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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 04:13 PM
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Re: Can we start a petiton on Insurance Deductible Cost???

Originally Posted by vesty16277 View Post
$7 x 24 mth contract = $168 +$100 deductible = Still pretty good deal considering the phone retails without contract around $5-600 most places.
Not to mention the fee is $0 if you still have the phone and just need to get a replacement. They cover everything int he store except for water damage and lost or stolen phones.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 04:22 PM
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Re: Can we start a petition on Insurance Deductible Cost???

Originally Posted by jason25 View Post
I kinda feel the same about car insurance. I have made one insurance claim in 13 years. That was only because my stereo system got jacked.
I have had car insurance for 28 years, and not have filed a claim on my car. (Now my wifes car is a different story)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 04:44 PM
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Re: Can we start a petiton on Insurance Deductible Cost???

Originally Posted by bds120 View Post
So as many of you know, we are now getting super screwed on the new deductible cost for our Touch Pro's. We are considered Tier 2 and the cost of replacement is NOW $100.

I honestly feel we need to fight this because its ridiculous the way you pay $7 per month and then still get raped on the deductible.

I have been with Sprint for almost 10 years now and I think I have used the replacement like 4 times.

If it wasn't for me having the SERO plan that only cost me $37 a month with that already including insurance, I would be hot as FIRE right now.
I too was upset to hear that without warning my $50 deductible was now $100 and there was nothing I could do about it. After all they sent out a letter and we all know that the USPS is flawless. I mean it's iron clad. You are able to change the terms of contract at any time if you send out a letter. Didn't you know?

But....I had a new phone in my hands less than 24 hours after making my claim, they billed my Sprint account which was convenient and Sprint agreed to a $50 credit for the inconvenience. Overall I feel like I was treated with respect and was given great service.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 04:49 PM
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Re: Can we start a petiton on Insurance Deductible Cost???

TEP is not a contract, its an add-on that can be removed at anytime. Also, its exactly like car insurance, we pay a premium, rather its six months, one year. Either way, you are paying a monthly premium plus when you do need to make a claim most of us have a deductible wether its 100, 250, 500. Insurance is insurance, i dont understand why people think just because you pay seven bucks a month, a Carrier should give you a 500 dollar phone wether its refurb or not, when it was your fault the phone was broken in the first place.

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Last edited by nxtech3; 06-23-2009 at 04:55 PM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 08:24 PM
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Re: Can we start a petiton on Insurance Deductible Cost???

Originally Posted by jason25 View Post
then figure the amount of times you have used insurance. I have always had insurance and never used it. I don't remember what I paid 11 yrs ago, but lets just say $5/month.

5 x 12 = $60/year
60 x 11 = $660

It adds up quick. If it was $7/month for all those years it would be $924, then you add in whatever the deductible is. Seems like a waste to me.

I kinda feel the same about car insurance. I have made one insurance claim in 13 years. That was only because my stereo system got jacked.
Well it was worth it for me.......I've been through 3 PPC 6600's with broken screens. They replaced 2 with $50 deductibles and the last one they sent had a bad "A" and "S" key on the keyboard and since I think I raped the last of thier stock and they didn't have any 6700's they shipped me a Brand new non refurb Mogul. Came with full warranty and had it replaced once for free and then again where I ended up receiving a Brand new touch diamond, Touch pro, and one refurb touch pro at ZERO cost LMAO........of course being the honest man I am I did the right thing with them...
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2009, 12:40 AM
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Re: Can we start a petiton on Insurance Deductible Cost???

Handset insurance offered through carriers via Asurion are a complete rip off. It's way overpriced. Here's what I do:

I called my renter's insurance agent and asked her if I could put a rider on my insurance for my phones should they be damaged outside my home. She says she can do that but she needs documentation to prove replacement value for each device. I provide such documentation, and a week later I get coverage for my devices added to my insurance bill. For $4 a month I get the following coverage:

$700 for my iPhone 3G
$600 for my Touch Pro
$450 for my GF's Centro.

The only downside is that it takes a lot longer from the time you file a claim to when you get your device back. But it's worth it since I have multiple backups for each service.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2009, 10:46 AM
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Re: Can we start a petiton on Insurance Deductible Cost???

I think that often we are our own worst enemies. How many times have I read on this forum (or another much like it) about smeone wanting to "lose" and put a claim in on their beat up old handset just to get a shiny new one to sell on EBay; or using the insurance to facilitate an upgrade to a newer model of handset. All of that adds up to what we pay for insurance. In the many years I have had insurance I had only one claim and that was years ago on a LG4400 that went into Long Island Sound during a line squall.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 10:03 PM
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Re: Can we start a petiton on Insurance Deductible Cost???

Originally Posted by nxtech3 View Post
TEP is not a contract, its an add-on that can be removed at anytime. Also, its exactly like car insurance, we pay a premium, rather its six months, one year. Either way, you are paying a monthly premium plus when you do need to make a claim most of us have a deductible wether its 100, 250, 500. Insurance is insurance, i dont understand why people think just because you pay seven bucks a month, a Carrier should give you a 500 dollar phone wether its refurb or not, when it was your fault the phone was broken in the first place.

I disagree. I entered a contract when I choose the insurance option. I would pay $7/month and then pay a $50 deductible if I made a claim. I feel like the insurance provider made very little effort to contact me about deductible increases. That was my real gripe, increased without my knowledge until I needed them. In the end Sprint reimbursed me for the extra $50 and I was a happy customer. All is good.

Your car insurance analogy doesn't quite work here. Car insurance deductibles don't increase all willy nilly. Your monthly rate could after your term is up. I pay every 6 months and 3 months in they can't raise my rates up $12 and make me pay more. They can however charge me more the next 6 months or cancel my insurance at anytime.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 10:11 PM
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Re: Can we start a petiton on Insurance Deductible Cost???

Originally Posted by doireallyhavetodothis View Post
I disagree. I entered a contract when I choose the insurance option. I would pay $7/month and then pay a $50 deductible if I made a claim. I feel like the insurance provider made very little effort to contact me about deductible increases. That was my real gripe, increased without my knowledge until I needed them. In the end Sprint reimbursed me for the extra $50 and I was a happy customer. All is good.
i got 2 letters, but don't worry about unless you've had some claims on your account. by claims, i mean anytime you complain and you are sent another phone.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 11:30 PM
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Re: Can we start a petiton on Insurance Deductible Cost???

Originally Posted by bds120 View Post
So as many of you know, we are now getting super screwed on the new deductible cost for our Touch Pro's. We are considered Tier 2 and the cost of replacement is NOW $100.

I honestly feel we need to fight this because its ridiculous the way you pay $7 per month and then still get raped on the deductible.

I have been with Sprint for almost 10 years now and I think I have used the replacement like 4 times.

If it wasn't for me having the SERO plan that only cost me $37 a month with that already including insurance, I would be hot as FIRE right now.
Haha, life's not fair.
If it was 50, people would complain that they have to pay 50 for it.
haha. just the way it is.
But I do agree personally, I wish it stayed at 50, but too many people were making claims just because it was scratched or something like that.
So I'm sure the company was loosing money or not making anything worth while. Just part of life, prices go up.

Originally Posted by JonaDiaper View Post
wow deductible is a buck?
i thought it was 50

when did it raise up?
A few months ago.

Originally Posted by jason25 View Post
wow, I didn't even notice that under the monster banner of his
lmfao, I know it.
I thought mine was bad (which I'm working on something to replace it)
but geez, his is just sooooo wide.
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