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  #351 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 04:21 AM
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Re: 10-16 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.5 || 21867 || CDMA

Okay. New version will be out this weekend. I've got the Rhodium dialer skinned (just need toplay with it to make sure it works okay) and a few other things going. I am also looking for a way to permanently fix the sms name suggestion issue with finger keyboard. I hope...

WM 6.5 Taskbars | GadgetROM for Touch Diamond

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  #352 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 04:26 AM
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Re: 10-16 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.5 || 21867 || CDMA


Running 1.7 right now and it is great!!!

Looking forward to the new ROM this weekend.

Is there a cab for the 2 column start menu? (one of my fav features)

I am using PDANet as the speeds are a little faster...

I am have one issue and that is battery drain.

again thanks for the hard work!!!!

I will download and flash as soon as i see the new ROM!!!
  #353 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 09:45 PM
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Re: 10-16 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.5 || 21867 || CDMA


Will your rom work with a sprint cdma touch pro?
Do you have a 6.1 version?

Thanks Leonidas
  #354 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2009, 02:27 AM
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Re: 10-16 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.5 || 21867 || CDMA

Originally Posted by lionedas View Post

Will your rom work with a sprint cdma touch pro?
Do you have a 6.1 version?

Thanks Leonidas
At this time, no. It is diamond only for now.
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  #355 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2009, 03:29 AM
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Re: 10-16 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.5 || 21867 || CDMA

Small snag. A lot of the Leo items I was looking to add are not working even after I've adjusted all of the settings. And the Rhodium dialer reskin has a few graphical glitches I still need to nail down. ::grumble::

More later...
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  #356 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2009, 11:02 AM
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Re: 10-16 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.5 || 21867 || CDMA

I downloaded the 1.7 version last week--it rocks! Had a few things at first, but nothing major. Installed sprint tv, sprint navigation, ringtone maker, and somethin else I think. Couldn't get the picture mail to work but I hardly ever use it so no biggie...always ran too slow-WL was faster. The newest thing is I have noticed my battery drains like there is no tomorrow (yeah I have the battery saver installed) my husbands diamond too). I'm hoping it will go back to normal after a couple days-that's happened in the past with previous ROMs. Anyways-back to the point--could anyone offer some advice on a couple issues.
1) My husbands phone won't vibrate-it was fine before I flashed it-hard reset, no luck. He flashed it back to stock ROM last night but still won't work and I really hate dealing with sprint lol.
2) On my phone sometimes when I press the power button to wake the phone up or after I turn it on the messaging page comes up for my email...but the today screen is still showing only the top and bottom bars change to the messaging and I have to exit out of it to get the bars for the today screen up. Any thoughts would be so helpful..as I have been searching the forums and googling it but can't come up with anything.
And the last thing..
The WM Widget doesn't work I get Error launching the widget..
**Went to Sprint this morning after posting this and they just gave my husband a new phone because the motor had burned out**
Still having issue with the 2nd and 3rd item

Last edited by mre981; 10-25-2009 at 03:51 PM. Reason: Went to Sprint with husbands phone
  #357 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2009, 11:56 AM
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Re: 10-16 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.5 || 21867 || CDMA

Originally Posted by gadgetfreak View Post
Small snag. A lot of the Leo items I was looking to add are not working even after I've adjusted all of the settings. And the Rhodium dialer reskin has a few graphical glitches I still need to nail down. ::grumble::

More later...
Thanks for the update. What opera did you end up deciding on or will you leave it out and we can install the one of our choice? Looking forward to trying it out!
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  #358 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2009, 12:28 PM
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Re: 10-16 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.5 || 21867 || CDMA

Originally Posted by rileyd5 View Post
Thanks for the update. What opera did you end up deciding on or will you leave it out and we can install the one of our choice? Looking forward to trying it out!
Well, I'm using the most current 9.7 version that Calk included and it is much better. I haven't decided yet on if this will be included or if it will be 'User's Choice'. The latest version of the messaging client is much better than the earlier builds and I am seeing no drain from it yet. The Rhodium dialer re-skinning is going slowly. It seems that this one is even touchier than the Tachi dialer was with new skins. And I am looking for some help from a couple of chefs on some of the other Leo goodies I've been playing with.

More on my progress later since we're headed out the door to go to a pumpkin patch, complete with hay rides and corn mazes...
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  #359 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2009, 02:03 PM
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Re: 10-16 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.5 || 21867 || CDMA

I kind of like the second today screen one for work and one for while i'm home...although i did something that won't let me access the second today is there somewhere in the registry i can go to reset the default?
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  #360 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2009, 04:46 PM
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Re: 10-16 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.5 || 21867 || CDMA

I fixed it! Have Diamond Tweak...under keyboard/SIP changed Automatic display (popup) to enabled and T9 Mode to enabled as well..did a soft reset and it's been workin great ever since!
******This is in response to the quotes about the names not coming up in the name area for email and text messages, instead you had to click add recipient and scroll through contacts.*********

Last edited by mre981; 10-25-2009 at 04:51 PM. Reason: in response to gadget's earlier post--hit quick reply instead of quote..
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