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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 08:14 AM
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Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5.1 | 23504 | 11/9/09

thanks not a fan either of 6.5.1 dont like bottom buttons....rom is really good...running all nite with no problems .....sorry only one footprints but thats no big deal dont use anyways....
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 08:41 AM
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Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5.1 | 23504 | 11/9/09

Thanks OMJ I will flash the 6.5 ROM tonight and report back
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  #93 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 09:38 AM
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Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5.1 | 23504 | 11/9/09

I've been using this since it was posted last night, and it really is an awesome rom. No major stability issues, crashes or deal breakers.

A couple things I've noticed which may or may not be bugs:

1. Is it possible to disable "My Location" for weather? It doesn't seem to work very well and keeps coming up with errors trying to download data, and I'd rather just manually set the locations myself.

2. The home screen won't scroll down past the first 6 Quick Links. There are more boxes below those 6, but the page won't scroll down to make them accessible. This is kind of annoying since there's no separate Programs tab anymore...

3. As already noted, text messages don't display the sender's name, only their telephone number.

4. In Roaming settings, there's a small overlap of text, not really a big deal just putting it out there. See attached.

All in all, I find Sense to be a big improvement for usability, and I'm happy that it seems to be running so well on my phone.

Thanks OMJ!
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Screen01.jpg (9.8 KB, 66 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by naiserie; 11-10-2009 at 09:47 AM. Reason: found one more thing
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  #94 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 09:57 AM
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Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5.1 | 23504 | 11/9/09

Originally Posted by rileyd5 View Post
thanks again OMJ. would love to see this integrated into a com2 build for us 6.5'ers out there. lol
i agree. i will be dropping a 6.5 rom with this on it later this week..
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 12:28 PM
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Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5.1 | 23504 | 11/9/09

Works great with ultimate home...figured I'd show a screen for anyone else who might want to try it. Get it...here...that is the version made for the MOST RECENT 1920 build of manila 2.5, works with VGA. The thread is a little long which is why I posted the direct link but it's the 5th post, very last cab file listed here....


More manila stuff from NRG here...
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  #96 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 12:46 PM
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Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5.1 | 23504 | 11/9/09

nice find but where does some start theres a lot of info and ver. to play with
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  #97 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 12:54 PM
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Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5.1 | 23504 | 11/9/09

How is the battery life? That's one thing I have to watch until I get my extended battery in later this week.
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 01:52 PM
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Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5.1 | 23504 | 11/9/09

Originally Posted by naiserie View Post
I've been using this since it was posted last night, and it really is an awesome rom. No major stability issues, crashes or deal breakers.

A couple things I've noticed which may or may not be bugs:

1. Is it possible to disable "My Location" for weather? It doesn't seem to work very well and keeps coming up with errors trying to download data, and I'd rather just manually set the locations myself.

2. The home screen won't scroll down past the first 6 Quick Links. There are more boxes below those 6, but the page won't scroll down to make them accessible. This is kind of annoying since there's no separate Programs tab anymore...

3. As already noted, text messages don't display the sender's name, only their telephone number.

4. In Roaming settings, there's a small overlap of text, not really a big deal just putting it out there. See attached.

All in all, I find Sense to be a big improvement for usability, and I'm happy that it seems to be running so well on my phone.

Thanks OMJ!
1. click on the clock. change from my location to your city. then go to weather tab, menu, settings, make sure auto download is unchecked. I update manually & havent seen any errors.

2. this is most likely a porting problem, not much can be done but wait for an update. This was ported from WVGA to VGA. WVGA (TP2) has a bigger screen to access those extra buttons.

Originally Posted by MrObvious View Post
How is the battery life? That's one thing I have to watch until I get my extended battery in later this week.
I couldnt answer until I can take a break from flashing/testing, lol....but I'm sure it will be a battery killer.
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  #99 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 02:02 PM
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Thumbs up Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5.1 | 23504 | 11/9/09

Once I ROMed my phone did I hard reset and some of the little issues went away like your #1 but your# 2 and 3 are still there.....I also Agree Sense is peaty cool and I am also glad that it works that well on my phone :^D great job
Originally Posted by naiserie View Post
I've been using this since it was posted last night, and it really is an awesome rom. No major stability issues, crashes or deal breakers.

A couple things I've noticed which may or may not be bugs:

1. Is it possible to disable "My Location" for weather? It doesn't seem to work very well and keeps coming up with errors trying to download data, and I'd rather just manually set the locations myself.

2. The home screen won't scroll down past the first 6 Quick Links. There are more boxes below those 6, but the page won't scroll down to make them accessible. This is kind of annoying since there's no separate Programs tab anymore...

3. As already noted, text messages don't display the sender's name, only their telephone number.

4. In Roaming settings, there's a small overlap of text, not really a big deal just putting it out there. See attached.

All in all, I find Sense to be a big improvement for usability, and I'm happy that it seems to be running so well on my phone.

Thanks OMJ!
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  #100 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 02:14 PM
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Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5.1 | 23504 | 11/9/09

You did it again!
This is awesome!
Very stable, very usable!
I love the quick links on the home screen!
Best ROM so far.

Thank you!!

One small bug... I can't assign the squares under the internet globe to anything. When you hit 'add', you are given the Internet Explorer favorites choices. But they don't work... Just me?
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