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Old 12-21-2010, 11:27 PM
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[ROM] - [02/06/2011] - MikFroYo v4.5 - ReEngineered Sense - Still Fast.

OK... so after a lot of work it is finally done and hopefully u guys wont find any bugs cuz this time there should be no bugs.

Since there has been so much changed from my last versions i decided to make a new thread for this one.

Thanks goes out to all the devs for any android device out there.
Special thanks to Stalebread (custom animations), Calkulin (usb tether hack/MMS fix), Burst (apktool), Konikub (detox theme), Kingclick (Kernel), Jesusfreke (smali/baksmali), dsixda (Kitchen), JsChiSurf (Power control widgets mod), Myn (Rosie Setting app and more), XxXViRuSXxX (for a lot of things from his z port), ericwgarza1 (for his work on mods for this these roms), beatblaster (for his TBA Blue theme for this rom), chingy51o (for lots of help with the flat black theme), all the beta testers (wmdunn, tonwarr.the.incredible, protoadies, and more), and many many more that i probably left out cuz i forgot (there are really too many)

Special thanks to wrx4me for his great work on the BootAnimation.

Has made a quick video review of v4.4 of the ROM.
Check it out HERE
(Thanks to djR3Z for making the video review)

Has made a quick how-to and a review of v4.4.
Check it out HERE.
(Thanks Zedomax for making the video review, he also give u guys some tips on how to get out of a contract and some money making ideas... for those who wish to do so anyways)

All the packages have been zipaligned and all images/apks have been optimized using PNGOUT and Optipng for maximum optimizations.

This ROM is a completely rebuilt HTC Sense ROM with approx 99% of the packages completely optimized and recompiled by me to give u all the fastest HTC Sense ROM you ever saw, GUARANTEED.

What was done here is a combination of tweaks i've learned over time from other dev's and some of my own... all of that combined with highly optimized packages which makes this ROM system files size as minimized as it can be which results in faster loading times to improve speed and less RAM consumption to improve batt life.

I would like to add that as far as i can see EVERYTHING IS WORKING on this rom.

Change Log
February 6th:

* v4.5
* All the extras from previous versions.
* All apks in the ROM were rebuilt. (yes, again... this time using apktool 1.3.2 while taking care of that ver. bugs).
* Optimized HTC_IME long click and more (faster now).
* Added throttle tweak (Thanks ihtfp69)
* GMaps in data/apps now.
* JsChiSurf Vanila Lockscreen (remove HtcLockScreen.apk do switch to it)
* Took out SpareParts (no real use for it cuz i preset animations speeds anyways from the sys).
* Decompressed all resources.arsc in the apks.
* Dalvik to Cache by default (using a2sd method).
* Zipalign on Boot.
* SDCard Speed Tweak (using a script instead of the kernel so that u guys that know how will have an easier time changing it to higher.
* Redeodexed the whole Framework and ported tweaks.
* Fixed the bug where while incall the phone button takes u to the dialer instead of the incall screen.
* Changed the boot animation a little bit.
* Added some audio codecs from ava's rom.
* Rosie is now indep. of the htc resources (more for the themers, but no need to change images in the htc reousrces anymore).
* Optimized pngs inside the apks.
* Took out libnativetask.so so that it wont conflict with wired tether app from the market.
* Added a 4G tweak that should help u guys stay on longer.
* Heap size set to 36mb (a nice number between 24 and 4.
* All Apps Updated to current versions.
* Updated FlashPlayer with working Hulu.
* Brushed some graphics.
* Probably A LOT MORE things im forgetting.

Please note that if u want an app from the Removed_Apps folder u MUST push into the system/app/ folder

January 15th:

* v4.4
* All the extras from previous versions.
* All apks in the ROM were rebuilt. (yes, again... but a little diff this time around)
* Fully themed menu icons.
* Switching to 1 version that support Apps2SD instead of 2 version. (its worth it)
* Still using Stock kernel. (this will never change btw)
* Opt GMaps and Voice search.
* Changed a few taskbar icons.
* Added Bookmarks to browser to make i easier on u guys to find mods/themes for this rom.
* Fixed HotSpot to always work. (it was missing a lib file)
* Updated and skinned new Market. (2.2.11)
* Updated FlashPlayer with working Hulu.
* Brushed some graphics.
* Probably more things im forgetting.

