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Old 06-09-2010, 12:07 AM
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Re: T-Mobile HSDPA & HSPA+ VS. Sprint WiMax 4g

Originally Posted by mplsfalls1973 View Post
No offense, but there is a difference between theoretical speed and actual speeds. My 802.11g router claimed speeds of 54Mbps but I doubt any of us have gotten anywhere close to those speeds. At some point hardware becomes the limitation. I guess we will all have to wait and see how things come out, but until I get some speed tests from an actual mobile phone I will be hesitant to believe any claimed speeds.
You do get close to 54mbits a sec..remember its "megabits" not "megabytes" so 6.75mb a sec..on my laptop I transfer a file around 5mb a sec at max...considering headers and back and forth the speeds are around there..of course this is pretty short range communication with little obstacles.

Originally Posted by JQuill View Post
And yes we all know who has the evo. We also all know who is paying out the ass for a phone that's only unique feature is an 8mp camera and video out.

Sprint's WiMax 4g has a max download speed of 10mbps....HSDPA has a download speed of 7.2mbps....HSPA+ has a download speed of 20+mbps
Well wimax can peak at 75mbps...sprint just limits it..but the advantage in wimax is not just speed but lower ping. Even at 10mbp/sec you can watch hd movies already streamed and many other things...I mean Ive been using a 10mbps connection for quite a few years and recently updated to 30mbps and I notice its not much of a big deal...aka only a few situations do I even get 2mb/sec dlds which is still 16mbps and not 30mbps...usually my dld is at 1mb/sec which is still below 10mbps...

This has to do with the limitations on the bandwidth sources...so right now its not a game of speed (until they can get 1gb a sec of course)...but a game of lowering the ping...which wimax wins out in...still HSPA+ is a great addition to the T-Mobile collection..
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