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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 10:12 PM
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[ROM] - [12/18/2010] - ReEngineered 3.70.651.1 - A Faster HTC Sense ROM

Ok guys... i was working on making my new rom version and i thought of an idea to optimize my rom as much as i can.
The whole process took me about two days to complete since i rebuilt approx 120-130 apk's and made approx 5,000 xml edits.

This ROM is basically my personal built of an HTC sense ROM and will be the new base for my ROM that will come out sometime later on this week.

Im sharing it cuz i think it is a big improvement to the overall system. And i thought i'll share my work with everyone.

First i would like to state that EVERYTHING IS WORKING on this ROM. So unless its a bug i didn't notice... it's all good.

Now... what was done here was basically rebuilding all of the ROM's apks and frameworks to remove all of the useless extra languages that were inside.

This resulted in much smaller apk sizes and resources.arsc files inside the apk's (up to 10 times smaller).
As a result of having smaller apk's loading times are faster and the ROM size is smaller.
All that is followed by the system consuming less RAM and that can easily be translated into better battery life.

Also, i changed all of the drawing methods from "fill_parent" to "match_parent" because i saw on the android dev website that using the "fill_parent" method should not be used starting android 2.2 (feel free to checkout the android dev website to see more details).

All of these changes should result in the fastest HTC Sense ROM thats is out now.

Keep in mind that its a Stock ROM so i only made a few tiny changes to it besides the fact the 95% of the apk's and framework are rebuild by me.

So, with that said... no screenshots are needed and understand that this ROM is meant to be used as a base for other roms if anyone would like to use it or as a daily driver for those who like stock ROMs.

As a side note... please understand that if u flash any themes over this rom it will take away the optimization i made from the specific app that was themed cuz all the themes that r out right now still have all of the localization files in their apk's which will make my optimization of that app useless.

Also note that this rom is probably not going to be maintained cuz it is meant to be used as a base for all who wants to use it and i already have my own rom to work on.
This should also explain why all of the stock ROM apps r still on it.

This is what inside:
Stock HTC Kernel (the one from OTA 3.70)
All of the stock ROM apps
Updated Apps
Updated Market (2.2.7)
4-in-1 Reboot Mod (my port)
USB/HotSpot Hack (my port based on vaelek port to calk's work) thats what i call team work, kinda.
Dalvik to Cache and Zipalign on boot

If you like my work feel free to buy me some pencils

Last edited by amikam; 12-18-2010 at 10:15 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 11:14 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/18/2010] - ReEngineered 3.70.651.1 - A Faster HTC Sense ROM

downloading rite now.. see whats up later on..

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 12:56 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/18/2010] - ReEngineered 3.70.651.1 - A Faster HTC Sense ROM

the clock is showing a different time, anyone else with this?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 01:26 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/18/2010] - ReEngineered 3.70.651.1 - A Faster HTC Sense ROM

Originally Posted by mrimage View Post
the clock is showing a different time, anyone else with this?
did u wipe before flashing?

since i rebuilt almost all the packages it could be that i missed an issue with the time zones... but i dont think so cuz its working for me and everyone else that d/l this rom.

if u didnt fully wipe... try to fully wipe.
if u did fully wipe... try restarting the phone and see what happens.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 03:11 AM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/18/2010] - ReEngineered 3.70.651.1 - A Faster HTC Sense ROM

i installed thru recovery and wiped cache and dv 2x.... and still the rom that was previously is still there except with the upgraded 3.70, i'm a bit confused would this mess the optimization u did, so far looks good thank you
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 12:21 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/18/2010] - ReEngineered 3.70.651.1 - A Faster HTC Sense ROM

flashed this rom over another rooted 3.70 deodexed stock rom. No issues to report. It is definitely faster than before plus now I have reboot option and hotspot and other fixes. Thanks Bud!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 02:04 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/18/2010] - ReEngineered 3.70.651.1 - A Faster HTC Sense ROM

Nice job bud. When's the theme rom coming? Love your white and black theme.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 08:59 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/18/2010] - ReEngineered 3.70.651.1 - A Faster HTC Sense ROM

So how's this rom running guys? I havent taken it for a spin yet...
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Last edited by tx_dbs_tx; 12-19-2010 at 09:03 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 09:11 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/18/2010] - ReEngineered 3.70.651.1 - A Faster HTC Sense ROM

Great ideas/work. I really want to flash. Before I flash, does this include:
-MMS Compression fix
-MMS Size Limits changed to (500k, 2MB, 5MB)
-Uninstallable apps,

if not point me to instructions on how to add......Thanks
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 10:13 PM
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Re: [ROM] - [12/18/2010] - ReEngineered 3.70.651.1 - A Faster HTC Sense ROM

the rom is running great and fast and smooth, this is a base stock rom guys, you have to wait until the great cheff put is great rom together with all the nice stuff
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