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  #801 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 11:00 AM
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Re: [January 26th, 2009] M I G H T Y R O M 4 . 3 [SYS OS 20764 Build 20764] [UC]

thank you so much mightymike! i have a question. is there a reg edit where u can edit how much u scroll when u finger flick up/down the page? i rather prefer it to scroll somewards up/down, and not like several pages up/down.
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  #802 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 11:03 AM
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Re: [January 26th, 2009] M I G H T Y R O M 4 . 3 [SYS OS 20764 Build 20764] [UC]

Originally Posted by Phocas View Post
I have tried 2 different Touch Flo .cabs Weekday and the Calendar. They both crashed touch flo and caused me to have to hard reset.
Here is a cab to add the calendar tab that works. Dunno what the weekday tab is.

I may as well post some other useful manila files while I'm at it. I tested all these over the weekend while I beta tested a couple different 4.3 roms for mike (and you guys). They all work well with past and current mighty roms.

I've attached a cab file for the CallHistory Tab only - without color coding (if you install the calendar cab and this one, only one of the tabs will show up has to do with the 26948339_manila file I mention below)

I've also attached a cab that installs the sms tab font size zoom arrows. It's not 100% functional (you have to switch messages or go to another tab and back to see the font size actually change). This will not screw up the SMS tab menu though, so it takes nothing away.

I've also included a zip file of some manila files that can be used to add functionality to mike's Touch Flo 3D. (To install; Shutdown touchflo[settings, personal, today, items] install to windows directory with Total Comander [cab below], restart touchflo)

The four files in the callhist sub folder enable the capability of touchflo to have the call history tab (with different types of calls colour coded).
1d1ee632_manila -> enalbes the possibility of the tab
The next three are for some color coding on the tab (highly recomended, see image)

Next, 1f3be060_manila this file changes the font color in the sounds sub menu (settings touchflo tab, click sounds) to a grey colour. The reason for this is to add the possibility to add the comm manager tab and be able to read it. This manila file is the font color for both the sounds sub menu and the menus on the comm manager tab. One has a black bg one has a white, so 50% grey works best in order to enable both menus.

Next, 5e003d37_manila - This file will make it so that when you click on the e-mail tab in touchflo3d it will dismiss the new email alert in the top title bar but still have the new message count showing. Good feature, someone was asking about it this the other day.

Lastly, 26948339_manilla. This is where you go to edit your tabs and their order. You can open this with any txt editor (notepad). The calendar tab cab overwrites this file to add the calendar to the tab page order. The one in the root of the zip is the one I use, with all 3 extra tabs in an order that makes everything easily accessible. Try editing this file to make your own page order or disable some tabs.

I also was the one who found what registry entry was causing the ringtone reversion bug. Can someone on 4.3 who installed Jug's black s2a check the following registry key for me; HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0;
:Check to see if there is a value called "SavedSound" with the default windows mobile ringtone.

Out of files to upload for this post, will post a couple more cabs in next post.
Attached Files
File Type: cab Calendartab.cab (138.3 KB, 64 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab mUn ZoomMessagingExtension.cab (96.8 KB, 19 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab Lucas TD CallLogTab.cab (95.0 KB, 40 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab tcmdr.cab (486.3 KB, 30 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip manila.zip (48.9 KB, 37 views) Click for barcode!
Touch Pro 2 O/C 749mHz: LEAD ROM Mar. 5 2011 6.5 Release Candidate multi carrier lite
Treo Pro ROM: Cooked my own 21911 6.5 from raiderfan's kitchen.

Last edited by briggs; 01-26-2009 at 11:26 AM.
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  #803 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 11:08 AM
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Re: [January 26th, 2009] M I G H T Y R O M 4 . 3 [SYS OS 20764 Build 20764] [UC]

These cabs;
- 3extratabs
- manila CommManager Tab

are ones I tested before but not this weekend, you may need some stuff from the previous post to get them to work.

Also attached is TouchFlo3d Config, if you can't edit the 26948339_manila file by yourself (noob) this can do it for you.

Other cab is a program called backgorund changer, it doesn't give you bg on all touch flo pages (I personally don't like that) but it will change your bg on the home screen every X amount of time to a random wallpaper out of a predetermined folder. I have a directory with about 60 wallpapers that it flips through.

Wow that's alot in those two posts, I should probably make a thread on the main forum for this.

[EDIT: added ssmapa]
This program can fix the problem with the calendar not launch from the home screen in the "start in view" copy this exe to your phone and run it.
Hit the Init button and wait for it to initialize,
then go to the next page (settings) and click replace calendar, then check the pach enabled box and erase the $ from the Arguments box, then click save.
then go to the deploy tab and hit deploy, reset touchflo3d and boom, your calendar will stop defaulting to agenda view.
Attached Files
File Type: cab 3extratabs.CAB (39.8 KB, 30 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab manila CommManager Tab.cab (254.9 KB, 19 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab TF3DConfig.cab (165.2 KB, 45 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab DiamondBackgroundChanger.cab (170.5 KB, 35 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip SSMaPa.zip (15.8 KB, 15 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by briggs; 01-26-2009 at 11:18 AM.
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  #804 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 11:18 AM
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Re: [January 26th, 2009] M I G H T Y R O M 4 . 3 [SYS OS 20764 Build 20764] [UC]

