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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 02:58 PM
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[ROM] OmegaEVO v1.1 [[NEW 3.30.651.3 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] Updated 11/15/2010

Discontinued, for my newest ROM, go HERE
HTC Evo 4G
Azrael X v3.1 (my custom ROM)
HTC #15 Kernel

Last edited by ricsim78; 12-01-2010 at 02:20 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 02:58 PM
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Installation instructions & other useful information

To install on your Evo:

1. Copy OmegaEVO_v1.0_by_Ricsim78.zip to the root of your SD card.
2. Shut off your phone and boot into recovery.
3. Do a full wipe (Data, cache, Dalvik, SD Ext.) Do it twice to be sure if you want to!
4. Install OmegaEVO_v1.0_by_Ricsim78.zip. It should take a few minutes to install.
5. Reboot the phone. It should take a long time to start up the first time. Please be patient!
6. If all goes well, enjoy your new ROM!
7. If not, start over from step 2 after pulling your battery.

To install a custom kernel: Let it load into the ROM first and then reboot into recovery and wipe the cache and Dalvik. Then install the custom kernel and reboot.

To install a theme: Let it load into the ROM first and then reboot into recovery and wipe the cache and Dalvik. Then install the theme and reboot.

How to backup and restore using Titanium backup Here is the method I use to backup my phone information before I wipe and install a new ROM
  • I backup my entire phone with a batch "Backup all user apps + system data"
  • Wipe and install the new ROM,
  • I open Titanium Backup (TB) and give it super user rights.
  • I hit "Updates?" in TB and make sure I am running the latest.
  • I hit "Problems?" in TB and make sure I am using Busybox 1.60
  • Hit menu and select batch
  • Select "Backup all new apps + newer versions of apps", if any.
  • Select "Restore missing apps with data"
  • Go over the list and make sure you are restoring only what you want
  • Hit run batch operation
  • After it completes, go back into TB and backup restore.
  • Restore contacts twice
  • Restore MMS twice
  • Restore Mail twice
  • If any of the 3 above do not take, do it again
  • Restart your phone
  • Verify mail, MMS, and contacts restored. If not, restore again.
Why Amon RA and not Clockwork recovery?

Clockwork does not wipe the Dalvik properly (if at all). I personally have had nothing but problems with both Clockwork and ROM manager

I have said countless times that if you use either of the above, it is at your own risk. Install Amon RA recovery and I bet any wiping/installing problems will go away.

If you already are using ROM manager, pick the option to install a custom recovery, choose Amon RA 1.8. If that option is greyed out, reinstall the latest Clockwork then install RA.

Note: Do not do a fix permissions with anything unless you need to, you can screw stuff up that way.

Trust me, the new ROM is devoid of problems (I have never tested a ROM this much before releasing it). If you experience any, it is either something you are doing wrong or incomplete wipes thanks to your recovery not doing it's job properly.

Which kernels work with this ROM?

Any that are designed for a Sense ROM. This includes:
  • Netarchy's
  • Kingclick's
  • Hero Over's
  • Ziggy's
  • HTC's
Which kernel do you recommend to use?

I cannot recommend a kernel for you because each EVO reacts different. The best for my phone can be the worse for yours.

You have to try the different ones available and pick the one that works best for you. What I do is start with their latest and work your way down until you find one that works well. Then stick with it.

This also goes for overclocking, SetCPU settings, etc.

Which themes work with this ROM?

Themes make your phone look nice but can also add problems to an otherwise smooth running ROM. You can use any theme you wish, but Nandroid first and if anything is broken, please do not blame the ROM as it is the theme that added the problem.

This includes my older modded themes and any theme made for 3.29 and 3.30 OTA updates They may work or they may work but break things.

Using my theme avoids this problem. It matches with my ROM perfectly and breaks nothing. Also, my theme is optimized for maximum speed and reduces the overhead of a theme (most themes are not optimized and add a bunch of stuff which increases system overhead, reduces battery life and speed a bit). As an added perk, it is a small download.

Hey, what gives? How come this ROM is saying it is 3.30.651.2 when I thought it was the 3.30.651.3 OTA?

3.30.651.3 is NOT a full ROM, it is a kernel and a few other minor changes. This is why the OTA is 7 MB or less instead of 160+ MB like a ROM usually is.

There is no issue, this is the 3.30.651.3 update. Hence the HTC # 17 kernel. Notice the screenshot in the first post also says that mine has 3.30.651.2? That is because basically this is a bandaid for a recently released OTA. That is why the number went up in the last decimal place. A major update would be like 3.31.XXX.X

Last edited by ricsim78; 11-13-2010 at 02:21 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 02:59 PM
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Re: [ROM] OmegaEVO v1.0 [[NEW 3.30.651.3 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] Updated 11/12/2010

This one too, reserved for me, 10 char
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 05:52 PM
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Re: [ROM] OmegaEVO v1.0 [[NEW 3.30.651.3 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] Updated 11/12/2010

can't wait to try it! glad i have the weekend!

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 05:56 PM
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Re: [ROM] OmegaEVO v1.0 [[NEW 3.30.651.3 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] Updated 11/12/2010

Awesome! looking forward to trying this out. Thanks for posting it here
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 06:47 PM
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Re: [ROM] OmegaEVO v1.0 [[NEW 3.30.651.3 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] Updated 11/12/2010

Thank you, please let me know what you think
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 07:34 PM
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Re: [ROM] OmegaEVO v1.0 [[NEW 3.30.651.3 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] Updated 11/12/2010

Sounds good. btw, I heard ad free causes issues with 4g browsing. Not sure if you noticed this or not? Going to test it out but wanted to ask. thanks. If so, I assume it can be removed? thanks again.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 09:54 PM
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Re: [ROM] OmegaEVO v1.0 [[NEW 3.30.651.3 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] Updated 11/12/2010

Ad Free is in data/app, you are free to uninstall it if it causes any problems.

I can use it with 4G personally but we all know that mileage varies.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 09:55 PM
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Re: [ROM] OmegaEVO v1.0 [[NEW 3.30.651.3 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] Updated 11/12/2010

Geez, how much REP do you need to go from being a "Lurker" to a member? lol. Posted two ROMS and still not enough rep yet.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 10:02 PM
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Re: [ROM] OmegaEVO v1.0 [[NEW 3.30.651.3 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] Updated 11/12/2010

Originally Posted by ricsim78 View Post
Geez, how much REP do you need to go from being a "Lurker" to a member? lol. Posted two ROMS and still not enough rep yet.
thanks for the ad free info. LOL. well I think you need to have a few more posts and your lurker status will go away. I have been thanking you a bunch so hopefully we can get that number up as well. So far so good on the rom btw. No issues to report. All set up and messing around now

btw, thanks for using the sexy rosie as well. love the option to use wes342 tweaks on this rom.

Last edited by Riley; 11-12-2010 at 10:05 PM.
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