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-   -   [FINAL] OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11* (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=142980)

ardy 04-25-2011 03:41 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*
Hi All,
Thanks for the hard work OMJ and crew. This rom is the bomb.
Got a ??. Is visual voice mail working on this rom? When I get a VM message, I get the "9016" text message (call 408-970-0000 for messages).
Thanks in advance for the help

jstn76rs 04-25-2011 03:54 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by ardy (Post 2090910)
Hi All,
Thanks for the hard work OMJ and crew. This rom is the bomb.
Got a ??. Is visual voice mail working on this rom? When I get a VM message, I get the "9016" text message (call 408-970-0000 for messages).
Thanks in advance for the help

I might be wrong but I think you have to set it up in your settings first..

OMJ 04-25-2011 05:18 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by Sun1914 (Post 2090573)
I was able to get the phone to boot up. I'm really at a lost here though with my phones SD card. Like I said before I reformatted the card off the home and it read all data will be erased. I then removed the SD card and installed it on my pc and my pc would not read it. I then figured I would try it on the phone again...it took long to boot but it finally did and to my surprise all the files were either still or back on my sd card.

I know this is suppose to be a GB thread so I want to apologize to everyone for posting my issue here but it happened some where in-between flashing GB v5 and GB sense.

Any suggestions?

I'm an a$$ I didn't reformat the SD card. I return phone to factory setting. I still do think there's something wrong with my SD card and would like to reformat it before spending money on a new one. So I'm back to my 2nd to last question...what files do I need to place back on SD card once formatted?

well technically u dont need to put any files back on the card.....only what u want.....android will create the folders it needs.


Originally Posted by ardy (Post 2090910)
Hi All,
Thanks for the hard work OMJ and crew. This rom is the bomb.
Got a ??. Is visual voice mail working on this rom? When I get a VM message, I get the "9016" text message (call 408-970-0000 for messages).
Thanks in advance for the help

unfortunately I have not been able to get VVM to work, even after setting my # in settings....I've just learned to deal w/ using speed dial 1

vMAC 04-25-2011 05:24 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*
Nevermind on the OpenVPN I got it running had to change out the kernel. Blah........

Fat Tony 04-25-2011 07:11 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2090133)
hey Tony....you've been quiet....which ROM? the Sense 2.1 ROM camcorder does not work...Sense 2.1 also seems to be harder on the battery.....hopefully the official GB ROM w/ have Sense 2.1 & be perfected.

I used your 2.1 for about three days and it was amazing. Destroyed the battery so I had to go back to "other" latest ROM.

I appreciate all of your time and hard work.

jayhuffdaddy 04-26-2011 11:10 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*
Has anyone noticed that Handcent will not flash the led anymore when a new text comes through?

jryanvt 04-26-2011 11:14 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy (Post 2091460)
Has anyone noticed that Handcent will not flash the led anymore when a new text comes through?

i have noticed it. kind of a bummer because i really liked that handcent led notifications stayed on past the 15 minute mark of the stock messaging app.

vMAC 04-26-2011 11:22 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*
Anyone else trying to use Pocketcloud on this ROM? I can't seem to connect anymore even on the same LAN?

jayhuffdaddy 04-26-2011 12:15 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*
I'm hoping we don't have to wait till June for the official release of GB.

OMJ 04-26-2011 12:19 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*
OMJ's EVO 2.3.3 GingerBread w/ Sense 2.1 v1.2!!!

(If you get garbage on the Download link, right click on the link, save as)


4/26 Updates Sense 2.1 v1.2

-Based on Amikams RC1 ReEngineered ROM
-Camcorder fixed
-VVM working (you should receive 2 texts after flashing, saying the VVM has been provisioned)
-GPS working (if you still get a reboot when using gps, try typing ##gpsclrx# in the dialer, then reboot)
-Possible improved battery life (from the removed debug from apks)

Not working


From Amikams thread:


RC1 Change Log:
-All apks rebuilt
-Took out the "debug" from approx 75% of the apks
-Fixed Calendar Widget to work in Landscape (including the 4x1 loading issue)
-Fixed Social Clock for landscape (100% as it should be)
-Took out DataTransfer apk (really... i dont think anyone needs to transfer data from a diff device to this rom)
-Camcorder fixed (thanks virus for the finding the needed files)
-On first boot u should get 2 text messages from Android saying your VVM is provisioned (changed a few smali/xml edits in settings to make that work)
-Changed drop down to semitrans white (so its more easy to see)
-EPST works 100% (minus the wimax options)
-Added voice lang files for GMaps
-Added back Stocks
Probably more... but im forgetting.

jryanvt 04-26-2011 12:27 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2091489)
OMJ's EVO 2.3.3 GingerBread w/ Sense 2.1 v1.2!!!

