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  #2261 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2011, 08:53 PM
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Re: [6-16-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [1.0][2.3.3 Stable][1.2z][2.3.4 Pre-Stable]

Originally Posted by steelfatboy1 View Post
For those having problems with battery life, check out this on XDA:

[FIX] Wake Issue (Android OS) - Combination of Radio/PRI/NV/Wimax/GPS !Solved! - xda-developers
I am utterly amazed! I upgraded to 1.2 this morning and did this fix mentioned above for the radio. I'll be honest, I was ready to scrap the ROM and try something else after losing bluetooth connection 4 times during the prior day.

I didn't do a complete wipe. I've actually got my phone the way I like it and didn't have time to set it up all over before work this morning. So I took a gamble and cleared the cache, did the radio fix shown above using the CyanogenN39 and the NV 1.77 fix. Then I flashed the new ROM.

After 1 full day of using my phone, I've seen the following:

* Not one dropped bluetooth connection
* 14 hours of battery life with my BT turned on all day long. I've never gone more than 11 hours without having to change or charge the battery. I still had 38% life left after 12 hours. It's usually down to 10% by that time.
* Quick responsive device with no hang ups at all. This includes not having to swipe twice or more to change screens after turning on the device.
* It's always turned on normally without having a dark screen

I've had trouble with the radio in the past and so far this is working great! I use my phone for business, so it must be reliable or I can't function. It's the best combination fix I've ever seen and I'm so happy right now.

John Becker -- Beck PC -- http://beck-pc.com

EVO 4G ... after 8 years of Windows Mobile devices, I've given up on WM toys and switched to Android. This is the way mobile should have been!
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  #2262 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2011, 10:28 AM
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Re: [6-21-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [1.2][2.3.4 Stable]

I upgraded to Stable and everything seems in line, but haven't had a chance to put it through it's paces
The one thing I am running into and it's taking me longer than normal to setup is Titanium Backup. It's FC'ing when I am using Batch. I know Titanium was giving some issues in the past and I can't remember the specifics + haven't had the time to search. I am at work installing one app at a time w/TB... what a kick in the butt. Never had this issue or many for that matter. If anyone else is running into that problem let me know. Thanks.

Update: Did a quick search and found nothing correlating. Let me know, thanks.

Last edited by forty01; 06-23-2011 at 10:48 AM.
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  #2263 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2011, 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted by ItsDon View Post
There are two, one in the Theme Changer and one in the Market. I am running the Market version, looks great!
Its not available under Theme Changer anymore

Sent from my Evo 4G running Deck's Gingerbread 2.3.4 v1.2
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  #2264 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2011, 11:25 AM
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Re: [6-16-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [1.0][2.3.3 Stable][1.2z][2.3.4 Pre-Stable]

Originally Posted by JohnBecker View Post
I am utterly amazed! I upgraded to 1.2 this morning and did this fix mentioned above for the radio. I'll be honest, I was ready to scrap the ROM and try something else after losing bluetooth connection 4 times during the prior day.

I didn't do a complete wipe. I've actually got my phone the way I like it and didn't have time to set it up all over before work this morning. So I took a gamble and cleared the cache, did the radio fix shown above using the CyanogenN39 and the NV 1.77 fix. Then I flashed the new ROM.

After 1 full day of using my phone, I've seen the following:

* Not one dropped bluetooth connection
* 14 hours of battery life with my BT turned on all day long. I've never gone more than 11 hours without having to change or charge the battery. I still had 38% life left after 12 hours. It's usually down to 10% by that time.
* Quick responsive device with no hang ups at all. This includes not having to swipe twice or more to change screens after turning on the device.
* It's always turned on normally without having a dark screen

I've had trouble with the radio in the past and so far this is working great! I use my phone for business, so it must be reliable or I can't function. It's the best combination fix I've ever seen and I'm so happy right now.

I also just flashed without a full wipe and performed the radio and gps fix as well with no problems so far. I was just wondering what kernel you were using. Are you using stock kernel or Tiamat or Savaged Zen?? Thanks!
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  #2265 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2011, 11:28 AM
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Re: [6-21-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [1.2][2.3.4 Stable]

download link doesn't work
$20 // Sprint Free&Clear 3000mins / Unlimited Data
Telus Radio 1.04.05V
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  #2266 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2011, 12:40 PM
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Re: [6-21-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [1.2][2.3.4 Stable]

I'm loving this rom, very fast. haven't done a full battery drain so im not sure on battery lify, but I was getting 14-16 hours on the 1.2Y build, so im hoping this is a little better.

one question i've been having since going on this rom (coming form OMJ's sense builds) is there an easy way to sync a contacts facebook picture to their contact by default? (facebook for sense did this easily... but it seems like for some folks I still have to manually edit their picture) I mainly want to see their picture in texts...

Also, i've been using my backup root.. but even after backing up apps and data, I still need t reinstall programs after a flash (handcent and swype are 2 that come to mind) anyone else have this problem? should I switch to titanium to solve this? (I really liked my backs simplicity... but if thats at the cost of useability I don't mind making a switch)

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  #2267 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2011, 01:25 PM
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Re: [6-21-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [1.2][2.3.4 Stable]

Originally Posted by drnick5 View Post
I'm loving this rom, very fast. haven't done a full battery drain so im not sure on battery lify, but I was getting 14-16 hours on the 1.2Y build, so im hoping this is a little better.

one question i've been having since going on this rom (coming form OMJ's sense builds) is there an easy way to sync a contacts facebook picture to their contact by default? (facebook for sense did this easily... but it seems like for some folks I still have to manually edit their picture) I mainly want to see their picture in texts...

Also, i've been using my backup root.. but even after backing up apps and data, I still need t reinstall programs after a flash (handcent and swype are 2 that come to mind) anyone else have this problem? should I switch to titanium to solve this? (I really liked my backs simplicity... but if thats at the cost of useability I don't mind making a switch)

Just open your fb app and logout then log back in and it gives you the option to sync your fb contacts with your phone contacts. You can also do this by going into your fb app and clicking menu-settings/options and scrolling down to sync contacts but i haven't had any luck with their pics showing up doing it this way. I logout and then log back in and works everytime! Good luck!!
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  #2268 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2011, 02:34 PM
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Re: [6-21-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [1.2][2.3.4 Stable]

Thanks for the tip, that worked great.

on a side note, im at 59% batt life with 4 hours 50 minutes unpluged
useage is:
cell standby: 39%
phone idle 31%
display 15% (I have auto brightness checked)
wifi 13%
dolphin browser mini 3%

any ideas... this seems to be draining faster then the 1.2Y rom I was on earlier...

Last edited by drnick5; 06-23-2011 at 02:53 PM.
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  #2269 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2011, 07:59 AM
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Re: [6-21-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [1.2][2.3.4 Stable]

Little help anyone? Flashed 2.0 stable with Tiamat 3.3.7 that has been awesome on battery life since my first Deck Rom, but now after latest flash, PNC Mobile and Xfinity App do nothing but force close? I tried moving them from SDcard to Main Memory but got the same results. So far these are the only two issues I'm seeing. Any one have any ideas??
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  #2270 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2011, 09:14 AM
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Re: [6-21-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [1.2][2.3.4 Stable]


whe I posted yesterday my bat usage was:
cell standby: 39%
phone idle 31%
display 15% (I have auto brightness checked)
wifi 13%
dolphin browser mini 3%

however befroe my phone died I looked at batt usage.. and android system had appeared using 23%.... seems odd how it wasn't listed for several hours then all of a sudden it showed up. I did install the radio package on XDA and the GPS fix.
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