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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2012, 12:16 AM
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Re: T-mobile to deploy LTE,refarm HSPA(+) to main PCS band and attacks Verizon

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
and you just filter out the facts I present, talk about delusional.
your facts are mostly made up. a few posts back you cited some article that tmo gained customers in q1 2012. this is not true. they just lost less than they thought they would.

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
customers have stopped leaving and they have gained customers in the last quarter.
im assuming you got this info from tmo news here
but they completely misstate the truth.

this is the truth below...

T-Mobile reports customer growth for Q1 2012, tries not to think about Q4 2011 -- Engadget
T-Mobile's branded net customer loss of 510,000 marks a 28-percent improvement over its 706,000 Q4 loss, and is bolstered by a 13 percent increase in prepaid customers, totaling 249,000.
more of the same...

T-Mobile Q1 earnings: 510,000 contract customers flee, 187,000 net adds

T-Mobile Customer Losses Deepen
honestly eric, you just make things up and they say you win. its like sticking your fingers in your ear and saying "lalalala"
you also cant take everything they say on tmonews as fact.
Originally Posted by wilw
Stupid and angry is no way to go through life, son.

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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2012, 06:12 PM
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Re: T-mobile to deploy LTE,refarm HSPA(+) to main PCS band and attacks Verizon

Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
your facts are mostly made up. a few posts back you cited some article that tmo gained customers in q1 2012. this is not true. they just lost less than they thought they would.

im assuming you got this info from tmo news here
but they completely misstate the truth.

this is the truth below...

T-Mobile reports customer growth for Q1 2012, tries not to think about Q4 2011 -- Engadget

more of the same...

T-Mobile Q1 earnings: 510,000 contract customers flee, 187,000 net adds

T-Mobile Customer Losses Deepen
honestly eric, you just make things up and they say you win. its like sticking your fingers in your ear and saying "lalalala"
you also cant take everything they say on tmonews as fact.
I don't make anything up, just because it's from tmonews doesn't mean it's false, still not as bad as the situation sprint is in, gonna say I made this up too?
More Financial Loss for Sprint - Sprint News & Phone Reviews from SprintUsers
But you probably won't believe it because the person who wrote the article is named Juan.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2012, 07:29 PM
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The reason for sprints financial loss is the large payout to apple and giving back the contract money to lightsquared. You must notve read what you cited, just the headline.
It says sprint added a net gain of 1.1 million customers. That's 1.1 million more added than left. Hence the use of the word "net". you keep saying tmobile added customers in q1, but what your failing to realize is that even though they added 275000 customers, 550000 walked away. Making the "net" loss about 300000 customers.
As well as the lost profits and the fact that deutch telecom is dying to spin them off, id say tmo is worse off. Hell they are even refarming their network so att iphones will work on it because they even know apple refuses to work with them.

Keep sticking your fingers in your ears and saying lalalalala eric. I guess you think you won this too.

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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2012, 01:25 AM
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Re: T-mobile to deploy LTE,refarm HSPA(+) to main PCS band and attacks Verizon

Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
The reason for sprints financial loss is the large payout to apple and giving back the contract money to lightsquared. You must notve read what you cited, just the headline.
It says sprint added a net gain of 1.1 million customers. That's 1.1 million more added than left. Hence the use of the word "net". you keep saying tmobile added customers in q1, but what your failing to realize is that even though they added 275000 customers, 550000 walked away. Making the "net" loss about 300000 customers.
As well as the lost profits and the fact that deutch telecom is dying to spin them off, id say tmo is worse off. Hell they are even refarming their network so att iphones will work on it because they even know apple refuses to work with them.

Keep sticking your fingers in your ears and saying lalalalala eric. I guess you think you won this too.

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They're refarming because they don't want to have to pay expensive fees to apple like sprint did,not because they're desperate for it. This is also actually cheaper than paying to get it subsidized. When the refarm is complete one will be able to use any phone he/she desires. I don't see sprint offering a similar benefit. Also I'm going to kindly ask you to get out of my thread that you've crapped since the beginning with your hatred. This was supposed to be a news thread (since for some reason I can't post articles on the front page) not a my carrier is better than yours thread.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2012, 03:14 AM
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Re: T-mobile to deploy LTE,refarm HSPA(+) to main PCS band and attacks Verizon

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
They're refarming because they don't want to have to pay expensive fees to apple like sprint did,not because they're desperate for it. This is also actually cheaper than paying to get it subsidized. When the refarm is complete one will be able to use any phone he/she desires. I don't see sprint offering a similar benefit. Also I'm going to kindly ask you to get out of my thread that you've crapped since the beginning with your hatred. This was supposed to be a news thread (since for some reason I can't post articles on the front page) not a my carrier is better than yours thread.
ok Eric after i try tmo if they aren't as good as you say you have to buy the phones from me

"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."

