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Old 10-25-2009, 11:02 AM
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Re: 10-16 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.5 || 21867 || CDMA

I downloaded the 1.7 version last week--it rocks! Had a few things at first, but nothing major. Installed sprint tv, sprint navigation, ringtone maker, and somethin else I think. Couldn't get the picture mail to work but I hardly ever use it so no biggie...always ran too slow-WL was faster. The newest thing is I have noticed my battery drains like there is no tomorrow (yeah I have the battery saver installed) my husbands diamond too). I'm hoping it will go back to normal after a couple days-that's happened in the past with previous ROMs. Anyways-back to the point--could anyone offer some advice on a couple issues.
1) My husbands phone won't vibrate-it was fine before I flashed it-hard reset, no luck. He flashed it back to stock ROM last night but still won't work and I really hate dealing with sprint lol.
2) On my phone sometimes when I press the power button to wake the phone up or after I turn it on the messaging page comes up for my email...but the today screen is still showing only the top and bottom bars change to the messaging and I have to exit out of it to get the bars for the today screen up. Any thoughts would be so I have been searching the forums and googling it but can't come up with anything.
And the last thing..
The WM Widget doesn't work I get Error launching the widget..
**Went to Sprint this morning after posting this and they just gave my husband a new phone because the motor had burned out**
Still having issue with the 2nd and 3rd item

Last edited by mre981; 10-25-2009 at 03:51 PM. Reason: Went to Sprint with husbands phone