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  #401 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 01:38 AM
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Re: [3-31-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [rc7][STABLE-ISM]

Originally Posted by Omegakai View Post
Just curious but has any one tried any other kernal with this rom at all? cause my battery life has drop coming from another rom but i just wipe cache and dalv so going to give it another couple of days of testing to let battery configure back to its normal life span and also should i try wiping the battery stats at all cause i also have a black market extended battery life from ebay
Originally Posted by BlackDynamite View Post
Same here. I started out this morning with a fully charged battery. I had it plugged into my USB port for a good portion of the day, and my battery still died. I swapped it out with another fully charged battery, had it plugged into my USB port for a while, and I am now down to 20% on that battery.

I literally wiped everything when I installed this ROM, so maybe the battery stats need a day or so to reset.
I personally use tiamat's kernels. It can be found on the XDA site: [Kernel][AOSP] Tiamat 3.3.4 | | 3/31/11 - xda-developers

It is a SBC kernel so it does trickle charging. On medium usage, the normal battery can last at least a full day. On light I've made it last 2 days. Currently I am using an extended battery and I works great as well. It took almost 2 hrs for it to drop from 100% to 99%. It is at 58% now but that was due to me playing games on it for like hours. I suggest giving tiamat's kernel a try. It as been nothing short of awesome for me.

Aside from a very stable undervolt, it also overclocks very well for me, up to 1.22mhz.
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  #402 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 02:14 AM
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Re: [3-31-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [rc7][STABLE-ISM]

Originally Posted by thaisport_sf View Post
I personally use tiamat's kernels. It can be found on the XDA site: [Kernel][AOSP] Tiamat 3.3.4 | | 3/31/11 - xda-developers

It is a SBC kernel so it does trickle charging. On medium usage, the normal battery can last at least a full day. On light I've made it last 2 days. Currently I am using an extended battery and I works great as well. It took almost 2 hrs for it to drop from 100% to 99%. It is at 58% now but that was due to me playing games on it for like hours. I suggest giving tiamat's kernel a try. It as been nothing short of awesome for me.

Aside from a very stable undervolt, it also overclocks very well for me, up to 1.22mhz.
Im new to this whole rom and kernals thing but what do you mean by "it does trickle charging"?
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  #403 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 04:36 AM
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Re: [3-31-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [rc7][STABLE-ISM]

i did nothing with battery stats or anything but just flashed this ROM like any other. I actually was getting like 8 hours of usage time with a full charge with, I would say, moderate/heavy use. I had Advanced Task Killer and officially uninstalled it today to see how my battery would be changed (I was researching the pros/cons of having a task killer).

The battery lasted me all day for me. Got a 14 hour use out of it and had 10% left. I used pandora for driving, played stupid zombies (uninstalled it as well because it just kept running in the background for some reason), installed a new theme from my xda-developers, surfed with the skyfire browser for a little bit, and all did all the normal stuff (messaging, facebook, tweetdeck).
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  #404 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 05:03 AM
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Re: [3-31-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [rc7][STABLE-ISM]

ok rc7's battery life was unacceptable. and i think i know what the cause was. just got done cooking up rc8, so i am gonna run it for a day to make sure. will release after i test for a day or 2 and make sure everything has been worked out. also i will take flash out of the gapps cause i think that is what has been causing the problems for people. lot of other updates as well. lockscreen now defaults to sliding tabs. few others i will post when i release.

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  #405 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 07:05 AM
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Re: [3-31-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [rc7][STABLE-ISM]

Originally Posted by deck View Post
ok rc7's battery life was unacceptable. and i think i know what the cause was. just got done cooking up rc8, so i am gonna run it for a day to make sure. will release after i test for a day or 2 and make sure everything has been worked out. also i will take flash out of the gapps cause i think that is what has been causing the problems for people. lot of other updates as well. lockscreen now defaults to sliding tabs. few others i will post when i release.

