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  #131 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 04:40 PM
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Re: [ROM] 7/12/10 | Sprint Lovers Evo | OTA | Updated Radio/Wimax 4G | Uninstallable

Android N00b questions, please forgive:

1. If I flash the 7/12 version, will it wipe my phone like when you flash WinMo ROMS? Or, will the data remain intact like with the very first OTA?

2. What is the best way to flash a ROM? I have read about a rom flashing program on the market but I am not sure when that comes into play.

3. Do you always have to wipe your device first or only when the ROM suggests it?

I have read so many different posts and since I'm new to Android ROM flashing and this one is my first, I'm still a bit confused. I know that these various questions have been discussed but I think I need a little more clarification...
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  #132 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 04:53 PM
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Re: [ROM] 7/12/10 | Sprint Lovers Evo | OTA | Updated Radio/Wimax 4G | Uninstallable

Originally Posted by grants04 View Post
Android N00b questions, please forgive:

1. If I flash the 7/12 version, will it wipe my phone like when you flash WinMo ROMS? Or, will the data remain intact like with the very first OTA?

2. What is the best way to flash a ROM? I have read about a rom flashing program on the market but I am not sure when that comes into play.

3. Do you always have to wipe your device first or only when the ROM suggests it?

I have read so many different posts and since I'm new to Android ROM flashing and this one is my first, I'm still a bit confused. I know that these various questions have been discussed but I think I need a little more clarification...
1. Both versions will overwrite the system. If you do not wipe your data you MAY still have it however I have not tried this so cannot say for sure. (I always do a clean install and wipe the system/cache/dalvikcache)
2. The best way in my opinion to flash the rom is Version #1 which is very straight foward and only involves a few simple steps as described in the first post.
3. I would recommend wiping the device prior to installing any new rom as to avoid any conflicts.
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  #133 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 05:10 PM
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Re: [ROM] 7/12/10 | Sprint Lovers Evo | OTA | Updated Radio/Wimax 4G | Uninstallable

looks good Chris. Honestly your last rom is my favorite. Great battery and stable as hell. Great work!
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  #134 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 07:21 PM
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Re: [ROM] 7/12/10 | Sprint Lovers Evo | OTA | Updated Radio/Wimax 4G | Uninstallable

Originally Posted by chris1683 View Post
1. Both versions will overwrite the system. If you do not wipe your data you MAY still have it however I have not tried this so cannot say for sure. (I always do a clean install and wipe the system/cache/dalvikcache)
2. The best way in my opinion to flash the rom is Version #1 which is very straight foward and only involves a few simple steps as described in the first post.
3. I would recommend wiping the device prior to installing any new rom as to avoid any conflicts.
Thanks, Chris. What I did not say is that I already installed your awesome ROM using version 1 a few days ago. So I guess I am wondering if each time that you come out with an update do I need to install it like it is a brand new ROM (wipe all 3 x2) or is it more of an upgrade/OTA since it is a newer version of the one I already have?
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  #135 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 07:29 PM
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Re: [ROM] 7/12/10 | Sprint Lovers Evo | OTA | Updated Radio/Wimax 4G | Uninstallable

Chris, Do you know if i can get problems if i remove google talk app, because im felling that is one of the apps that its draining my battery because a soon i closed restore by itselve
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  #136 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 07:49 PM
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Re: [ROM] 7/12/10 | Sprint Lovers Evo | OTA | Updated Radio/Wimax 4G | Uninstallable


Great job with Sprint Lovers! I just had a quick q for ya. I installed ver 2 and now my 4g keeps scanning. I wanted to update the radios. Do I need to update both wimax and baseline? Also to manually update the radios do I just go into recovery mode and install zip file? If you could provide any instructions on updating the radios would be awesome!

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  #137 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 08:08 PM
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Re: [ROM] 7/12/10 | Sprint Lovers Evo | OTA | Updated Radio/Wimax 4G | Uninstallable

Originally Posted by juancaperez2000 View Post
Chris, Do you know if i can get problems if i remove google talk app, because im felling that is one of the apps that its draining my battery because a soon i closed restore by itselve
You need to be careful with this one. First there is google talk (the app) which is designated by talk.apk in the system>app foler. Then there is gtalkservice (which runs continuous in the services). This is utilized by google talk when you are signed in. The gtalkservice also controls gmail's push mail feature and access to the android market (also the market's notifications for when there are updates). If this is deleted, you will lose all of those functions. There is also a talkprovider.apk, but I don't know that does.

I have disable google talk by unchecking auto sign in. The service features do not drain the battery (I too thought it did, only google talk, when signed in). I have opted to note delete any of them because my battery life is great, so I don't know what happens if you just delete talk.apk.

I would do a nandroid backup if you decide to do it, because a factory reset after deleting an app from the system will not bring the app back.

Last edited by parousia15; 07-12-2010 at 08:12 PM.
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  #138 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 08:31 PM
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Re: [ROM] 7/12/10 | Sprint Lovers Evo | OTA | Updated Radio/Wimax 4G | Uninstallable

Originally Posted by dacoz21 View Post

Great job with Sprint Lovers! I just had a quick q for ya. I installed ver 2 and now my 4g keeps scanning. I wanted to update the radios. Do I need to update both wimax and baseline? Also to manually update the radios do I just go into recovery mode and install zip file? If you could provide any instructions on updating the radios would be awesome!

Yep. Download the two radios and place them in the root of your SD card. You can then install them through recovery. Just do one at a time and you should be all set.
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  #139 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 09:06 PM
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Re: [ROM] 7/12/10 | Sprint Lovers Evo | OTA | Updated Radio/Wimax 4G | Uninstallable


I just installed the New Winmax zip no issues. I then tried to install the baseline zip and I got an error.

Install from sdcard
finding update package
opeining update package
verifying update package
installing update
Extract radio image
E: Multiple firemware image
E: Can't store radio image
E:Failure at line 3:
write _ratio_image package:radio:img

any ideas?
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  #140 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 09:22 PM
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Re: [ROM] 7/12/10 | Sprint Lovers Evo | OTA | Updated Radio/Wimax 4G | Uninstallable

You might have got that because it won't let you flash both radio images at once if you've already flashed one when you go back into recovery you should be good
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