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  #961 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 09:42 PM
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Re: [ROM] 11/11/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by mashpaw1 View Post
Like this Sprint Lovers ROM !!! Donation sent :Confirmation number: 9C144712CH7288131. THANKS !!!
Thank you very much!
Donations are always appreciated!
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  #962 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 11:00 PM
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I have them both removed and have not had a single problem yet...can't say for certain if it'll be exactly the same for you. You're milage may vary..

via EVO -- Tapatalk Pro
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  #963 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 11:14 PM
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Re: [ROM] 11/11/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Everyone laugh and get it out of your system...

Ok, I wanna update with the latest ROM and obviously wiping will lose everything on the phone....I have all my important data backed up (contacts, music, etc).....but I wanted to know if there is a way to save my 'game save data' for Angry Birds

I don't wanna have to spend all that time getting back to where I am currently after wiping.....is there a way to save that game data??
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  #964 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 11:40 PM
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Re: [ROM] 11/11/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by SlyClone22 View Post
Everyone laugh and get it out of your system...

Ok, I wanna update with the latest ROM and obviously wiping will lose everything on the phone....I have all my important data backed up (contacts, music, etc).....but I wanted to know if there is a way to save my 'game save data' for Angry Birds

I don't wanna have to spend all that time getting back to where I am currently after wiping.....is there a way to save that game data??
i use an app called my backup...it lets you back up data and applications with their data...with angry bird sometime i have to install it after i restore it but at least it leaves all my progress where i left it.
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  #965 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2010, 02:31 AM
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Re: [ROM] 11/11/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

I'm on the version from last month(3.29)

How can I install this without loosing anything? like is there a app i can install that backup all the aps I have/saved file???
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  #966 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2010, 12:49 PM
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Re: [ROM] 11/11/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Chris, noticed in current rom the wifi hotspot appeared to work but would not correctly function. The Sprint supplied hotspot appeared to work; but the 205pre11 Devloper WiFi would not allow proper client attach and would not reconize Access Controlled access. Tried several time with 2-3 wipes, re-downloaded both versions of files without success. Re-flashed your 10/30/10 version (my prev running rom) and all performed correctly as expected. If it's me... I'm unaware what I'm doing differently... ortherwise just wanted to mention a possible problem. Thanks, always enjoy Your full loaded roms! Thanks!
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  #967 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2010, 12:53 PM
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Re: [ROM] 11/11/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Chris, not sure if related; also noticed the ROM Manager would not perform correctly. Normally, I run a "set permissions" from Rom Mgr and with current version it fails with a error at startup. Again, your previous 10/30 reloaded rom & ROM Manager worked correctly. Thanks again!
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  #968 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2010, 01:37 PM
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Re: [ROM] 11/11/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by dougcjohn View Post
Chris, noticed in current rom the wifi hotspot appeared to work but would not correctly function. The Sprint supplied hotspot appeared to work; but the 205pre11 Devloper WiFi would not allow proper client attach and would not reconize Access Controlled access. Tried several time with 2-3 wipes, re-downloaded both versions of files without success. Re-flashed your 10/30/10 version (my prev running rom) and all performed correctly as expected. If it's me... I'm unaware what I'm doing differently... ortherwise just wanted to mention a possible problem. Thanks, always enjoy Your full loaded roms! Thanks!
I am not sure why that would be. I checked Wi-Fi Hotspot and applied access control as well as wifi encryption and both worked fine.

EDIT: (@djqwikcut especially..) The next ROM update will have roughly 360MB available storage.
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  #969 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2010, 01:46 PM
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Re: [ROM] 11/11/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

I agree w you, I performed same and from EVO it looked & ran correctly. But when attempting to attach a device to hotspot... it would not work correctly. First noticed that it didn't give the vib indicator, then noticed device couldn't surf; Although, it too appeared to attached. Thanks for looking, I'll use the 10/30 ROM for now.
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  #970 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2010, 02:42 PM
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Re: [ROM] 11/11/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by noob_2010 View Post
I'm on the version from last month(3.29)

How can I install this without loosing anything? like is there a app i can install that backup all the aps I have/saved file???
You have a couple options that I am aware of that work quite well. There is an app called Titanium Backup that has many options for backing up items. But the option to backup apps with data is the way to get you apps reinstalled on a new ROM and it includes all of the data associated. Another option is an app called My Backup and it is a very nice option as well with the ability to back up apps and or just your data and settings like bookmarks and such.

And there is a way to update without losing your information, but it may or may not result in a few little bugs since it is not the suggested way of installing a new ROM. If you use the stand alone version on the ROM you would just put the zip on the root of your SD card. Boot into recovery and use the "wipe" option to wipe your cache and davlik cache, but don't wipe data/factory reset. Then return and use the "Flash zip form sdcard" option and choose the zip of this ROM that you just copied. In my case at least, this does not delete all of your apps. But you might want to perform a nandroid backup the first time just to be sure, if you are afraid of losing something extremely important.
Device History: HTC Touch, Touch Pro, Touch Pro2, HTC EVO
Carrier: Sprint
ROM: Sprint Lovers 2.2
Kernel: #15
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