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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2010, 08:37 PM
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Re: █ VirusROM AnthraX Series™ █ ◄●|07 NOV.|RC1|●► █ [Froyo]●[2.2]●[3.30.651.2] █

Dialing *2 FC
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2010, 10:26 AM
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Re: █ VirusROM AnthraX Series™ █ ◄●|07 NOV.|RC1|●► █ [Froyo]●[2.2]●[3.30.651.2] █

Originally Posted by Acedooncoon View Post
Ok so I re-flashed this ROM trying to give it a chance....I have to test the mms again...and try to figga out how to fix the alarm clock issuse....can someone help on how to do this....its said on the first page that using the vanilla lock screen will help but I dont see how....can someone plz help with this...
Hope reflashing takes care of your MMS issue, it should be working fine. How are you wiping prior to flash? Given the fact that you are having issues I'd be using amon RA recovery and factory reset and wipe Dalvik two times each. This will allow for a clean install. Back up your ish first of course with TiBackup or Mybackup Pro.
Using the Vanilla locksrcreen is going to cause alarm issues. The simplest fix is to have the AOSP alarm clock installed. I'm on a beta a few versions ahead of you so I dont remember if Virus included it in RC1 or not.
It does NOT effect which clock you have on your Homescreen. You just have to use the AOSP alarm clock (or any other 3rd party alarm clock from the Market) when you go to set your alarm.
Is there a white analog looking Clock in your app drawer? If not try flashing this zip from Calk, it removes the HTC Lockscreen and installs the alarm clock. Your lockscreen is already gone so it *should* just install the clock.

Originally Posted by jocampo86 View Post
Dialing *2 FC
Sprint Promotion apk is probably missing.
It needs to go into /system/app so you'll need to know how to mount your /system as writable via adb or using a file explorer that does it for you. It's taken care of in the latest Beta versions so it will be fixed in the next release.
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