Cool, I was getting terrible battery life with RC7 and was about to jump ship : (
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  #406 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 09:50 AM
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Re: [3-31-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [rc7][STABLE-ISM]

Originally Posted by deck View Post
ok rc7's battery life was unacceptable. and i think i know what the cause was. just got done cooking up rc8, so i am gonna run it for a day to make sure. will release after i test for a day or 2 and make sure everything has been worked out. also i will take flash out of the gapps cause i think that is what has been causing the problems for people. lot of other updates as well. lockscreen now defaults to sliding tabs. few others i will post when i release.

Ive been using tiamat 3.3.4 kernel and have been getting real good battery life with GREAT 4g speeds (i live in the chicagoland area and got speeds over 6+Mbps) but im looking forward to rc8 if we get better battery life
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  #407 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 09:59 AM
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Re: [3-31-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [rc7][STABLE-ISM]

My 4g connection drops in and out back and forth with 3g. The odd thing is, when the 4g is connected its got a good connection, so why in the world does it keep droppin?

I have installed the latest radios using the link on the front page. The comment at the top of that page says, "If you have 4G connection issues, be sure to update Profile after updating by going into Settings\System Updates"

Why cant I find that section in my settings? Anyone know how I can update my sprint profile? Thanks!!
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  #408 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 12:52 PM
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Re: [3-31-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [rc7][STABLE-ISM]

Not sure if this is a bug or a "feature" of gingeredbread, but I noticed something that is kind of annoying...

I get some pretty huge SMS threads going. Sometimes I will read through the SMS thread, and lock certain texts as I go. When I get done reading the thread, I will delete it, and it leaves the locked messages. That way I can keep the important info until I am ready to delete it.

I noticed with this ROM, when I lock a text message, it immediately jumps all the way back down to the bottom of the thread. It would be much better if you could lock a text message without it automatically scrolling all the way back down to the bottom of the thread.
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  #409 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 01:54 PM
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Re: [3-25-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [rc6][REAL STABLE]

Originally Posted by deck View Post

What are you using to watch them?

well i used the native player to try amd watch the 720p videos.. but they. Are slow thats yhe only problem.. ive also tries vplayer and yxplayer and still slow.. for me thats the only prob and the 4g recconection issue.. but thats it..
Currently running *S3 ROM WM6.5 21892 HTC SENSE 2.5!!
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  #410 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 02:14 PM
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Re: [3-31-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [rc7][STABLE-ISM]

Originally Posted by iEatHoney View Post
Im new to this whole rom and kernals thing but what do you mean by "it does trickle charging"?
Trickle charging - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's simply how the phone charges. Normally when a battery reaches 100% charge, it will stop charging and start using the battery until a big enough drop in voltage occurs for it to charge again. SBC kernels on the other hand, keeps the phone charging but what it does is that it will match the amount of power the phone expends with the respective amount of charge.

So at night, when your phone is not being used for anything, it uses 8mA every minute. SBC kernel will charge back those 8mA. Think of it as tug-o-war. At max charge, both sides are pulling equally and thus remains at a constant (in this case actual 100% battery charge).

Normal kernel would wait until the phone used a bit of energy, say 3-5% before it charges again. So in tug-o-war terms, they would gain their 3-5% drain and then you pull it right back up; like a swing going back and forth.

I've seen arguments against using SBC & some claiming it caused a their phone to catch fire, but, I think they must have been doing other things with their phones because all phone batteries have a fail-safe chip to prevent from extreme overcharging OR they were using cheap generic batteries which may not have proper fail-safe circuits installed. Only pics I saw of "melted batteries" have been nothing but cheap generic batteries.

My battery temps at max charge and constant 8mA charging is consistent at 75.5*F and only fluctuates between 75.2*F and 75.7*F. Now I have only reached 100-101* when I overclock at 1.22mhz on performance mode with no throttle down set (meaning I runs at 1.22mhz 100% of the time even in sleep mode). 101* is still well within the safe guidelines.

Hope that helps!
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