27-2011 05:09 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by b4u2 (Post 2091681)
I noticed the speech to text does not work. Any fix for this?

when I tested, I had alot of background noise, so it wasn't working.....I moved to a quieter area, and using both the stock kb & the ppcg kb speech to text worked fine.

Curb71 04-27-2011 05:22 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2091963)
just for the hell of it....did u try removing the sd card & using a card reader w/ the pc?

yeah. just tried that and same error :cwm10:

b4u2 04-27-2011 06:09 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2092340)
when I tested, I had alot of background noise, so it wasn't working.....I moved to a quieter area, and using both the stock kb & the ppcg kb speech to text worked fine.

OK thanks for looking into it. I was using Swype (which I have had from the first day the gingerbread ROM came out by you) and it acted like it wasn't picking up sound. I tried it in quieter area and it worked fine.

jayhuffdaddy 04-28-2011 12:13 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
I'm loving how when you hit the power button to put the phone to sleep, the phone's screen looks like a tv screen turning off.

OMJ 04-28-2011 07:24 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy (Post 2092646)
I'm loving how when you hit the power button to put the phone to sleep, the phone's screen looks like a tv screen turning off.

+1, along w/ the opposite when u turn on

also, I like that they changed it so when u unplug from charger the screen does not come on

jayhuffdaddy 04-28-2011 10:31 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
Don't know if this has been discussed. Is there a way to stop from getting a text every time you receive a voicemail? That is kind of annoying.

jayhuffdaddy 04-28-2011 10:39 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
Also, my up time and awake time are identical. Is this because of the brightness bug for the screen. I noticed last night and restarted the phone. I looked again today and its still identical.

OMJ 04-28-2011 10:50 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy (Post 2092832)
Don't know if this has been discussed. Is there a way to stop from getting a text every time you receive a voicemail? That is kind of annoying.

I've read some ppl say they are using an app to block the text, not sure what app it was though


Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy (Post 2092836)
Also, my up time and awake time are identical. Is this because of the brightness bug for the screen. I noticed last night and restarted the phone. I looked again today and its still identical.

same here....could be cuz of the brightness bug

jryanvt 04-28-2011 11:06 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy (Post 2092832)
Don't know if this has been discussed. Is there a way to stop from getting a text every time you receive a voicemail? That is kind of annoying.

jay, i wanted to test this to see if i was getting the same text, but it looks like i'm not receiving voicemails. i went from omj's sense 2.1 rom back to the gingerbread sense 1.0 rom last night to pull some app data, then flashed back to 2.1. when i was flashing the stock roms from the sd card using rom manager (both sense 1.0 and 2.1), my phone started freezing on the white "htc evo 4g" screen. i got around this by removing the battery and booting into recovery, then loading my backups. i think when i flashed the sense 2.1 backup, i didn't receive the two voicemail provisioning texts. anyone know what is causing the freezing on the evo 4g screen when flashing the stock roms?

lordyamis 04-28-2011 12:16 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
Hey OMJ, Not sure if it has bee noticed or mention but i did have a question. With the new ginger bread there seems to be a lot of problems with the google voice to text, when texting. Every time i hit the mic i have to hit cancle and re click it 4 or 5 maybe 6 times before it will actually start picking up my voice. Was curious if you had any ideas?

I was trying in a quiet area 3 or 4 times in my car, 3 or 4 in my house.

Thanks for all your hard work!

CoryNat 04-28-2011 12:59 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by lordyamis (Post 2092887)
Hey OMJ, Not sure if it has bee noticed or mention but i did have a question. With the new ginger bread there seems to be a lot of problems with the google voice to text, when texting. Every time i hit the mic i have to hit cancle and re click it 4 or 5 maybe 6 times before it will actually start picking up my voice. Was curious if you had any ideas?

I was trying in a quiet area 3 or 4 times in my car, 3 or 4 in my house.

Thanks for all your hard work!

Had same experience as OMJ. If there is any background noise, it does not pick up your voice but if things are quiet it does. I think the mic does not seem as sensitive in GB. Even when it does work, the level indicator inside the little mic image never goes very high. Assume it is something that will get fixed in the released OTA.

gamarosado 04-28-2011 03:12 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
Can someone help me I installed OMJ_EVO_2.3.3_Gingerbread_Sense_2.1_odexed-signed and OMJ.BattPercent-Sense.2.1-signed.zip an error keeps on popping up "The applicationandroid.process.acore has stopped unexpectedly" HELPPPPP

jryanvt 04-28-2011 04:33 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2092838)
I've read some ppl say they are using an app to block the text, not sure what app it was though

finally i get to offer some help instead of asking for it. if you text "block 9016" to 9999, it will stop the text messages from coming in from 9016 for voicemails.

