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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 01:03 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

Originally Posted by PDAPhoneJunkie View Post
For me Verizon has amazing coverage and Sprint's is bad around here. But, Sprint has much better phones. Buy an Omnia and clone the ESN...
If you're going to pay for Verizon, why not just go to AT&T and get a nice, unlocked GSM phone? The only reason I'm on Sprint is SERO. Their network, in my area, is as good as you can ask for but they have the usual CDMA phone selection. Luckily, I'm fine with Windows Mobile and they carry the real Touch Pro (not whatever Verizon is calling the Touch Pro).

On AT&T, you can get some really nice unlocked Nokia phones or a Fuze if you want Windows Mobile. And it's the same price as Verizon for service but you get a SIM card so you can change phones easily.

Just my 2 cents.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 01:14 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

Sprint since 1998!!! (Sprint Spectrum) First phone Qualcomm something - or - another...lol! Worked for Verizon...back when they were Bell Atlantic, work for Cellular One, and Sprint. Your phone is only as good as the TOWER IT'S CONNECTED TO! Sprint hands down!
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 01:32 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

I have Sprint, had em for near two years now. before that i had Verizon for almost five years. I live in the North East, and travel all over eastern pa, jersey, new york, maryland, and occasionally down through VA, NC, SC, and GA. I would say I went from 5 to 12 dropped calls a week on Verizon to one in the last two years of Sprint. I saw on ur tag ur in atlanta? They have great coverage till you get down to like Griffin, then you roam at times, but you can't really tell a whole lot, plus Sprint has updated/ put up a crazy number of towers down there in the last six months.
Sprint FTW!!!
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 01:47 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

My vote is for Sprint. I had Verizon before and was forced to go to Sprint cause Verizon had no service in my apartment. Besides I dont like how VZW cripples phones features and charge a million dollars for service. Sprint has come a long way with reception, data speeds and pricing plans. So go ahead and Sprint ahead ..lol
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 09:06 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

In most major Metro Areas Consumer reports rates Verizon higher than any other carrier.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 09:41 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

Originally Posted by SporkLover View Post
In most major Metro Areas Consumer reports rates Verizon higher than any other carrier.

VZ does charge more, but they are one of the largest cell companies in the world because millions of people who depend on their phones for business like I do gladly pay the rates for the excellent coverage & superior service.

We have a corporate plan where I work with 48 phones on it. We switched the phones from Sprint to VZ last year & it sure wasn't to save money. Our employees use the phones all over the country & we get MUCH MUCH better coverage/less dropped calls/texts that arrive on time etc from VZ than we ever did from Sprint. Sure, a Sprint phone can use VZ's towers when roaming, but it does not work anywhere near as well as actually having VZ service we found.

It always baffles me that people seem to need to defend Sprint's service the way they do. I have no problem with people using Sprint because it's cheaper, but there are rather good reasons why people will pay Verizons much higher rates also............

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 10:26 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

Everyone bashes Verizons prices, and as an individual, or a large corporate account I would agree.

However, I have three phones on family share plan (1400 mins) w/ free eve/wknd and vzw-vzw calls, 1 data plan, all 3 w/ pay as you go texts.

We are usually paying 150 mo (complete, taxes etc included) using nearly the full 1400 minutes (and each line fluctuates a lot on a month by month basis) we also tend to use about 3-4000 vzw-vzw and/or night/weekend mins (we know a lot of vzw customers). So far there has only been 1 month that I should have added the 500 text plan for 5$. We have excellent reception everywhere we go.

Now I could be wrong, but every time I have looked, even w/ sero I have not been able to beat that price.

I have had the same account for 21 years (granted it was w/ ameritech before vzw bought them out). I would change if given a good reason. They also have a reasonable customer service dept. I have always been satisfied w/ every outcome with cs.

Last, I may be getting a better price too, they offer an emplyee discount for those from my wifes job of 20%... 120 sounds nice
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 11:12 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

Originally Posted by nuguy View Post
Everyone bashes Verizons prices, and as an individual, or a large corporate account I would agree.

However, I have three phones on family share plan (1400 mins) w/ free eve/wknd and vzw-vzw calls, 1 data plan, all 3 w/ pay as you go texts.

We are usually paying 150 mo (complete, taxes etc included) using nearly the full 1400 minutes (and each line fluctuates a lot on a month by month basis) we also tend to use about 3-4000 vzw-vzw and/or night/weekend mins (we know a lot of vzw customers). So far there has only been 1 month that I should have added the 500 text plan for 5$. We have excellent reception everywhere we go.

Now I could be wrong, but every time I have looked, even w/ sero I have not been able to beat that price.

I have had the same account for 21 years (granted it was w/ ameritech before vzw bought them out). I would change if given a good reason. They also have a reasonable customer service dept. I have always been satisfied w/ every outcome with cs.

Last, I may be getting a better price too, they offer an emplyee discount for those from my wifes job of 20%... 120 sounds nice
I use Sprint now, but my family still uses Verizon. I had added a 22% corporate discount on my VZW line a couple years ago and its still there. Unfortunately they only apply that discount to specific aspects of the bill. For me it discounted only the main line charge and the additional line charges. Didn't discount the insurance, texts and obviously the taxes/surcharges, which add up to quite a lot on the bill. It was nice to have a discount, but I found myself still paying $120+ for 4 lines of service with no data, no texts and only 700 minutes. Cutting my line saved about $20-30 and its now under a 100$.

The SERO plans most of us talk about is long gone. Its now a different breed of offers that is about twice as much as the original SERO was. Had you gotten in on the old deal, I guarantee you, you would've paid less and still gotten more.

I have used both Sprint and Verizon for years in both New York City and Boston and found service to be exactly the same. I can't attest to the more rural areas, but I wouldn't be surprised if Verizon beat out Sprint in many areas.

The only thing about having Sprint is that none of my friends have Sprint and I have to rely on my Favorite 3 to cut down on minutes, 90% of my calls are to only a couple numbers anyway, haha.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 12:00 PM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

Well, Big Red was my first carrier, and within the 2 years I was with them dating back from 2002, I had 5 dropped calls in that entire span, but in addition I had a fiancee (god rest her soul) who worked for them which got me my fat discount, but as soon as my final invoice came in, they slapped me with big charges due to tethering, so I told them I never wanted to renew my contract and moved on and never looked back.

Verizon = Great voice coverage, and pretty iffy data from my experiences.

Sprint = Decent voice coverage at best, and data speeds I can live with despite the awful overall upload speeds.

Both carriers do have their pros and cons, but am I complaining? No ladies and gentlemen, I'm just going with the flow... One day at a time.
If you are literally serving shit to American children, or knowingly spinning a wheel where it is not unlikely that you will eventually serve shit – if that’s your business model? Then I got no problems with a jury of your peers wiring your nuts to a car battery and feeding you the accumulated sweepings from the bottom of a monkey cage. In fact, I’ll hold the spoon.” -Ralph Dunlop-
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 01:58 PM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

I looked into the SERO when it was a better plan, and I would have gotten more, and I also would have paid more, didn't need the extras for the other two lines in particular, so big v kept me...
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Have Wifi and GPS on your phone???
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