Originally Posted by timtlm View Post
The only problem I am having is that when I restore my text messages from PIM backup, I am not getting any of my sent messages restored. At first I thought it was the usual problem where the threaded text messages were out of order. I was trying the usual tricks to get them back in the correct order: switching to classic back to threaded view, or restoring my messages from PIM again. But I then realized that none of my sent messages are in there at all. My backup file shows there are text messages in my sent folder, and I've tried older backup files that I know worked in the past. I'm pretty sure it's not a problem with the ROM, but I have never had this problem after flashing in the past.
Does anybody else having this issue? I can't seem to figure it out. I have 284 messages in the PIM backup file. 90 messages are sent messages. When I restore, it says 284 found in the database, and 194 messages inserted. So, the 90 sent items are not getting restored.
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  #805 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 11:21 AM
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Re: [January 26th, 2009] M I G H T Y R O M 4 . 3 [SYS OS 20764 Build 20764] [UC]


I normally use T9 in various languages, not only English. Is there a way to get the missing file(s) / setting(s) from a stock Diamond?

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  #806 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 11:28 AM
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Re: [January 26th, 2009] M I G H T Y R O M 4 . 3 [SYS OS 20764 Build 20764] [UC]

Originally Posted by timtlm View Post
Does anybody else having this issue? I can't seem to figure it out. I have 284 messages in the PIM backup file. 90 messages are sent messages. When I restore, it says 284 found in the database, and 194 messages inserted. So, the 90 sent items are not getting restored.
I am getting my sent items restored (I only have about 30 incoming and outgoing) but my threaded view is malfunctioning, it puts all my recieved at the top and my sent at the bottom of the view. I tried disabling and re-enabling threaded view, and it didn't fix it.
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  #807 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 11:39 AM
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Re: [January 26th, 2009] M I G H T Y R O M 4 . 3 [SYS OS 20764 Build 20764] [UC]

I just resorted to a hard reset, and that has fixed this problem. My sent messages are back.

Originally Posted by briggs View Post
I am getting my sent items restored (I only have about 30 incoming and outgoing) but my threaded view is malfunctioning, it puts all my recieved at the top and my sent at the bottom of the view. I tried disabling and re-enabling threaded view, and it didn't fix it.
Yeah, that has been a problem in the past for me. Did you soft reset after you switched to classic and then soft reset again after you switch back? Also, the other thing that has fixed this for is is restoring just the messages over again with PIM. Right after the restore, go to all messages and watch it rebuild the thread.
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  #808 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 11:40 AM
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Re: [January 26th, 2009] M I G H T Y R O M 4 . 3 [SYS OS 20764 Build 20764] [UC]

Originally Posted by briggs View Post
Here is a cab to add the calendar tab that works. Dunno what the weekday tab is.

I may as well post some other useful manila files while I'm at it. I tested all these over the weekend while I beta tested a couple different 4.3 roms for mike (and you guys). They all work well with past and current mighty roms.

I've attached a cab file for the CallHistory Tab only - without color coding (if you install the calendar cab and this one, only one of the tabs will show up has to do with the 26948339_manila file I mention below)

I've also attached a cab that installs the sms tab font size zoom arrows. It's not 100% functional (you have to switch messages or go to another tab and back to see the font size actually change). This will not screw up the SMS tab menu though, so it takes nothing away.

I've also included a zip file of some manila files that can be used to add functionality to mike's Touch Flo 3D. (To install; Shutdown touchflo[settings, personal, today, items] install to windows directory with Total Comander [cab below], restart touchflo)

The four files in the callhist sub folder enable the capability of touchflo to have the call history tab (with different types of calls colour coded).
1d1ee632_manila -> enalbes the possibility of the tab
The next three are for some color coding on the tab (highly recomended, see image)

Next, 1f3be060_manila this file changes the font color in the sounds sub menu (settings touchflo tab, click sounds) to a grey colour. The reason for this is to add the possibility to add the comm manager tab and be able to read it. This manila file is the font color for both the sounds sub menu and the menus on the comm manager tab. One has a black bg one has a white, so 50% grey works best in order to enable both menus.

Next, 5e003d37_manila - This file will make it so that when you click on the e-mail tab in touchflo3d it will dismiss the new email alert in the top title bar but still have the new message count showing. Good feature, someone was asking about it this the other day.

Lastly, 26948339_manilla. This is where you go to edit your tabs and their order. You can open this with any txt editor (notepad). The calendar tab cab overwrites this file to add the calendar to the tab page order. The one in the root of the zip is the one I use, with all 3 extra tabs in an order that makes everything easily accessible. Try editing this file to make your own page order or disable some tabs.

I also was the one who found what registry entry was causing the ringtone reversion bug. Can someone on 4.3 who installed Jug's black s2a check the following registry key for me; HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0;
:Check to see if there is a value called "SavedSound" with the default windows mobile ringtone.

Out of files to upload for this post, will post a couple more cabs in next post.
Thanks, I was looking for some of this tabs!
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  #809 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 12:12 PM
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Re: [January 26th, 2009] M I G H T Y R O M 4 . 3 [SYS OS 20764 Build 20764] [UC]

Originally Posted by mightymike View Post
1.) Nope
2.) Yep!
I never knew we had to flash back to stock every time. May I ask what the reason for this is? I'd prefer to flash as little as possible just in case something does go wrong.
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  #810 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 12:15 PM
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Re: [January 26th, 2009] M I G H T Y R O M 4 . 3 [SYS OS 20764 Build 20764] [UC]

Briggs...I got juggalos black S2A installed and there is no Saved Sound value.


Thats it.
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