(If you get garbage on the Download link, right click on the link, save as)


4/26 Updates Sense 2.1 v1.2

-Based on Amikams RC1 ReEngineered ROM
-Camcorder fixed
-VVM working (you should receive 2 texts after flashing, saying the VVM has been provisioned)
-GPS working (if you still get a reboot when using gps, try typing ##gpsclrx# in the dialer, then reboot)
-Possible improved battery life (from the removed debug from apks)

Not working


From Amikams thread:

awesome. does anyone know if there's a way to add swype to this rom?

jayhuffdaddy 04-26-2011 12:33 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
Guess 4G doesn't work because of debug's taken out?

vMAC 04-26-2011 12:34 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by jryanvt (Post 2091495)
awesome. does anyone know if there's a way to add swype to this rom?

If you have the apk and Titanium Backup they have a feature that will add any apk to a ROM. You may want to try that.

On the first GB 5.0 that he posted it included Swype. So they took it out in this release?

jryanvt 04-26-2011 12:42 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by vMAC (Post 2091504)
If you have the apk and Titanium Backup they have a feature that will add any apk to a ROM. You may want to try that.

On the first GB 5.0 that he posted it included Swype. So they took it out in this release?

i think the sense 1.0 roms with gingerbread have swype, but the sense 2.1 roms do not.

OMJ 04-26-2011 12:43 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by jryanvt (Post 2091495)
awesome. does anyone know if there's a way to add swype to this rom?

I just read someone in amikams thread @ xda mention they were using it, so there has to be a way.....I'll look into it....


Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy (Post 2091500)
Guess 4G doesn't work because of debug's taken out?

no, it's because this ROM was ported from desire z port, and the desire hd port of GB Sense 2.1, I think they only used certain parts of the EVO GB dump to get most of the other features to work.....not to say they couldn't get 4g to work at some point.


Originally Posted by vMAC (Post 2091504)
If you have the apk and Titanium Backup they have a feature that will add any apk to a ROM. You may want to try that.

On the first GB 5.0 that he posted it included Swype. So they took it out in this release?

being this is a ported ROM, it never had swype, but here is the apk from the EVO GB ROM....

jryanvt 04-26-2011 12:48 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2091510)
being this is a ported ROM, it never had swype, but here is the apk from the EVO GB ROM....

awesome x2, thanks omj. i'll mess around with the sense 2.1 rom when i get home tonight.

OMJ 04-26-2011 12:50 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by jryanvt (Post 2091514)
awesome x2, thanks omj. i'll mess around with the sense 2.1 rom when i get home tonight.

sounds good, if you can't get it to work, let me know & I'll see if a specific version needs to be used.

OMJ 04-26-2011 02:19 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
1 Attachment(s)
for the Sense 2.1 ROM.....I was never that fond of the battery included, so I changed the icons to the stock battery w/ %.

kkryter 04-26-2011 02:54 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
Quick question : is this ROM compatible with the large collection of Sense 2.0 themes that are available? An example would be those found at the following location :

[SKIN][Tutorial][08.03.2011] Skins for HTC Sense 2.0 roms & Framework mods. - xda-developers

Thanks in advance for the advice, and thanks as always for all of the work you put into this kind of thing for the community.

cyespocket 04-26-2011 03:15 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
im glad to see an update..2.1 sense is just way too awesome not to be on our evo's..thanks OMJ..

BrandonEnr7 04-26-2011 03:30 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2091551)
for the Sense 2.1 ROM.....I was never that fond of the battery included, so I changed the icons to the stock battery w/ %.

Oh thank you so much, it also was never fond of it.

OMJ 04-26-2011 03:51 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by kkryter (Post 2091562)
Quick question : is this ROM compatible with the large collection of Sense 2.0 themes that are available? An example would be those found at the following location :

[SKIN][Tutorial][08.03.2011] Skins for HTC Sense 2.0 roms & Framework mods. - xda-developers

Thanks in advance for the advice, and thanks as always for all of the work you put into this kind of thing for the community.

I don't think so...

BrandonEnr7 04-26-2011 04:10 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
I think I found a bug with the video camcorder. It does not affect the photo camera though.

What happens when your record a video in portrait mode (phone held straight up) is that is rotates the video during playback. When recording the screen shows it to be recording it the proper rotation, however when you play the video back, anything that was recorded in portrait mode, will automatically be converted to landscape mode (phone held sideways) and stretched.

I think it is recording it in-properly though cause even viewing the video in the Gallery shows it that way.

I haven't tried any of the other codecs or resolutions but is anyone else having this issue? Hopefully I made sense in explanation.

