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  #81 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 04:11 PM
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Re: Sprint 5GB internet cap

ok so i think i know what started all of this.. i just found out that there was a situation with att, where someone had used one of their air cards as a main source of internet at a business.. ended up having $80,000.00 in overages!!!! wow, so im guessing to eliminate that from being the case, sprint it prolly trying to put a cap on their unlimited plan so i doesnt get abused like that
i hate idiots... seriously

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  #82 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 04:12 PM
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Re: Sprint 5GB internet cap

Originally Posted by 6700Yuma View Post
That should be less than 400MB. Seems like you've got lots of available data.
yea i jus double checked some stats an noticed that, lol.. but regardless im excused cuz im on an employee plan hehe
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  #83 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 04:36 PM
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Re: Sprint 5GB internet cap

Wow! I'm at 2883579 and I still have to go to the 28th.
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  #84 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 04:41 PM
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Re: Sprint 5GB internet cap

Any change in any term of any service is just cause to get you out of contract.

Sprint has to honor it. They cannot write a blanket contract that says you will pay what we want when we want how we want for what we want to offer you. Also by signing here you agree that we can change any term of this agreement at any time and you will abide by our decisions.

If sprint wants to make a change they either.

1. Apply the change to all future customers only and grandfather those who are on a discontinued offer keeping the contract valid.

2. Do a global change affecting all users and offer to waive the ETF due to a change in the contract. It is then up to you to decide if you still want to continue under these new terms. They usually give you X amount of days to decide.

Last year I used the insurance hike to wave my etf. I agreed to one stipulation, they decided to change it. Even if they drop the price you can waive your etf because the contract still changes (a stupid reason but still a valid one). Sprint knows what they are doing. They aren't just gonna make a change to test the subscribers dedication to the company. They'll make a change to protect the assets of the company. If they lose a million subscribers because of this unlimited fiasco. Well they must be losing millions due to the abuse...Who knows.

When I came back to sprint, I too took the pam option. I was swayed by the rep about how verizon limits their stuff etc. I specifically asked if it was truly unlimited and he said it is and how he's got "tors" running all day on the network. I signed up because I intended to use it as a primary internet connection.

I highly doubt sprint will institute a 5GB cap.

It's going to affect their business customers who are the true road warriors who take work all around the world with them. It also affects the average joe like me who uses his laptop when he's deployed to other states and couped up in some hotel etc..My only contact home to the wife and kids is skype and a webcam. It's counter productive to upgrade network capacity and speeds to impose a cap. 5 years ago maybe. Now it should be at least 50GB

That's like me trying to rent you a Lamborghini that can ONLY go 200MPH (not up to but only 200MPH). Then putting you on a road in the middle of nowhere and tell you to go sight seeing (but just not too long cause I charge mileage after 1000 miles. It's a shame that unlike before where the roads were straight from point A to point B you now have to take backroads, side streets and detours.

Have fun!

Last edited by Darkflame808; 05-20-2008 at 04:46 PM.
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  #85 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 04:51 PM
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Re: Sprint 5GB internet cap

Originally Posted by Scrotum View Post
For everyone talking about leaving with no ETF, I was under the impression that you could only use a change to the T&C as a way out of your contract if it effected the base plan, not optional add-ons live texting or data services. This loophole was closed after a bunch of people left when texts went from $.10 to $.15 each. Is this accurate?
Actually vision plans require a 2 year contract if you purchased a phone that is vision capable. So it might help get out of the contract without the ETF.
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  #86 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 04:58 PM
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Re: Sprint 5GB internet cap

Originally Posted by kingsfan626 View Post
Actually vision plans require a 2 year contract if you purchased a phone that is vision capable. So it might help get out of the contract without the ETF.
ACTUALLY they dont.. lets get our facts right before posting buddy... if one adds vision to their plan it doesnt affect their 2 year agreement nor does it renew it
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  #87 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 05:01 PM
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Re: Sprint 5GB internet cap

Originally Posted by blue4shizzle View Post
ACTUALLY they dont.. lets get our facts right before posting buddy... if one adds vision to their plan it doesnt affect their 2 year agreement nor does it renew it
right on

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  #88 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 05:20 PM
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Re: Sprint 5GB internet cap

Originally Posted by 6700Yuma View Post
I'm getting you at just over 2 GB with that number... 2112842/1024=2063.32MB

Did I do it wrong?
good so i did convert it wrong! cool then i'll be fine with the usage cap... but it still sucks that theyre capping it at all.
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  #89 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 06:00 PM
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Re: Sprint 5GB internet cap

or to make it easy just move 6 places to the left.. 2112842 and you will get a rough figure...2.1G +/- from the true 2.063G
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  #90 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 09:31 PM
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Re: Sprint 5GB internet cap

Greetings. I just got spb GPRS monitor to view my data (nice excuse for me to put yet another program on my phone). But my question is, is there a better program available to check data usage, or id the spb app plenty good? Its already paid for, but if you guys have a better suggestion, i'd love to hear it. Thank you, dschoenike
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