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  #191 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2008, 08:08 AM
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Re: Bad news for Sprint...

Originally Posted by Snowrblind View Post
I don't think Sprint will ever turn it around unless they improve customer service. They can have the cheapest plans and the best phones, but if its a hassle to deal with them, then no one will want to deal with them.
I had Sprint for 3 years and had such a hard time canceling the account or getting anything done with them. There are only 2 things Sprint cares about. You signing your contract and you paying your bill. That's it, nothing else. Your phone doesn't work? They don't care. Service terrible? Screw you! Want to talk to someone in the store? Screw you again, the store people are just sales peons, they can't do anything. Please hide behind this partition and wait in line to CALL customer service from our store.
From my one bad customer service experience with them, i can definitely say they have lost the opportunity for 6 accounts. 5 of which would have been at least $100 a month.
For example, if i went back to Sprint here's what it would take. First thing, 6mo evaluation period where i can cancel anytime without paying a fee. A Free Touch Pro, and a welcome back 15% discount for the length of my contract on service and products i buy in the store. And that's just to get me thinking about going back there. There would also have to be some empowerment of the store staff to assist in customer service and account maintenance.
If all that was done, i would consider, going back to Sprint. I wouldn't leap for it, i'd think about it. Cause well it's Sprint and they're terrible.
Ain't that the truth. There were some rough times with sprint, not gonna lie about that. But I will say, Sprint is definitely working in this area. I didn't trust Sprint for beans a few years ago and I constantly checked my bill to make sure they didn't tack on any extra "charges." I've read a number of similar horror stories and it made me paranoid.

But for the most part, it has been improving over the past few years. I'm sure Sprint lost a lot of customers like yourself because of poor customer service. I think Mr. Hesse is on the right track to bringing this company back from a near death.
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  #192 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2008, 02:16 PM
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Re: Bad news for Sprint...

Look at today!
S Daily 1.58 -0.07 -4.24%

down almost another 25% in one week!

Maybe we should have a pool as to when Sprint will go Chapter 11?
Winner gets free Premium membership?
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  #193 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2008, 02:22 PM
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Re: Bad news for Sprint...

sprint will never die....
treo700wx--->sprint mogul(6800)---->(TOUCHPRO 6850)*2 AND A TOUCH DIAMOND JUST IN CASE

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  #194 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2008, 02:33 PM
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Re: Bad news for Sprint...

Originally Posted by micro254 View Post
sprint will never die....
5 months
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  #195 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2008, 04:41 PM
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Re: Bad news for Sprint...

No.. It has a couple billion in cash on hand.. Even if they don't use it, it is drawing interest... It will be good at least a year.. If a year from now they are in the same situation with no cash reserves, then they can be checked into Hospice...
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  #196 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2008, 01:25 PM
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Re: Bad news for Sprint...

Even with great plan pricing most people find their time is more important than battling a CS rep over messed up billing, phones, ect. I dont want to even begin to get started on how many weeks worth of being on the phone bounced from one person to the next to get some issue fixed. A large part of the churn is from all of the Nextel customers that had great service till Sprint took over and now they are leaving. The rest are Sprint customers that are tired of the bs as well, I escape in June! People should remember you get what you pay for...Sprint has the cheapest plans because the customer service is subpar, that simple.
No they are not going to die, they still got money besides they can fire more CS reps (not like that will hurt anything!) and out source more to some Indian company overseas that doubles as an OJT english 101. The only thing that holds me is the hardware, but the Omnia is looking real good right now and Ill say it again. If Sprint doesnt have an Omnia by June, Ill be a Verizon customer in July! Yes I will pay more for service but the CS is better!
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  #197 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2008, 02:11 PM
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Re: Bad news for Sprint...

they need to advertise thier products!
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  #198 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2008, 09:42 PM
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Re: Bad news for Sprint...

I think sprint should do what verizon has been doing: advertize their network, instead of phones. if the money is limited, then spend well and advertize their network/plans. phones come and go but network is there to stay. why wasting 100 million to advertize Instinct? it is even more stupid to put an ad everywhere "nstinct vs iphone". iphone is the king. no ad can help.
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  #199 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2008, 10:17 PM
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Re: Bad news for Sprint...

Originally Posted by BigDiesel07 View Post
No.. It has a couple billion in cash on hand.. Even if they don't use it, it is drawing interest... It will be good at least a year.. If a year from now they are in the same situation with no cash reserves, then they can be checked into Hospice...
Dell used to say that too.

The difference with Dell and Sprint, is Sprint has boatloads of debt to counter all that cash you speak of, and Sprint is rated "junk."
Sprint has $4B in cash and $22B in debt. http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=S

How much interest do you think is paid at a bank when the fed rate is 0?

S Daily 1.69 0.11 6.96%

Last edited by jimd144; 12-26-2008 at 10:21 PM.
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  #200 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2008, 12:29 AM
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Re: Bad news for Sprint...

Originally Posted by jimd144 View Post
Dell used to say that too.

The difference with Dell and Sprint, is Sprint has boatloads of debt to counter all that cash you speak of, and Sprint is rated "junk."
Sprint has $4B in cash and $22B in debt. http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=S

How much interest do you think is paid at a bank when the fed rate is 0?

S Daily 1.69 0.11 6.96%
Not a whole lot
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