This is with the Sense 2.1 ROM.

xgrzesiux 04-26-2011 04:11 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
So the only thing is not working is the 4g ? .. if that is try do you know how long it will take to get the 4g working ? if its even possible.

jstn76rs 04-26-2011 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by xgrzesiux (Post 2091593)
So the only thing is not working is the 4g ? .. if that is try do you know how long it will take to get the 4g working ? if its even possible.

Most likely not till an official gb leak comes out...

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

js11222 04-26-2011 05:38 PM

Is the brightness fixed in this build?

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

b4u2 04-26-2011 07:18 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
I noticed the speech to text does not work. Any fix for this?

b4u2 04-26-2011 07:20 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by js11222 (Post 2091636)
Is the brightness fixed in this build?

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

I use app from market called brightness level to control the screen. It works great.

neudof 04-26-2011 08:46 PM

The reason for the brightness issue is that the kernel is not complete in the leak

akytro 04-26-2011 09:30 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
Just flashed it today for some reason I'm unable to send MMS messages. Anyone else having this issue or is there a fix for it?


iknowsquat 04-26-2011 09:41 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by xgrzesiux (Post 2091593)
So the only thing is not working is the 4g ? .. if that is try do you know how long it will take to get the 4g working ? if its even possible.


Originally Posted by jstn76rs (Post 2091629)
Most likely not till an official gb leak comes out...

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

And not even then.
GB isn't the culprit. 4G works on the GB leak/OMJ's 2.3.3 v5.0.

4G isnt working on OMJ's 2.3.3 w/ Sense 2.1 because its a port from the HTC Desire (like OMJ has said).

It will be near impossible to get 4G working on any port (I said NEAR ;) ) of a device like the Desire (Z or HD) which is GSM. Even a TBolt port wouldnt work because while it is CDMA VZW uses LTE and Sprint uses wimax.
If you want 4G, stick with Evo based ROMs
Cyanogen got 4G working but that is still Evo based, just AOSP.

As always I throw out my favorite saying-never say never. Some dev brainiac may come along and get it working but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Hope that helps.

akytro 04-26-2011 09:47 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
Also another quick question. How do you update your PRL & Profile with the new GB UI?

jryanvt 04-26-2011 10:12 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2091516)
sounds good, if you can't get it to work, let me know & I'll see if a specific version needs to be used.

i'm not feeling very smart because i can't get the swype apk to work. has anyone had any luck installing it?

iknowsquat 04-26-2011 10:28 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by akytro (Post 2091734)
Also another quick question. How do you update your PRL & Profile with the new GB UI?

Another port issue. You must be on the ROM with Sense 2.1 based on the Desire. For that ROM you need to flash back to an Evo based ROM and do your updates then jump back to the port ROM.


Originally Posted by jryanvt (Post 2091745)
i'm not feeling very smart because i can't get the swype apk to work. has anyone had any luck installing it?

Both of OMJ's GB ROMs are odexed. If you are trying to install a deodexed version of Swype that could be your issue.
If you can track down an odexed version you may have better luck.
This was the issue with Footprints on a different ROM that I helped someone with so just a guess here.

akytro 04-26-2011 10:58 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by iknowsquat (Post 2091751)
Another port issue. You must be on the ROM with Sense 2.1 based on the Desire. For that ROM you need to flash back to an Evo based ROM and do your updates then jump back to the port ROM.

I did flash the port rom with the Sense 2.1 also I'm not able to send MMS.

akytro 04-26-2011 11:29 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by akytro (Post 2091765)
I did flash the port rom with the Sense 2.1 also I'm not able to send MMS.

Just reflashed and MMS is working now... Still don't know where to update my profile/prl but that's ok since my MMS is working lol!

Thanks OMJ!!!

iknowsquat 04-27-2011 12:01 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/20/11*

Originally Posted by akytro (Post 2091777)
Just reflashed and MMS is working now... Still don't know where to update my profile/prl but that's ok since my MMS is working lol!

Thanks OMJ!!!

Ummm you quoted my answer to that question 2 posts ago :scratch:
And as you know now, MMS works fine :)

jayhuffdaddy 04-27-2011 12:20 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
Very tempted to flash this new rom.

jayhuffdaddy 04-27-2011 01:44 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*
Flashed, and I must say I like. Can't wait till everything is finalized such as 4G and brightness. I did notice one thing so far. When you go into camera and want to check pictures you have taken, the thumbnails don't come up and you actually have to scroll through the pictures. Anyone else notice this?

Curb71 04-27-2011 02:57 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROM v5.0 | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 4/26/11*

Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy (Post 2091832)
Flashed, and I must say I like. Can't wait till everything is finalized such as 4G and brightness. I did notice one thing so far. When you go into camera and want to check pictures you have taken, the thumbnails don't come up and you actually have to scroll through the pictures. Anyone else notice this?

you see post #148? seems like a good temp fix for now.

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