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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2011, 09:27 PM
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Angry Does the WEL program still exist? Im on TP2 #6 with no options but more refurbs.

So im stuck between a rock and a hard place. (Sprint has a nack for that)

So refurb # 7 is in the mail and no end in sight. NIB TP2 will not be offered because "we dont do that".

I was forced to go through the "Multiple Exchanges Department" this last time and they told me to go into the store to confirm that their was no water or physical damage in order to continue with the exchange process.

After doing this I called back and of course no one knew what this department was or even that their ever existed a WEL Program.

After 9 transfers 2 hang ups (them not me) and a total of four calls later i finally convinced someone to look up the notes the lady from the Multiple Exchanges Department left on my account in order to identify what department she was in.... just so they could transfer me again.

Once i was speaking with someone who confirmed that I was finally connected to the multiple exchanges department. He continued with the directions the first lady i spoke to left. (By the way she did confirm with me that i would be able to choose a different model phone)

This douche proceeds to inform me that their will be a $35 dollar replacement fee because ive had so many replacements in the last 6 months. I said "BS!! I have TEP!" he fed me a few more lies and i then agreed to the charge. I NEED A WORKING PHONE. I WAS WILLING TO PAY FOR IT.... rock and a hard place and all. Well He then starts the process and finally says "oh looks like their wont be a $35 dollar fee"...ok saves me time and trouble later that i was going take in order to recover that fee from them. Cool even better. NOT I said so what devices do i have to pick from..... he says huh? Your phone can only be replaced by the same make and model. ARRGGGGGHHH!


He then states that they have never replaced any phones with other models, and that another (defective) TP2 was my only option.

He never budged and i was forced to continue with another tp2 replacement.

So only questions remain:

1: Am I crazy?

2: Does the WEL Program still exist.

3: Or is SPRINT still up to their old tricks > (When in doubt LIE LIE LIE!)

Last edited by albertlarios; 01-20-2011 at 09:59 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2011, 10:21 PM
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Sprint sucks i feel for u man. Go on craigslist and buy a different phone. Id recommend a hero, evo or optimus S. This is one of many reasons my wife and i are leaving sprint next month.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2011, 10:29 PM
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Re: Does the WEL program still exist? Im on TP2 #6 with no options but more refurbs.

send an email 1st and explain your problem. if that doesn't work, there are plenty of other carriers that will treat you and your money right. oh, and be nice when you do the email!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2011, 11:09 PM
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Re: Does the WEL program still exist? Im on TP2 #6 with no options but more refurbs.

Ya maybe i should leave i like paying less but....

Shiny Sh!tt is STILL SH!TT no matter how much you polish it.

Definitely considering a change.

So... anyone have proof of what the actual policy is...

Im hoping to stick it too them by quoting their own policy.

cause they wont tell you.(the truth i mean)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2011, 11:14 PM
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Re: Does the WEL program still exist? Im on TP2 #6 with no options but more refurbs.

Fixxer2008 your avatar defines my thoughts after a call to Sprint Customer Service. I'm Crying(on the inside of course) and LOL at the same time looking at it.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2011, 12:20 AM
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Re: Does the WEL program still exist? Im on TP2 #6 with no options but more refurbs.

Ok so ive decided to post what ive found on the interent....here goes:

So far just rumors but better than nothin....

So the WEL Program does exist... But its integrated into the Advanced Exchange Program.

They way it works (supposedly) is: They have a list of options when replacing phones. If the first option is not available they move on to the next and then the next and then the next:

1. replace with same phone (refurbished)

2. replace with same phone (NIB)

3. replace with comparable phone (refurbished)

4. replace with comparable phone (NIB)

Another rumor i read is that after a certain amount of replacements in a short amount of time (relative term); most likely (from what i read) 2-3 months, you will have the chance at the advanced exchange program giving the the Advanced Tech Support Representative the option to get you into another phone. Also it looks like you need 6+ replacements for this to occur.

So can anyone confirm any of this though personal experience...?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2011, 01:19 AM
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Re: Does the WEL program still exist? Im on TP2 #6 with no options but more refurbs.

hate to say it but you seem to have dug yourself into a hole here.
they have tagged you for returning too many phones and are not going to do anything more for you. not sure what the problem is but like others have said... sell it and move on if its not working for you.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2011, 02:53 AM
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Re: Does the WEL program still exist? Im on TP2 #6 with no options but more refurbs.

lafester, how did you come to this conclusion. I may be missing something, but what i think your saying is that sprint keeps an eye out for multiple replacements and when they do find these scenarios they lock the account into only ever receiving refurbished phones. instead of using other options that are available for accounts that dont have a lot of replacements. If this is the case then now i feel extra cheated because based on what ur saying im not going to get help in trying to get a NIB TP2 instead of more defective refurbished TP2's.

Why cant i just get a phone that works?

I thought thats why i payed for TEP.

So again, lafester please explain is their something im missing.

I just dont understand how i could be to blame for manufacturer defects and then also be punished for receiving these devices as replacements for other replacements by being "flagged"
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2011, 02:58 AM
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Re: Does the WEL program still exist? Im on TP2 #6 with no options but more refurbs.

Like many people with Sprint service Im just here to save some money and get by.

So Ill ask again:
Can anyone confirm any of the information posted in this thread with personal experience?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2011, 12:55 AM
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Re: Does the WEL program still exist? Im on TP2 #6 with no options but more refurbs.

Customer Care will drum up the program, but actual stores hate it, since it jacks up our exchange rate. Care is essentially screwing us.

That being said, you're probably flagged for multiple exchanges by now. Sometimes (and that's a rare sometimes), a comparable phone will be offered by the system of your particular device is backordered or out of stock completely. Some phones will never, ever give the option for a comparable or NIB device.
Sprint Service Technician rocking an Evo 4G.
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  PPCGeeks > Off Topic Chatter > Carrier Discussion

multiple exchange departm, sprint, tp2, wel list, wel program

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