EDIT: shoot, that didn't seem to work even though i got a confirmation back that 9016 will be blocked.

OMJ 04-28-2011 04:58 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by gamarosado (Post 2093016)
Can someone help me I installed OMJ_EVO_2.3.3_Gingerbread_Sense_2.1_odexed-signed and OMJ.BattPercent-Sense.2.1-signed.zip an error keeps on popping up "The applicationandroid.process.acore has stopped unexpectedly" HELPPPPP

when u flashed the rom did you do a full wipe? you may want to try again....full wipe then flash the rom, and b4 u reboot, flash the battery % zip, then reboot.

Riley 04-28-2011 09:15 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by jryanvt (Post 2093075)
finally i get to offer some help instead of asking for it. if you text "block 9016" to 9999, it will stop the text messages from coming in from 9016 for voicemails.

EDIT: shoot, that didn't seem to work even though i got a confirmation back that 9016 will be blocked.

Hi guys, this is the app I used yesterday and it worked. Private sms % call


hope this helps. btw, Howdy Ken!! I decided to root again thanks to wmdunn :)

iknowsquat 04-29-2011 12:41 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy (Post 2092836)
Also, my up time and awake time are identical. Is this because of the brightness bug for the screen. I noticed last night and restarted the phone. I looked again today and its still identical.


Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2092838)
same here....could be cuz of the brightness bug

Not sure how the brightness bug would be causing you two dudes not to sleep correctly?
Are you guys both on the 1.90 PRI? There are reported sleep issues associated with that PRI (ala netarchy) which u may/may not be aware of.
Rolling back to 1.77 may help.
[ Radios ][ 12-17 ] All EVO Radio, WiMAX, PRI, NV & HBoot versions - xda-developers
If you aren't sleeping and you have the brightness issue then you must be getting a fan effect from your battery percentage changing ;)


Originally Posted by jryanvt (Post 2092846)
jay, i wanted to test this to see if i was getting the same text, but it looks like i'm not receiving voicemails. i went from omj's sense 2.1 rom back to the gingerbread sense 1.0 rom last night to pull some app data, then flashed back to 2.1. when i was flashing the stock roms from the sd card using rom manager (both sense 1.0 and 2.1), my phone started freezing on the white "htc evo 4g" screen. i got around this by removing the battery and booting into recovery, then loading my backups. i think when i flashed the sense 2.1 backup, i didn't receive the two voicemail provisioning texts. anyone know what is causing the freezing on the evo 4g screen when flashing the stock roms?

Sounds like you keep jumping between the Desire port and the Evo based GB ROM without mentioning if you've wiped or not. If so you are going between two different animals and need to do a complete wipe even if you are jumping between nands.


Originally Posted by rileyd5 (Post 2093264)
Hi guys, this is the app I used yesterday and it worked. Private sms % call


hope this helps. btw, Howdy Ken!! I decided to root again thanks to wmdunn :)

Annnnnnnnnd he's back!!! Thanks Bro. Hate that txt :angry1:

jayhuffdaddy 04-29-2011 01:58 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by iknowsquat (Post 2093361)
Not sure how the brightness bug would be causing you two dudes not to sleep correctly?
Are you guys both on the 1.90 PRI? There are reported sleep issues associated with that PRI (ala netarchy) which u may/may not be aware of.
Rolling back to 1.77 may help.
[ Radios ][ 12-17 ] All EVO Radio, WiMAX, PRI, NV & HBoot versions - xda-developers
If you aren't sleeping and you have the brightness issue then you must be getting a fan effect from your battery percentage changing ;)

Sounds like you keep jumping between the Desire port and the Evo based GB ROM without mentioning if you've wiped or not. If so you are going between two different animals and need to do a complete wipe even if you are jumping between nands.

Annnnnnnnnd he's back!!! Thanks Bro. Hate that txt :angry1:

I've been on 1.90 and never had any problems whatsoever so I'm not sure what it is.

jayhuffdaddy 04-29-2011 02:23 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
OMJ, let me know if you figure out the up time / awake time so I can fix mine.

