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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2011, 02:05 PM
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Transferring SERO-Style Plan From TP2 To Epic

I'm using a SERO-style plan with an Epic 4G, and I don't feel guilty about it.

I know a lot of people here make a big deal about the allegedly "illegal" nature of ESN/IMEI porting, but crossing a couple of minor FCC regulations is really no great matter. There are tons of things in the small details of contracts and regulations that all of us cross all of the time without a second thought, and I don't think this should be any different. The real danger of ESN/IMEI porting is in stealing phones, not using items you already own in ways you see fit.

Almost everyone here violates agreements with Sprint by unlocking phones, and installing unauthorized software. Does anyone here actually *pay* to tether?

According to Sprint's network, I'm using my SERO-style legacy plan, and that plan has rules for how much voice, text, and data I'm allowed to use. I don't really use all that much of any of it (even when using XDAndroid on my TP2, I was at noticeably less than 500MB/month on my unlimited 3G plan), and if Sprint decides I'm using too much data for my contract, they'll rip it up anyway, regardless of what phone I'm using, whether it's fair, or whether it's legal.

Sprint's not a victim of our cheap SERO or legacy plans. Sprint's a large corporation with far more money in rounding errors than most of us will see in our lifetimes. They hold all the chips when it comes to invalidating our contracts, or charging extra for allegedly "unlimited" data.

In using an Epic on a plan meant for a Touch Pro 2, I'm not causing Sprint any harm, or loss. When they changed the rules regarding what devices were allowed on our plans, they weren't playing fair. They were taking our longstanding agreements and saying we had to change.

Well, now I've hacked an Epic to make it look like a TP2 to Sprint's network. That's my move when they change the rules, and I have no moral, ethical, or legal qualms about it.
Samung Epic 4G (Galaxy S)
Sprint Legacy Plan
2 lines with smartphones, 1000 anytime minutes, unlimited n&w beg. @ 7pm, unlimited text, data, roaming, mobile-mobile. $30/month, or $15 per line, plus $7/month TEP.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2011, 04:14 PM
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Re: Transferring SERO-Style Plan From TP2 To Epic

1. In using an Epic on a plan meant for a Touch Pro 2, I'm not causing Sprint any harm, or loss.

2. When they changed the rules regarding what devices were allowed on our plans, they weren't playing fair.

3. They were taking our longstanding agreements and saying we had to change.

Each of those statements are fundamental truths only when considered from your biased point of view. Android devices do use more data than WM and therefore cost Sprint more money (I went from 450mb TP2 average to 2.0gb Epic). At the very least, you're costing them the $10-20 that the expect from Epic owners. Further, they did not change the rules about what devices you can and cannot use, they just excluded you from some new devices. Your plan is intact and your contract continues to be honored, and I personally think that you should be thankful that you're not being forced into a plan that is more representative of "average."

It is fair as long as you have the option of leaving for a competitor or not using a phone altogether. It's a huge plus when you have the option of continuing your services at the price to which you agreed using a contract that has actually expired (ie grandfathering).

With that said, I have the same "Epic 3G" and quite frankly, I love it. However, a sense of entitlement or a sense of having been wronged is not something I share with you. This forum has seen this debate several times over the past months, and the only thing that ever comes out of it is the fact that the two sides can be pretty damn polarizing.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2011, 06:46 PM
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Re: Transferring SERO-Style Plan From TP2 To Epic

To be fair, what people do to get phones onto plans that do not support them is illegal.

But then, so is speeding. So is recreational drug use. Or any number of other minor things.

I suppose it all comes down to karma and morals.

In my view, yes, you are breaking the law to do it - But - If you did legitimately pay for the phone and service, then in my opinion, this is something not worth making a mountain out of a mole hill for.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2011, 08:05 PM
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Re: Transferring SERO-Style Plan From TP2 To Epic

Interesting, i PMed you and want to speak privately.

you probably know why alrdy
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2011, 08:42 AM
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Re: Transferring SERO-Style Plan From TP2 To Epic

Originally Posted by quick99si View Post
1. In using an Epic on a plan meant for a Touch Pro 2, I'm not causing Sprint any harm, or loss.

2. When they changed the rules regarding what devices were allowed on our plans, they weren't playing fair.

3. They were taking our longstanding agreements and saying we had to change.

Each of those statements are fundamental truths only when considered from your biased point of view.
With that said, I have the same "Epic 3G" and quite frankly, I love it.
OMG...classic! Nice points.

Originally Posted by SweetBearCub View Post
To be fair, what people do to get phones onto plans that do not support them is illegal.***
That's too broad of a statement. After reading section 1029, it's very clear to me (this is just my opinion) that illegality under section 1029 requires (1) fraudulent intent, or (2) possession or use of specialized hardware or software used to obtain unauthorized telecommunication service.

There are 10 ways to violate that law, and they're spelled out in 1029(a)(1) through 1029(a)(10). The first 8 ways, and the 10th way specifically require some fraudulent intent.

So, putting an Android device on any (yours, your neighbor's, your friend's, your customer's) legacy plan by cloning the ESN/MEID onto a phone legally owned is not illegal under the first 8 ways or the 10th way because there's no fraud being intended. Basically, you're not trying to steal telephone service here.

1029(a)(9) is the weird section because it doesn't specifically say "intent to defraud" and just requires possession, use, etc. of hardware or software "used to obtain telecommunications service without authorization." What hardware and software is covered? It must be specialized software or hardware with ONLY one purpose, which is to "obtain telecommunications service without authorization." Why you ask? Simple. If it meant hardware or software that COULD be used as such, then we are all violating this law by using a computer, by executing Windows, etc., since these are all types of hardware/software that COULD be used as such. But I believe this section does have an "intent" requirement, even though it's not stated expressly. But even if it doesn't, at worst, it requires some specialized software or hardware with ONLY one purpose - to obtain unauthorized telephone access.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2011, 12:07 AM
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Re: Transferring SERO-Style Plan From TP2 To Epic

First of all I'd like to point out a few things...

There is a difference between violating sprints contract and violating FCC rules/laws...the penalty for violating a sprint contract is suspension of service..the penalty for violating FCC/laws is fines and/or prison time...

Anyways, I am not going to take sides on one way or the other..BUT..please review PPCG official policy on this matter:


Please note that this policy extends to forums and to PMs as well...

Either way..welcome to the Epic Club!

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2011, 06:14 PM
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Re: Transferring SERO-Style Plan From TP2 To Epic

Guess I'm like, who cares
Kiss my grits
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2011, 09:44 PM
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Re: Transferring SERO-Style Plan From TP2 To Epic

how about using an Incredible on sero-p?
my plan allows android i just didn't like sprints choices last year.

so yeah big deal. it was fun to learn but was frustrating when things don't work quite right and you have no support from sprint. now that sprint is getting decent phones i will finally use my upgrade and get the 3d. the nice thing is if i don't like it there will be several other options coming out unlike last year.

also its getting real hard to do with new phones anyway. won't be long before its not even possible for most devices.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2011, 05:43 PM
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Re: Transferring SERO-Style Plan From TP2 To Epic

can you tell me how you got data to work for you?
i am in the same situation cant get data to work on my epic, and i am coming from a tp2
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2011, 12:43 AM
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You don't have to do anything illegal when it only costs $10 to add an epic 4g to the Sero plan. Just pay the little amount it takes and upgrade like everyone else.

Sent from my HTC EvO 3D... On The Now Network
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