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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 05:05 AM
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Re: Sprint is no good!

Also at least Sprint doesn't "cripple" their phones like verizon and others.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 10:46 AM
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Re: Sprint is no good!

Sounds like user error.
  #53 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 11:20 AM
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Lightbulb Re: Sprint is no good!

I love my touch pro, which Sprint sent as a replacement for my defective mogul, which was a warranty replacement for my two year old Apache.

I recently flashed it with the latest Y4J rom, and it runs fantastic. The 1.07.00 radio as well. Hardly ever falls out of EVDO here in socal.

Sprint isnt perfect, but no carrier is. I find with sprint especially, a good attitude towards CSR when you are having any kind of issue yields a greater return than expected. No new phone is going "be perfect and solve all your issues", there simply wont be that device. My main gripe about the TP, is the charging/tethering issue, I wish the circuit was built that the phone would charge and use external power when connected, instead of drawing off the battery while the battery is getting charged. But other than that, its a fantastic phone. The speakers could be better, but hey. It does everything else exceptionally well. No one believes the pictures I take are with the phone, and not a digital camera.

I originally had pacbell digital PCS service back in '98, until 2002. Initially service was alright, except for thurs and fri afternoons driving home on the freeway. Most dialed #s would end up with the message "We're sorry, we are unable to complete your call at this time, please try the number later and call again.." And it pretty much went downhill from there. They rebadged it as cingular, now of course its At&t, and the only thing that has increased are the fees and advertising. Their signal still sucks everywhere. "Fewer bars in more places!" Should be there motto. Coming to Sprint in 2002, it was like night and day. "You mean I actually get signal after walking into a building, elevator, or going into a data center? WOW!" And Ive never looked back.

I tested a number of different PDA and smartphones this past year from AT&T and Verizon, and was actually given the same "model" from each carrier. Sprint wasnt part of the evaluation, so I just used my phone as benchmark. Anyways, the Verizon versions performed flawlessly, always great signal. The Q9C actually had a fantastic speakerphone, and always had good signal. The being locked down part sucked, couldnt make google maps work. I dont understand why Verizon feels the need to be draconian in regards to phone features. The probably support Obama's health care plan as well. But I also tried the similar AT&T smartphone, believe it was the blackjack, and it was a piece of junk, reception wise, just like my AT&T work cell. I cant use the phone in half this building.

Im amazed how many people are drawn to the iphone, when it only recently got such necessary features as copy/paste, especially when its on the worst cell provider possible. But then again, apple users tend to overlook lack of features and high prices, in homage to the almighty apple. That seems to go hand in hand. I still dont even have an ipod yet, though Im considering one since my car has OEM ipod integration, might be usefull! Its a pretty phone, dont get me wrong, the UI is beautiful, and for the technologically challenged, it does a good job. But once the glitter and gloss wears off, you begin to realize your limitations with it. Id be tempted to get one if Sprint carried one, but at the same time, Id feel torn because I love the winmo OS, and the flexibility it provides. Id probably replace my wife's BB with the iphone if it were an option, only because she'd enjoy it.

Anyways, sorry to hear that sprint and the touch pro have performed so unitarily terrible for you, I guess you'll just have to deal with the ETF, and find a new carrier!
  #54 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 11:54 AM
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Re: Sprint is no good!

Originally Posted by myxheroxfell View Post
Man, I love sprint. I've been with them for 10 years now. I have the whole customer service system down. When ever or if I ever have a problem I can get it fixed and get a bill credit and I'm never on the phone for more than 45 minutes.
Share some wisdom?
  #55 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 11:59 AM
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Re: Sprint is no good!

Just be cool, happy and grateful
Da Believer....
  #56 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 12:30 PM
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Re: Sprint is no good!

Originally Posted by zepsamsung View Post
I hate Sprint, they just plain suck. All their phones are released with all sorts of problems.
They have the worst customer service. They will send you an email with one thing and then you call and they try to say they never said that. I can hardly understand half of the foreign CSR.
They send you three refurb phones before they send you a new one.
All their stores are understaffed and what good is in store tech support and repair, if all they do is order you a refurb? I had the Mogul, the phone part worked great, the rest sucked and Sprint lied about the auto focus camera, it was fixed focus!! The lack of ram was a real flop in the mud for the Mogul also.
Now since March I have had the nightmare hellish hot TOUCH PRO. While most other carries have released updated roms to fix the issues, Sprint has not!! Yet they will rush to release the TP2 before fixing what is already in the customers hand. I live in America, so why the overseas CRS?
What, no Americans need those jobs? No wonder Sprint is going steady with the loss of customers.
Sprint can go suck a f@#$ ball of $hiT!! Issues with the TP include, hot as hell when in heavy use!
Phone will flash at you and not ring, or let you answer it until it rings. Battery life sucks worse than any phone I have owned! The phone is hard to hear when in call, even with tweaks, then all of a sudden it will be loud! I miss calls and voice mail all the time. Then a day later, the voice mail shows up!!
I am angry at the fact that they told me to buy the new TP2 when it arrives!