OMJ 04-29-2011 06:27 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by rileyd5 (Post 2093264)
hope this helps. btw, Howdy Ken!! I decided to root again thanks to wmdunn :)

Welcome back Dave!


Originally Posted by iknowsquat (Post 2093361)
Not sure how the brightness bug would be causing you two dudes not to sleep correctly?
Are you guys both on the 1.90 PRI? There are reported sleep issues associated with that PRI (ala netarchy) which u may/may not be aware of.
Rolling back to 1.77 may help.
[ Radios ][ 12-17 ] All EVO Radio, WiMAX, PRI, NV & HBoot versions - xda-developers
If you aren't sleeping and you have the brightness issue then you must be getting a fan effect from your battery percentage changing ;)

yeah, I've been on 1.90 since it came out.....havent really had any issues, so never felt the need to go back, but maybe I'll give it a try.

OMJ 04-29-2011 06:57 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy (Post 2093395)
OMJ, let me know if you figure out the up time / awake time so I can fix mine.

well I flashed 1.77 PRI & NV....now my awake time is accurate....never had this issue b4 w/ 1.90......maybe now my battery will not drop like a rock, lol

Thanks James!

jryanvt 04-29-2011 09:26 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by iknowsquat (Post 2093361)
Sounds like you keep jumping between the Desire port and the Evo based GB ROM without mentioning if you've wiped or not. If so you are going between two different animals and need to do a complete wipe even if you are jumping between nands.

thanks, that's exactly what it was (figured it out sometime yesterday morning and fixed it).

dottat 04-29-2011 09:47 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy (Post 2092646)
I'm loving how when you hit the power button to put the phone to sleep, the phone's screen looks like a tv screen turning off.

This is on the v5.0 with sense 1.0?

jmaxman 04-29-2011 11:00 AM

How's the battery life on this ROM? I already tried one gb Rom and battery life was not good.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

Riley 04-29-2011 11:10 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by dottat (Post 2093533)
This is on the v5.0 with sense 1.0?

yes it is. this rom is based off the leaked evo gb release upcoming. Sense 2 and 3 are not evo based, and do not have 4g. hope this helps.

dottat 04-29-2011 11:17 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by rileyd5 (Post 2093597)
yes it is. this rom is based off the leaked evo gb release upcoming. Sense 2 and 3 are not evo based, and do not have 4g. hope this helps.

strange... i flashed v5 yesterday and didn't notice the on/off animation. something i missed during install?

jayhuffdaddy 04-29-2011 12:15 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2093480)
well I flashed 1.77 PRI & NV....now my awake time is accurate....never had this issue b4 w/ 1.90......maybe now my battery will not drop like a rock, lol

Thanks James!

Damn, I reverted back to the old 4/15 update. How do I flash the PRI? Do I have to wipe anything beforehand?

OMJ 04-29-2011 12:22 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by dottat (Post 2093533)
This is on the v5.0 with sense 1.0?

no, the sense 2.1 rom has that animation...


Originally Posted by jmaxman (Post 2093594)
How's the battery life on this ROM? I already tried one gb Rom and battery life was not good.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

which one? my personal experience on the sense 2.1 rom is battery not so good.....but we'll see after downgrading my pri to 1.77


Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy (Post 2093660)
Damn, I reverted back to the old 4/15 update. How do I flash the PRI? Do I have to wipe anything beforehand?

just like a rom....no wiping

dottat 04-29-2011 12:25 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by jryanvt (Post 2091462)
i have noticed it. kind of a bummer because i really liked that handcent led notifications stayed on past the 15 minute mark of the stock messaging app.

A good work around to this issue is to use wimax notifier. I use it on this leak and it works great.

jayhuffdaddy 04-29-2011 12:27 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
OMJ, do you ever have issues with getting into disk drive with the EVO. It seems like it takes forever on my computer. I wonder if its because of all the stuff on the SD card. Sometimes I have to select disk drive, then charge then disk drive again for it to pop up.

jryanvt 04-29-2011 12:34 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by dottat (Post 2093678)
A good work around to this issue is to use wimax notifier. I use it on this leak and it works great.

i tried it around the time it was released and wasn't a huge fan. i think omj even baked it into his roms for awhile but ended up taking it out.

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