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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2009, 06:55 PM
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What carrier to go with?

Ok so after reading a few VZW flaming posts I am wondering which carrier I should go with. I live in a rural area and until recently only had the choice of Alltel. We have since had a local company start wireless service joining up with Sprint for more coverage.(website for local company is here http://www.nex-techwireless.com/Document.aspx?id=303 ). This local company doesn't lock down any features and their phones are all unlocked with factory software. My contract with Alltel is up in 2 months and from what I can see on the VZW website a comparable plan to what I have with Alltel right now will raise my bill $50 and as everybody knows their phones are junk. Right now I have the Diamond and wife has Pro.

So my question is what are your suggestions as far as carriers go....should I stay with VZW since they are set to take over this area within 2 months or go with the local company. In addition does anybody know how to set up service with Sprint or ATT online in a zipcode that they do not cover? Live in 67601 kansas zip.

All comments will be taken into consideration because I don't feel like going to a company that locks out parts of the phone, gimps the models and charges more for just the basic service.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2009, 11:30 PM
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Re: What carrier to go with?

That Nex-Tech has HTC Pros and Diamonds for 100 bucks apiece! That's incredible. You could always give these guys a shot. I use Sprint and overall I am very happy with coverage and all that jazz, minus being in my apartment. I would just verify that you do mainly have decent coverage for your area!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2009, 12:41 AM
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Re: What carrier to go with?

sprint shows native coverage in that zip code. without knowing your address i couldnt tell you if youd be roaming in your house or not, but theres no reason you shouldnt be able to get service with them. with that being said, if nex-tech offers phones and plans that cheap, while giving you the benefits of the sprint network, i wouldnt see why you dont go with them
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2009, 12:52 AM
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Re: What carrier to go with?

Looking at the local company's webpage I think I would give them a shot, decent plan rates, decent data rates, good coverage, and steller prices on phones.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2009, 01:16 AM
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Re: What carrier to go with?

Well... let's see the positives of each...

Verizon and ATT have no roaming charges. You can go anywhere in the US and it doesn't count as roaming. Verizon Wireless also has some of the best coverage out of all the carriers. I'm almost positive it's better than sprints. The negative: both have extremely expensive data plans. Verizon's phones are always completely locked down, and usually features are broken with there ROMs. There are work arounds.

Sprint has a much cheaper data plan, but slightly less coverage.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2009, 10:55 AM
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Re: What carrier to go with?

If Sprint has good coverage in your area, Sprint hands down regarding pricing and service.
I have had Sprint for 10 years and the Customer Service issues were a past problem but has not been an issue for a long time.
The main cause of most of the Customer Service issues were the numerous perks and discounts which were available of which I and many customers had issues regarding Sprint removing them due to the billing system, etc.
Also, many of the Reps were inept but there has been a great improvement in the Customer Service area and the many discounts and perks that were previously available were reduced to the bare minimum.
I have an older plan with many perks but there are new plans that when compared with other carries like Verizon, offer great savings as well as Devices that are not "cut off at the knees," if you know what I mean.
I had a choice to switch carriers awhile ago when I was having alot of customer Service issues but no other carrier could offer what I was paying for the service I have.
As I said, for the most value for your dollar, SPRINT is the way to go.
Take a look at the plans available and see how they compare to the other carriers you have to choose from.

Good Luck

I don't work for Sprint lol
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2009, 01:33 PM
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Re: What carrier to go with?

Holy FREAKIN CRAP! I'm thinking about switching to Nextech......
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2009, 01:40 PM
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Re: What carrier to go with?

Originally Posted by Link9228 View Post
Well... let's see the positives of each...

Verizon and ATT have no roaming charges. You can go anywhere in the US and it doesn't count as roaming. Verizon Wireless also has some of the best coverage out of all the carriers. I'm almost positive it's better than sprints. The negative: both have extremely expensive data plans. Verizon's phones are always completely locked down, and usually features are broken with there ROMs. There are work arounds.

Sprint has a much cheaper data plan, but slightly less coverage.
Depending on your sprint plan, roaming isn't an issue either, and with all the expensive data costs and everything on VZW you would be coming in around the same price point, probably even cheaper. With unlimited calling, no roaming, which seems better then no roaming but with a cap on your minute usage. Coverage is all about where you live, I have family in Philly and Verizon has better coverage there form what I hear, but where I am Sprint is the best choice for me as far as signal and service is concerned.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2009, 02:39 PM
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Re: What carrier to go with?

The reason that coverage sucks in some areas is that the companies actually have to pay the government for 'air space'. There's only allowed to be a few different networks in one area. That's why no one carrier has coverage over the ENTIRE* nation.

*as in everywhere. If you look on a coverage map for your carrier, there's probably blanks spots or fringe areas.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2009, 03:00 PM
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Re: What carrier to go with?

Originally Posted by Link9228 View Post
The reason that coverage sucks in some areas is that the companies actually have to pay the government for 'air space'. There's only allowed to be a few different networks in one area. That's why no one carrier has coverage over the ENTIRE* nation.

*as in everywhere. If you look on a coverage map for your carrier, there's probably blanks spots or fringe areas.
its all based on population, obviously a carrier isnt going to put up a $300,000 plus maintenence costs for a city or town that has a small population. All carriers already pay the government for the spectrum they run off of. Thats why you get charged a federal tax. Sprint has the same exact coverage as VZW, same network and frequency, just one company owns a specific set of towers and the other company owns the other.

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