Re: How To: Kitchens
Well my phone hates the Kitchen3.00/OEM2.30/20931v3b combo.
Don't know why since others got it working ): Two different build attempts earlier at work and I had no radio at all. Now at home I try another build, same options, and it wont get past the first(?) splash screen, the one that says "Touch Diamond". I'm gonna try 20757v3b. -edit- Got 20757v3b working with my usual options, UC installed all my programs except Live Search but that's my fault I'm sure, I should fix that.
Phone: Touch Pro
Skinned Cat ROM: 20771 SYS w/ FPOS 3E XIP cooked in Calu's v1.3 Kitchen w/ Calcu 20954 & PPCKitchen OEMs Skinned Cat Return: 21232 SYS + Modded eRice Ktichen + lots different bits = Joy (O.o) Radio: Sprint 1.11.00F Last edited by fr4nk1yn; 11-13-2008 at 08:52 PM. |
Re: How To: Kitchens
Hmm. I just tried my Bluetooth, and even though it was paired, I couldn't use it in conversation. I hadn't replaced the bluetooth folder in the SYS because it appeared to be working, but now I don't think it is (though your problem ntt, I don't know what was wrong there)
I'll see if my thoughts on the issue will resolve it.... Thanks Leanne! |
Re: How To: Kitchens
What am I doing Wrong?
This one droves me crazy. Volume can not be controlled from the side buttons. In the HTC music panel the tone changes slightly but not the volume. In WMP a blank "bar" shows on the left but no change in volume either. This is with the phone speaker. Through Bluetooth it does control volume. |
Re: How To: Kitchens
I can confirm that my sound goes away after trying to make a call with my bluetooth. I had to soft reset my phone after.
Re: How To: Kitchens
ok, I just cooked a new Rom using 20757/ OEM 2.03 and Kitchen 3 and A2Dp works, although it's not listed under my headsets profile . I am sitting listening to music.
Re: How To: Kitchens
Time to get greasy Tobey. jejejeje
I stoped testing earlier cuz my g/f arrived and my time got caught up cooking and eating my desert. ![]() Anyways, when my G/F arrived I had just flashed with the 20757 SYS and tested pairing my 2 phones and 2 laptops and it worked fine. I even tried A2DP through my laptop and played some music through my laptop made a call into voicemail, hung up, music kept playing, walked far away from the computer and the bt disconnected as predicted and music kept playing through my phone's speaker. I made a call into voicemail again on the speakerphone, ran that for like a minute hung up, music kept playing, walked close to my laptop again and it automatically re-paired and kept playing through my laptop. I was even able to transfer a small mp3 to and from my laptop while playing, the music skipped a bit while I did that but it kept playing. I unpaired and continued using my phone as normal and my g/f arrived. So BT with the 20757 SYS I guess is working pretty well for me. One thing I did notice though while my G/F was here we tried to do some eBay shopping through Opera, wich has worked fine before for us and the browser's data would stop working or just be really slow all of a sudden. Don't know if its a signal issue or ROM related. I'm back in the lab and I'm gonna connect the phone to my WiFi and test again make sure its not software related. Afterwards I'm gonna reflash the 20931 SYS using the stock default settings see if my BT at least turns on like that, that could maybe identify some conflict between the OEMs you have selected by default vs. what I select. |
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