Originally Posted by juancaperez2000
Chris, Do you know if i can get problems if i remove google talk app, because im felling that is one of the apps that its draining my battery because a soon i closed restore by itselve
You need to be careful with this one. First there is google talk (the app) which is designated by talk.apk in the system>app foler. Then there is gtalkservice (which runs continuous in the services). This is utilized by google talk when you are signed in. The gtalkservice also controls gmail's push mail feature and access to the android market (also the market's notifications for when there are updates). If this is deleted, you will lose all of those functions. There is also a talkprovider.apk, but I don't know that does.
I have disable google talk by unchecking auto sign in. The service features do not drain the battery (I too thought it did, only google talk, when signed in). I have opted to note delete any of them because my battery life is great, so I don't know what happens if you just delete talk.apk.
I would do a nandroid backup if you decide to do it, because a factory reset after deleting an app from the system will not bring the app back.