Please note that if u want an app from the Removed_Apps folder u MUST push into the system/app/ folder

January 8th:

* v4.3
* Fastest release to date (my opinion at least)
* All the extras from previous versions.
* All apks in the ROM were rebuilt (yes even some of those that r on the sdcard).
* Fully themed (almost no trace of anything stock rom like was left on the ROM, if u find anything like that let me know ill get rid of it).
* 2 Versions, Apps2SD and , no Apps2SD.
* Still using Stock kernel (to insure no has issues and giving u and option to pick for yourselves).
* Ported JsChiSurf new powerwidgets bar that includes his app
* Ported Myn's Rosie and Rosie Settings app and made it work only for the Right button (by default u have Apps|Phone|Browser).
* Tweaked animations a little more for ALL htc packages (not just the frameworks).
* Updated ESFileExplorer.
* Updated AdFree app.
* Goolge navigator bug should be gone (at least the couple of times i chcked it worked perfect).
* Deflated resources.arsc in all apks.
* Removed the album art from Htc Lockscreen music player and made the background transparent.
* Bigger date text size on Htc LockScreen bar.
* Black Semi transparent MikMarket app (Thanks virus for the original transparent version).
* Black Gmail app (Thanks virus)
* ALL highlights are green in all apps except GMaps.
* New Htc Flipclock skin (original/nonflip/black will be posted later on)
* New Dialer Skin (Thanks Virus)
* All ringtones/wallpapers are on the SdCard (note that ringtones will still show in settings even though they r on the sd)
* Soo much more but this is getting too long, so if i forgot something ill add later.

December 30th:

Version 4.2 should be looked at more as a base rom and not as my ROM

* Two version are up, apps2sd and non apps2sd
* Minimized my cleanup of the ROM to make sure everyone is covered (this will not happen in future versions cuz from now on im doing it all my way)
* Compressed all apks that could be (Thanks calk's ROM for setting an example)
* Took out Spanish Localization files from within the apks (Spanish is still supported, just not the UI itself)
* Removed useless images and xml entries/files from all apks (99% of all apks including gapps)
* Added back all of HTC's wallpapers and ringtones that the stock rom had.
* Hulu works out the box
* Slowed down animations a little bit to look more smooth
* Added a few codecs support (Thanks avaROM)

+ Working Hulu app

- Cache cleaner app
- Logging apps and more (since no issues with it in beta 1 or 2... i hope it will still be ok)

* More will be added later if i forgot something

December 24th:

* Faster than ever
* Everything from v4.0
* Spanish still included (will be taken out from future versions, i needed a base for all first)
* All bugs should be fixed
* Changed a few taskbar icons (mostly back to stock instead of the smooth mods ones)
* Added back Hepatic feedback to dialer
* Cleaned up a lot more
* Using Stock HTC #15 Kernel (U guys can pick what works best for u)

+ Apps2sd
+ Working Hulu
+ AdFree app (so u guys can block ads if u'd like)
+ EsFileExplorer

- Calk voltage tweak (to make sure no one have issues with low voltages)
- Ringtones and Notification sounds (clean them up... u guys can find a lot more on the market)
- Htc Wallpapers (left in 4 of them... most of them suck anyways. again u can find a lot more on the market)
- Ad Blocking hosts file (use adblocker app instead)
- Dalvik2Cache (apps2sd caused issues with it)
- SetCPU profiles (u guys can find what u like)
- Semitransparent app drawer (faster without)
- Abode reder (on sdcard)

* More will be added later if i forgot something

December 21st:

* Based on the 3.70 OTA
* Deodexed rooted rom
* HTC Kernel #15 (From OTA 3.70)
* Sprint Hotspot/USB tether hack (my port based on vaelek port to claks work)
* All apps are up to date
* 4-in-1 Reboot menu (my port)
* Zipalign on boot
* Dalvik to Cache on boot
* Calk's voltage tweaks settings
* Custom animation by me (lots more to come)
* JsChiSurf power widgets
* Smooth-Mods 1.0.4 for the batt percent etc. (thanks faster3200 and Jercik)
* DSP Manager
* Browser now have 16 tabs instead of the usual 4 (thanks to someone... forgot the name)

+ Updated Apps
+ SpareParts
+ BusyBox
+ SetCPU profiles (thanks calk)
+ Semitransparent app drawer
+ Trans notification drop menu
+ Animated flip clock

- USB Debug notification icon
- Adb debugging notification sound
- Dialer buttons vibration (thanks calk)
- Useless languages
- Useless Low Res images from packages.
- Sprint Bloatware (Moved to SD Card)

* More will be added later...

Please note that a full wipe is probably needed and is always recommended to ensure no issues.

I would love to get feedback from u guys to make sure there are no bugs what so ever on this ROM... there is always a chance i missed something and there is always room for improvements.

