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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 08:02 AM
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JD's Clean Sense MOD

Well its been awhile since I was here .....

anyway this is a MOD I did started for myself that I was asked to share....

1. This is a clean MOD of the EVO4G OTA Update 3.29.651.5 it has none of the added apps from HTC or SPCS only the apps and services need to run Sense without breaking any of the other system components. I have modified the sytem and kernal slightly to speed up some things and I also have added a fix for USB tethering (thanks Calk).

Honestly I don't feel like giving to much of an breakdown of this mod due to the fact that I wasn't even gonna post it .... if enough feedback is generated from that whoever uses it I may update this post and provide future updates .... but I will say this ... this is probably the fastest Sense mod I have used ....

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 08:21 AM
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Re: JD's Clean Sense MOD

Good to see you back JD, I have flashed many of your roms for the tp and tp2 and they always ran great so I have no doubt you will bring the same level of quality over to the evo. I just got to the office so I will flash this later on today sometime.

Last edited by themuffinman; 09-28-2010 at 08:24 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 11:48 AM
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Re: JD's Clean Sense MOD

Thanks JD. is this rom deodexed? So far so good on the rom. Just wanted to see if I can add a theme? Also, how can I get the search button to work again (bottom right). thanks.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 02:05 PM
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Re: JD's Clean Sense MOD

Originally Posted by rileyd5 View Post
Thanks JD. is this rom deodexed? So far so good on the rom. Just wanted to see if I can add a theme? Also, how can I get the search button to work again (bottom right). thanks.
Hey Dave ... maybe the restore fix Calk posted in his rom thread.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 02:21 PM
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Re: JD's Clean Sense MOD

reason i wish i had evo, jd's roms.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 03:02 PM
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Re: JD's Clean Sense MOD

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
reason i wish i had evo, jd's roms.
Here that bro! Very smooth rom. Great work JD. Btw, its deodexed so themes are working fine. Using Carbon Theme found here: [THEME] xxbabiboi228xx ( Carbon Fiber Theme OTA Update 3.29 ) 9-23-2010 - xda-developers Great work!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 03:03 PM
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Re: JD's Clean Sense MOD

Originally Posted by wmdunn View Post
Hey Dave ... maybe the restore fix Calk posted in his rom thread.
Thanks Bill, you read my mind. thats what I was going to try next

actually, it started working. I installed google voice search and google search from the market. it seemed to just start working now. oh well, I take luck.

Last edited by Riley; 09-28-2010 at 03:07 PM.
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Old 09-28-2010, 06:59 PM
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Wow JD on the Android side too?? Will definitely be giving this a go!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 07:52 PM
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EVO Mobile
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Old 09-28-2010, 10:30 PM
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Re: JD's Clean Sense MOD

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
reason i wish i had evo, jd's roms.
First, congrats on the MOD status Darren! Second, when are you making the leap over to Android man?

Originally Posted by jakdillard View Post
Well its been awhile since I was here .....

anyway this is a MOD I did started for myself that I was asked to share....

1. This is a clean MOD of the EVO4G OTA Update 3.29.651.5 it has none of the added apps from HTC or SPCS only the apps and services need to run Sense without breaking any of the other system components. I have modified the sytem and kernal slightly to speed up some things and I also have added a fix for USB tethering (thanks Calk).

Honestly I don't feel like giving to much of an breakdown of this mod due to the fact that I wasn't even gonna post it .... if enough feedback is generated from that whoever uses it I may update this post and provide future updates .... but I will say this ... this is probably the fastest Sense mod I have used ....

Great work as usual JD, thanks for sharing it with us!
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