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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2011, 12:28 PM
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[RANT] Sprint Renewed My Contract Without My Permission!

OK, I'm pretty angry now.

I spent hours on the phone with Sprint and my ISP trying to sort out my Airvana/Airave issues over the last two weeks. Sprint sent me a replacement airave that arrived broken. The outer shipping box was fine but the inner box was crushed - whoever even thought of packing that is an idiot.

Anyway, after going through all the crap trying to get the airave working, I found out that it was a network issue in TN and Ohio. So, the tech told me to just ship back the broken replacement and they would reactivate my original one. After a couple days, the network problem was fixed and my airave was working fine again.

So, why am I so angry? Well, I got an email from sprint indicating that "changes had been made to my account" and I should log onto my sprint portal the see what changes were made. So I did and lo' and behold, they had renewed my contract for another TWO freakin years. Big problem for me since I am planning on leaving sprint when my contract was supposed to be up in a few months.

So I called cust service and they said that yes, the contract was renewed when I accepted the replacement airvana. I told the rep that at no time did anyone tell me that or send me any kind of message that that was going to happen. He also wanted to know why it was such a big problem to extend my contract since I had been a customer for so long. (13 years) I told him that I have been very unhappy with my service for the last year and was not going to renew and that I wanted my contract reset back to the original expiration date. He said he couldn't do that and I told him that there was no reason to extend it because I still had my original equipment and that it was a network problem and not a problem requiring it to be changed out. He persisted and then it got ugly when he ACCUSED me of trying to get out of my contract. At that point I asked to speak with a supervisor and he put me on hold for 5 mins. When he came back he told me that his supervisor was busy but told hem to reset the contract for only ONE year. I still refused and asked to be transferred to retentions. Back on hold again. He came back to the phone and told me that he reset my contract to end this coming January, which is fine with me. Then he had the nerve to ask me if I was called and asked to do a survey, would I be willing to give him good reviews? LOL! Heck NO, I am not going to give him a good review!

end rant..... for now. I'm still going to call retentions and gripe.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2011, 05:28 PM
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Re: [RANT] Sprint Renewed My Contract Without My Permission!

sorry to hear about what happened to you. did you verify online that your contract end date was indeed changed to end January?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2011, 06:00 PM
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Re: [RANT] Sprint Renewed My Contract Without My Permission!

I had something like that happen to me once. these 'contracts' are kinda bogus anyway, anyone remember the last time they actually signed for one?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2011, 08:59 AM
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Re: [RANT] Sprint Renewed My Contract Without My Permission!

hm... you know, sounds like the rep was actually helpful to you though :S should have given him a review lol, he did get your contract set to a better data and it wasn't him that extended it (or is it? )

but yeah, I've just been buying phones off craigslist and activating them for past few phones to avoid extending contract
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