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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 04:23 PM
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Re: Sprint will not sell me the EVO even though im not on a contract!

Originally Posted by tripflex View Post
I have it, i have an eris for Verizon that is my business cell. I blame it on Sprint because they are being difficult about something so stupid.
i know what you're saying and used to feel just like you...but just like everything else, technology is moving faster than people think. mindfrost just put on the front page that dual 1.2ghz processcors are now being shipped, that means every phone coming out without them will already be obsolete. my advice is stick with whatever works, the "new" thing might not make you happy .
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 04:29 PM
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Re: Sprint will not sell me the EVO even though im not on a contract!

op no intrest in wp7? theres sooooo much new shit ready to bust out from sprint and vzw
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 09:38 AM
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Re: Sprint will not sell me the EVO even though im not on a contract!

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
op no intrest in wp7? theres sooooo much new shit ready to bust out from sprint and vzw
lol pretty much...

unless you get on T-Mobile, your best bet is Sprint. VZW and ATT overcharge A LOT. VZW isn't coming out with anything I know of for a while since they just released the nexus one rip, erm i mean the Incredible.

It sounds like you have had a rough time of this. But if your reaction to posts in this thread is an indication of how you interact with people, then, to be honest, it sounds like you may have in some way provoked the rep by becoming angry yourself?

If your purpose is to get the Evo for $200, I think you just go to a Sprint store and try to buy one. If they do not let you, politely ask what the problem is, and work with the manager as necessary to handle the situation. Either you are in contract or you're not, if you're not, then you should have a full upgrade, it's not rocket science.

If all else fails, call retention and tell them that you are out of contract, and you just want to BUY an Evo for $200 on contract upgrade and if they cannot service you then you will go to ATT and get an iPhone 4G with an A4 processor featuring Samsung's hummingbird GPU which smokes the snapdragon and has a higher resolution than than their stupid Evo too, on the nations fastest dropped call network!

But honestly a little bit of politeness goes a long way. I have gotten comcast to refund me money (that is not easy to do) by being persistent and respectful.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 11:28 AM
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Re: Sprint will not sell me the EVO even though im not on a contract!

On advice from other forums, I ported my Sprint number (out of contract) to a tmobile prepaid plan, and on friday I plan on buying the EVO on a new line of service (get it for $200) and then port my number from tmo back to Sprint. I hear there can be sometime before I can port my number back since it might stay in Sprint's system for a little while. But I'm going to keep trying.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 11:18 PM
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Re: Sprint will not sell me the EVO even though im not on a contract!

First of all........we all missed the point that if he DID NOT know his contract was renewed that is not his fault. If he did not sign anything regarding the account change than he is not legally binded to uphold that contract.

I would go back to the start and request copies of the contract and if it cannot be provided go up the chain of command.

Sprint is notorious for crap CS especially when RadioShack is involved. RS is just an activation pod for convenience. All the equipment is licensed through Sprint therefore is Sprint's responsibility. Sometimes CS reps like to be a **** to try to convince you that you screwed up by not going through a Sprint Store or Kiosk. They are just upset that many times a RadioShack Store will outsell a kiosk and catch all kinds of hell for it.

I've had my fair share of BS and I have a long list of comments on my account as well. It's not that I'm looking for something for free. I returned every defective unit they sent me and was able to replicate every issue while standing in front of a tech. Only once did they give me crap because my issue occurred while roaming so they didn't honor any type of service commitment to me. Which I still think is bull. If they can't support the service you pay for than why offer it?

I'm glad I'm gone from them. I just checked my final bill and it had overage charges for "unknown" callers for calls over 25 mins a piece multiple times. I checked the time stamps on my phone and they were all telemarketer "missed" calls in my call log. Sprint claims the phone connected therefore I'm liable.

Feel you're pain and good luck.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: Sprint will not sell me the EVO even though im not on a contract!

yeah, well they wont sell me an Evo either, even at full price.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 05:31 PM
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Re: Sprint will not sell me the EVO even though im not on a contract!

Check out my thread: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=48691

give a call to one or more of the executives and explain what happened and how disturbed you are that four years after Sprint said they were fixing Customer Service problems you still had your contract renewed and now have "Bad" marks on your account that keep you from having "good customer service."

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