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sounds like i.d. ten t error = id10t error
Obviously sprint didn't create the phone, htc created the phone and microsoft the software, so any problems with the phone itself you would take up with them. If i was a sprint rep and you called me like this i wouldn't give you any service at all either, you can go bite yourself and cry in the corner for all anyone cares. You think sprint is doing bad, but they still are creating thousands of jobs for people and i bet you Dan Hesse definitely gets paid more then you. cry baby

by the way I love my sprint touch pro and wouldn't change it for anything else except a tp2
  #57 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 12:56 PM
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Re: Sprint is no good!

I get in trouble for bad language, yet I am entitled to my own opinion. Half the language and stuff written in my post in bad talking me and flamming me. All those who have done so can go yourself!!
To the mods, you get me for the word freaking and yet a lot of replies on here are bad and filled with bad language to put me down and the mods have done nothing.
  #58 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 12:58 PM
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Re: Sprint is no good!

i've had sprint for about 10 years now... i've had other services as well from different jobs (att, vzw), and i never terminated my sprint contract because it didn't make any sense to. the plan that i have on sprint costs me 45 a month, and it would cost 175 a month on att, and probably about 120 or so on vzw.

i've had pretty much every high end phone that sprint has offered in those 10 years, and i've never had a serious problem. when i did, i called them up (or even just emailed ecare), and they made it right. i got the diamond the day it came out for free because i called retentions, and then they upgraded it to the tp because i wanted the keyboard with no problems, and then accepted the rebate for it, so i got paid 150 bucks to have the tp for free. what other company does that? and on top of it, they didn't even use my contract renewal for the phones, so i can renew my contract and get the tp2 when it comes out cheaply. honestly, name a carrier who treats their customers like this?

you have a problem with overseas customer service? hmmm... last time i called sprint, i was talking to a cute chick in florida. we were trying to track down the problem with my account and picturemail and she was sending me pics of herself in the call center to see if anything was working. i dunno about you man, but maybe you're with a "different" sprint carrier than the one i'm with, cause your problems seem to be easily fixed. phone gets too hot? just upgrade the radio rom. sprint didn't do it for you? grow a pair and fix it yourself. its a windows mobile phone, thats what they're meant for.

what are you, new? if you're just going to sit around and complain that the provider didn't do it for you, when all the tools and info are readily available on the forum you're posting on to just complain because you're just too lazy, or clueless to read, and fix your own problems, then... i dunno what to tell you..

....and don't look to the mods to protect you from people questioning your intent. this forum is for the touch pro, not carrier bashing. and just because you have run into problems (probably the way you handle (or don't handle) the problems), are what have led you to the conclusion that it must be the carriers fault.
  #59 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 01:10 PM
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Re: Sprint is no good!

Originally Posted by zepsamsung View Post
I get in trouble for bad language, yet I am entitled to my own opinion. Half the language and stuff written in my post in bad talking me and flamming me. All those who have done so can go yourself!!
To the mods, you get me for the word freaking and yet a lot of replies on here are bad and filled with bad language to put me down and the mods have done nothing.
Sir, no one has used swear words towards you. And if you read the rules it specifically states no swear words. Dont try and trick it by using symbols or other punctuations. Yours was filled with swear words up and down.
  #60 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 01:24 PM
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Re: Sprint is no good!

First of all I am talking about the Touch Pro. If you buy a car from Ford at a dealer and it breaks down, you go to the dealer for it to get fixed, not to the Ford plant. If I buy a phone from Sprint and it fails, I go back to Sprint, since they are the dealer. I already spoke to HTC and was told that it is up to the vender aka Sprint to release the updates to he customer as with AT&T AND OTHER CARRIES HAVE ALREADY DONE. If there was not an issue with my TP, then Sprint would not give me credits based on how unreliable this phone can be without breaking the warranty and going to a cooked rom. The issue with tech support in overseas is a known issue with Sprint, which I have had as a carrier for almost ten years myself. Since my phone is a TP, it is in the TP forum. Also Sprint has offered me a new phone as soon as a new model with WM6.5 comes out. I have had three new TP'S in the first 30 days and I do like this phone and hope that Sprint will keep their word and update it to WM6.5, as per my email posted before from Sprint. So they gave me the option for new or wait for the update, I'M going to wait.

Last edited by zepsamsung; 08-19-2009 at 01:28 PM.
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