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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2012, 04:46 AM
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Re: T-mobile to deploy LTE,refarm HSPA(+) to main PCS band and attacks Verizon

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
Also I'm going to kindly ask you to get out of my thread that you've crapped since the beginning with your hatred. This was supposed to be a news thread
all i did was post news. it just wasnt good news. dont be a hater. i can post anywhere i want. do you want to know why? cuz imdabes deal with it swagswagswagswagswag
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2012, 02:21 PM
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Re: T-mobile to deploy LTE,refarm HSPA(+) to main PCS band and attacks Verizon

Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
all i did was post news. it just wasnt good news. dont be a hater. i can post anywhere i want. do you want to know why? cuz imdabes deal with it swagswagswagswagswag
Those articles you posted say nothing different from the tmonews article. They're losing customers because of the AT&T buyout and because apple doesn't want to make an AWS iPhone,once the refarming is noticeable over a large amount of POPS then the customers will come back. Hell even one of my friends is regretting going to AT&T after I told him this and after we compared speeds. Sprint has been losing money since before the iPhone, deploying Wi-Max was also a big mistake they did trying to become the first 4G carrier because they ran out of money while deploying it. Its the most broken and spotty implementation out there,especially in my area.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2012, 02:06 PM
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Re: T-mobile to deploy LTE,refarm HSPA(+) to main PCS band and attacks Verizon

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
Those articles you posted say nothing different from the tmonews article. They're losing customers because of the AT&T buyout and because apple doesn't want to make an AWS iPhone,once the refarming is noticeable over a large amount of POPS then the customers will come back. Hell even one of my friends is regretting going to AT&T after I told him this and after we compared speeds. Sprint has been losing money since before the iPhone, deploying Wi-Max was also a big mistake they did trying to become the first 4G carrier because they ran out of money while deploying it. Its the most broken and spotty implementation out there,especially in my area.
Well Sprint is going LTE as is T-Mobile, so IMO what this all comes down to now is price, and out of the "big 4" I have to say tmobile has the best pricing.

Maybe I'm just spoiled living in a city where all 4 major carriers get 4G coverage pretty much everywhere, I get 6 mb down on my Galaxy Note on T-Mobile and I'm happy with that speed.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2012, 03:50 PM
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Re: T-mobile to deploy LTE,refarm HSPA(+) to main PCS band and attacks Verizon

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
Well Sprint is going LTE as is T-Mobile, so IMO what this all comes down to now is price, and out of the "big 4" I have to say tmobile has the best pricing.

Maybe I'm just spoiled living in a city where all 4 major carriers get 4G coverage pretty much everywhere, I get 6 mb down on my Galaxy Note on T-Mobile and I'm happy with that speed.
Whoa ,what happened to your admin position? And I thought you were going to stay with AT&T.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2012, 03:57 PM
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Re: T-mobile to deploy LTE,refarm HSPA(+) to main PCS band and attacks Verizon

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
Whoa ,what happened to your admin position? And I thought you were going to stay with AT&T.
I resigned because I'm not really active anymore and feel like until I can actually devote time to be staff here I'm better off as a member of the community. Wideawake was understanding and we're totally cool, no bad feelings for any current staff member, I just don't like to be part of running anything when I can't actually devote the time needed and feel like dead weight.

I'll always be a proud member of the PPCG community though

With all this talk of coverage and such, I actually couldn't get much ATT service at work so stuck with tmobile. 6MB down on my hacked Note (till the T-Mobile note comes out in a few weeks) is fine. I'll miss the 50 MB down i was getting on LTE, but I need to use my phone at work!

Speaking of which I just flashed another hacked radio on my Note and now I'm not getting any bars and it says I don't have a SIM installed... time to restore nandroid...

edit: looks like I fixed it, that wasn't good, lol.

Last edited by orangekid; 05-14-2012 at 04:02 PM.
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