Thanks... and have fun.

Make sure u have all the latest radio/nv/wimax/pri versions: (thanks calk) (make sure u actually read also before flashing anything)

All EVO Radio, WiMAX, PRI, NV & HBoot versions

To get the Apps2SD working as it should: (many thanks to mitchellvii for finding that info for all of us)

Follow the guide HERE.

Bugs and Fixes: (starting v4.3 these fixes are no longer needed)

Rosie pinch to zoom fix (Not needed for version 4.1)

BT issues fix (Not needed for version 4.1)

MikFroYo-v4.2-Big-Fonts-Fix-signed.zip Updated 1/3/2010 (Must flash this for v4.2, and dont say i didn't see it)

teeter fix (only v4.2)


If you like my work feel free to buy me some pencils

Last edited by amikam; 02-28-2011 at 10:51 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2010, 11:27 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/21/2010] - MikFroYo v4.0 - ReEngineered Logic Edit - So Fast You'll F

Remove HotSpot/USB Tether Hack: (flash only if u paying sprint for tethering.. otherwise, no real reason to flash it)

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2010, 11:28 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/21/2010] - MikFroYo v4.0 - ReEngineered Logic Edit - So Fast You'll F

one more.....
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Old 12-22-2010, 01:08 AM
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Awsome cant wait to dl it

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Sprint Overdrive Pro 4G
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2010, 03:57 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/21/2010] - MikFroYo v4.0 - ReEngineered Logic Edit - So Fast You'll F

ok... rosie had a bug... im attaching the fix for it.

for now everyone will need to flash it... but in less than a day that issue will be fixed by default.
Attached Files
File Type: zip MikFroYo-v4.0-Rosie-Fix-signed.zip (999.3 KB, 61 views) Click for barcode!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2010, 04:34 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/21/2010] - MikFroYo v4.0 - ReEngineered Logic Edit - So Fast You'll F

Right on, Im gonna give it a go. Im boucing around mikfroyo v3, myns, sprint lovers and omjs roms.

The stock kernel is in this rom, is there any other kernel(s) you recommend? I was looking at the trickle charge kernels. Ill try them for myself anyway, I was just wondering.

Thanks for the rom.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2010, 05:33 AM
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Originally Posted by dowhatitdodo View Post
Right on, Im gonna give it a go. Im boucing around mikfroyo v3, myns, sprint lovers and omjs roms.

The stock kernel is in this rom, is there any other kernel(s) you recommend? I was looking at the trickle charge kernels. Ill try them for myself anyway, I was just wondering.

Thanks for the rom.
Can't recommend any kernel yet.. I've been working hard on this Rom and the more that will follow... so didn't fully test any kernel in the last week... and probably won't get to really testing one for at least a week from now.

I will say though that anything netarchy dont like my phone... don't know why... just doesn't.

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Old 12-22-2010, 05:43 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/21/2010] - MikFroYo v4.0 - ReEngineered Logic Edit - So Fast You'll F

Originally Posted by amikam View Post
Can't recommend any kernel yet.. I've been working hard on this Rom and the more that will follow... so didn't fully test any kernel in the last week... and probably won't get to really testing one for at least a week from now.

I will say though that anything netarchy dont like my phone... don't know why... just doesn't.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Thanks, I just read the xda thread and seen your answer there also. Someone at xda is using sbc nonhavs and they say it works great. Netarchy doesnt like my phone either. Ill test the kernels myself...bout to flash! Thanks again for the quick response.
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Old 12-22-2010, 08:54 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/21/2010] - MikFroYo v4.0 - ReEngineered Logic Edit - So Fast You'll F

Happy Xmas and Holidays AmiKam,
Congratulation for MikFroyo V4.0
A lot of Work from What I had read.
Do you have any screen shots???
I will enjoy Android now on January,
so hope to test your ROM soon.
Actual: Moto DroidX, rooted.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2010, 08:31 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/21/2010] - MikFroYo v4.0 - ReEngineered Logic Edit - So Fast You'll F

I would personally like to thank you for a wonderful rom. Im using your sense version of the reengineered rom, and its amazingly fast, saves a ton of battery life, and i mean a TON, i get an extra day out of my phone finally, and im a text/data hog so im usually using my phone on a constant basis, although there are a few things wrong with it, but its an overall great rom. Going to try this one as well, so far im liking the fact all the programs/services use nearly 10% of the system ram they used on myns warm 2.2 More roms need this kind of optimization. Its a breakthrough step into optimizing overall system performance, speed and battery usage. BRILLIANT!!
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