Re: [09/06/08] JUICY ROM v1.05
I've read this whole thread today, and I can't wait. By the looks of it, looks like Juicy is going to be releasing the 1.06 real soon. So I might as well wait for that for my first move over from the dark side to the better side.
A few questions and clarifications. First, to the guys who keep mentioning Skype to the person who wants VoIP enabled. Skype is a good VoIP client, but it's just weird at times for VoIP. You can't use it for corp stuff either. I guess it's just a preference. I use it for IM, a lot. I have a PBX that I dial in to to make outbound calls to my business associates who will see my work caller ID, etc. To do that, I save their contacts explicitly with the pauses like a callind card. However, if I get the VoIP option, I could just save their info with their regular numbers, and call out using VoIP. Next, a question for you guys. a) For all the firsttime flashers, did you follow the tutorial or did you follow some OTHER tutorial to do the flashing? b) I have this problem currently (regarding the voip stuff): My PBX is at 4161231234. My work contact1, 2, 3 are all dialed out through there. So, I've saved them as 416121234PP7777#PP4169991999, where the first phone number dials in to my PBX, waits for a couple seconds, enters a password 7777# and then dials out the contact's phone number. In my TELUS stock rom, when I call such contacts, 9 out of 10 times, the name displayed on the phone as it's calling happens to be of Contact1. So, for example, I call contact2 through my PBX, it shows as contact1 is being called. It's just a display problem. This affects me through call history. I called contact2 at 3pm, but it shows that I called contact1 at 3pm confusing the hell out of me. Can this be fixed please in Juicy's? c) Like mightymike recommended, if Juicy is removing some apps, separate cabs provided will be amazing for everybody! What say Juice? d) I'd like to somehow see RSSHub and Skype on the main TF3D screen, is it possible? e) mightymike, have you tried the exchange mail out? Is it working now? I use exchange as well. d) Juicy, try putting all your ROMs on the FTP repositroy of this forum man, would be nice and easy for us to track your updates. e) To make a donation, do you have a link? As soon as I flash I have to make donations to the kitchen and the rom. ![]() Above everything else, Juicy, I tip my hat to you. Good fuggin job mang! |
This post has been thanked 1 times. |
Re: [09/06/08] JUICY ROM v1.05
PS: Regarding the Opera landscape not working earlier. I know it's fixed now, but it was said that it was crashing Opera. Knock on wood, it never happened on my stock ROM.
Re: [09/06/08] JUICY ROM v1.05
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Re: [09/06/08] JUICY ROM v1.05
So maybe it's a unit by unit thing. |
Re: [09/06/08] JUICY ROM v1.05
hey devileyez, i havent tried the rom since 103 im waiting for 106 to b released before i give it another go. ill keeo u guys posted. hopefully its up tonight!
Re: [09/06/08] JUICY ROM v1.05
Thank you for interest and generosity ![]() |
Re: [09/06/08] JUICY ROM v1.05
d) not to my knowledge, other than the program launcher or second home, or whatever it's called d #2) maybe i'll start with 1.06.... i just hate using ftp clients |
Re: [09/06/08] JUICY ROM v1.05
Moral of the story, if your stuff is good, and there's a provision to help you out by donating, people will donate when they want to. So, yes please. PayPal, or StormPay, or sumn' of that nature. |
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