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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 10:55 PM
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Need advice and opinions on plan

So the company I work for announced they are cutting cell phone service for employees (even though we go on call once a month!). I've been on this same Sprint number for 11 years now via my job. I've never had a cell phone service plan of my own before since my job had always provided it.

At the same time, I recently got married. She also on a Sprint plan that is her brother's family plan as detailed here:

Shared Plan   
  Power Pack Family - 1000 Shared Minutes Included $50.00 
  $7.50 Access Discount -$6.52 
(210) 555-1212   
  Sprint Data Plus Pack $7.50 
  $7.50 Access Discount -$0.98 
  America Roaming Included $0.00 
  Unlimited Nights&Weekends-7pm $0.00 
(210) 555-1212   
  Power Pack Family - 1000 Shared Minutes Included $0.00 
  300 Messages with Picture Mail - Messaging Plan $5.00 
  America Roaming Included $0.00 
  Sprint Data Plus Pack $0.00 
  Mobile to Mobile Minutes - Unlimited Mobile To Mobile Min $0.00 
  Unlimited Nights&Weekends-7pm $0.00 
(210) 555-1212  
  Power Pack Family - 1000 Shared Minutes Included $9.99 
  America Roaming Included $0.00 
  Sprint Data Plus Pack $0.00 
  Unlimited Nights&Weekends-7pm $0.00 
Sprint Surcharges  $8.17  
Government Fees & Taxes  $6.93  

Total Due     $80.09
(I negotiated that plan, btw. How'd I do? )

My current phone is a TP2 which was purchased by me recently, but used on the company's plan so it's not tied to me personally other than I paid for it. I'm leaning towards wanting an Android phone, though. My wife is on an old Touch (vogue) and is due an upgrade. I'm trying to talk her into a Hero or other Android phone. I'm very technical, but she is not. I want something powerful, fast, and hackable, she wants something small and easily usable with multiple email accounts/calendars.

So, my question is now what should I do in regards to a plan and/or phone upgrades? Should I stick with Sprint? I could join her brother's existing family plan. Or I could start my own family plan with my wife, using the 11 year history with them as leverage for a good deal.

Of course I've never been on a carrier other than Sprint and while I have no complaints, I really don't know if I'm missing something good on Tmobile, Verizon, or AT&T. I could also use that 11 year Sprint history towards getting a good deal with one of them as well, no?

Any suggestions on phones along with carrier/plan recommendations is more than welcome as well.

Any advice or opinions is more than welcome. I'm researching on the net for myself as well, but I value the opinions of fellow PPCGeeks.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 10:57 PM
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Re: Need advice and opinions on plan

Oh, I should also mention that I won't be giving my new cell number to my job since it's a personal phone. I do have a Google voice number that I've never used that I'd like to start using/giving out. Then I might consider giving them that and sending it straight to voicemail or worse!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 11:06 PM
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Re: Need advice and opinions on plan

Gawd, I keep forgetting details (so feel free to ask Qs if it helps better the advice/opinion!)... I should mention that my company does have an employee discount option with Sprint. At least they do for now until Sprint finds out they're about to lose $97,000/year in business from us. I don't know if we have discounts with other carriers. Not likely since we don't have corporate cell service plans with them, but it is possible since we have 70,000 employees statewide they might want the business of. I'll have to check into that.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 11:51 PM
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Re: Need advice and opinions on plan

The plan you listed has power pack in it so I'm guessing this is an old plan
You've been with Sprint for 11 years, was the plan in your name or is it in your companies name? If it's not in your name then I wouldn't think that Sprint would consider you being a 11 year customer, instead they might think that your the company you work for is a 11 year customer.

If I were you, I'd stay with Sprint, doesn't seem there's any other carrier that has the value Sprint does as far as plans go. Don't forget Sprint has plans that have Any Mobile Any Time, most of my used minutes falls under the category Any Mobile Any Time.

Currently have one of my daughters and myself on the least expensive Family Plan (Everything Data Family - with Any Mobile, Anytime) with 1500 anytime minutes and we come nowhere close to getting all our 1500 minutes.
This plan includes
  1. Any Mobile Anytime
  2. Unlimited Nights & Weekends
  3. Unlimited Data (Web surfing)
  4. Unlimited Messaging (includes Text, Picture and Video Mail)
  5. Corporate Email
  6. POP/IMAP Email
  7. Unlimited Sprint Navigation
  8. Unlimited Sprint TV (includes Sprint Radio)
  9. NASCAR Sprint Cup
  10. Long Distance and No Charge Roaming (including Data)
All for 129.99 per month
This plan includes the first two lines for no additional cost, 9.99 per line after

I receive some discounts too
15% Sprint Loyal Customer
$15 For promising me 3G for 3 years and only getting it recently
25% Corporate Discount (I think that's the percent discount)

Don't ask how I got Loyalty and Corp discounts because I don't know, I just know I do and like my friend Forrest Gump once said "that's all I got to say about that"

Over all, I'm happy I stuck with Sprint. I have a thread about that too!
Verizon charges you more for having a Smartphone device and I believe that cost covers you getting Corporate emails too (like $15) they even charge you $2 to get a detailed bill... that's right a detailed bill of YOUR account UGH

I guess what you can say when checking into the plan is that you've been using Sprint for 11 years and would like to continue the relationship you have with them, even if the bill may have been to your employer (which I don't know if that's true or not)

Just for curiousity sake, you should go to T-Mobile, Verizon and AT&T's site, figure out the plan you want and see how much it's going to run you before any discounts that you might receive.
I'm telling you now though, IMO that Any Mobile Anytime is a fantastic plan to have, especially if all your family, friends and co-workers have a provider other than Sprint

Where's Dan Hess? I'm applying for a marketing job! HA HA
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2010, 12:03 AM
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Re: Need advice and opinions on plan

Thanks. For clarification the billing is all to the company's name, not mine. Although I do have a login to the plan (have the PIN, etc). I also have all my friends/family on Sprint from before Any Mobile Any Time. If I do change from Sprint, all those people will likely follow my lead.

Good idea on gathering pre-discount prices from the carriers before talking to them. As far as Sprint goes, i have a direct 800 number to their customer retention department. I don't bother messing with the front lines with them anymore.
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