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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 02:23 PM
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Re: whose with me?

u saying sprint is the only reasonable carrier down there? Besides att?

I dont think u have anything to worry bout sprint is not going anywhere...lol ya they keep losing people every quarter. but they also gain..Plus people been saying sprint is going under for what like 8 years now,lol
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 03:43 PM
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Re: whose with me?

Originally Posted by spiritcrusher33 View Post
hey salty.. got a question? ( just to continue on our t-mobile rant )

If its 10 bucks cheaper.. with the even more plus plans.. wouldnt it be more if u pay off the phone in monthly installment? like 20 or 30 bucks extra a month? and what happens if that customer decides 3 months down the road he want to go to att or verizon or sprint..sure he can leave.. but wont he be responsible for the rest of that phones price?

Not to mention most people go for contract plan for the free or close to free phones.. so in reality tmobile would still be more expensive that way.. U gotta remember..tmobile is number 4 for a reason..and i dont see them moving past sprint anytime soon. unless they move that nice network out to people in rural areas..like verizon and sprint.. at least in texas.. more and more people are moving out to the country to get away from the big city.. all around me in a 30 mile radius houses are being built like crazy.. but tmobile and att coverage sucks out here..so what will they do about that.. cause the rural areas are the future as that is where the most growth will be in the next 5 to 10 years.... they move out here. and drive 30 miles to work.. etc..

im sure in other states is diff.. but in texas.. most people live in the country or rural areas.. sprint and verizon have u covered... att does but mostly edge.. and t-mobile sorta does..lol if not u roam on att. for free. but u get my point..

now im in no way bashing tmobile.. I loved the service everywhere but my house.. and around it..and when in mesquite area bout 35 miles from my house.. 3g rocked... my tp2 rocked.. but still wasnt as fast as my sprint service at my house.. i get 1.5 and up on the dl. and 600 and up on upload. and its never slower..

anyway.. rant over once again..
To answer your questions...
#1: Yes, you have to buy a phone on T-Mobile. You also have to buy a phone on Sprint. It's not like a Touch Pro 2 is free on Sprint or anything. On the contrary, a Touch Pro 2 IS free on T-Mobile if you sign a contract. And even full price on each carrier it is still cheaper on T-Mobile. So when you factor in the cost of the phone, yes, T-Mobile is still cheaper.

#2: If you buy your phone on the installment plan and decide to leave, you pay off the balance when you leave. If you are with Sprint, you have already paid the balance of your phone off when you bought it, PLUS you have to pay an ETF.

T-Mobile may not have service in the rural areas around your house, but rest assured they have service in plenty of other rural areas. I have told the story in several threads now, but we went to Lake Powell a while back. Most of the way there my wife and I had no sprint service whatsoever (not even voice) on our Sprint PPC-6700's. Our kids had EDGE on their T-Mobile Sidekicks (prepaid plans). This was in the middle of nowhere Utah.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 03:48 PM
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Re: whose with me?

Originally Posted by spiritcrusher33 View Post
u saying sprint is the only reasonable carrier down there? Besides att?

I dont think u have anything to worry bout sprint is not going anywhere...lol ya they keep losing people every quarter. but they also gain..Plus people been saying sprint is going under for what like 8 years now,lol
Sprint is NOT gaining customers, lol. They are losing customers every quarter. When you add their "gains" and then subrtract their losses, the end result is they have less customers overall than they had before. Millions less, every quarter.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 01:17 PM
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Re: whose with me?

Sprint lost me yesterday, as well as 3 of my friends who have been loyal to Sprint for years.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 03:58 PM
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Re: whose with me?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Sprint is NOT gaining customers, lol. They are losing customers every quarter. When you add their "gains" and then subrtract their losses, the end result is they have less customers overall than they had before. Millions less, every quarter.
true i worded that wrong.. but see your point..

Also in this half of the country sprint and verizon reign supreme.. as far as coverage..in rural areas.. sprint of course. cause sprint used to supply our landlines. for years til they sold out to embarq which in turn sold out to century link.. point being.. att and t-mobile are sparse here. cause..of a few things..

1. we have 1 cable company down here.. nothing else..
2. we have 1 telephone service.. phone and dsl etc..
3 We are 30 minutes from mesquite tx.. where all 4 have great 3g coverage... so why would att or t-mobile want to invest in a market..( my town ) they has always been sprint.. hell the one cable company wont even bring cable internet here cause they so there is no market..lol cause of what used to be sprint monopoly on the dsl market here.

and there are alot of small towns like mine in the same situation.. i say small.. but July 2008: 8,794 people so im sure that is up to 10,000 or more by now..

even if i had good 3g coverage with t-mobile 150.00 a month vs 129.99 - 25% discount. = 97.50 thats quite a diff on contract. I dont know alot of people around here that have or want to spend 250 on a even more plus plan..lol

but it is cheaper if all u do is talk.. no data or texts.. or nav. or mobile tv.. etc.. thats why most older people have att for roll over mins..

point im with sprint cause of coverage and price.

not with tmobile anymore cause of price and coverage..<----both sucked

if u want to save 10 bucks and tmobile works for u hey go right ahead.. its your choice.. but dont care what u say or show.. t-mobile will not be cheaper.. than sprint on contract.. when u have data and unlimited text..

off contract maybe alittle cheaper.. ( even more plus ) but like i said.. Also the kinda people who will even consider that are the people who have to pay 500 dollar deposits on att and verizon.. and will prolly mess up the account.. and go to metro pcs or boost in 2 months.lol and have to be in collections for a phone they cant pay for...

I see it when i go to the mall.. all i see at the tmobile are rude thugs and teens. that cant even be polite enough to say im sorry i was in line.. last time i went this thuggy guy was all up in my face saying yo this is the end of the line.. lol i turned to him and said YO respect your elders.lol

bah people are so stupid..

anyway.. im ranting again and got way off..
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 05:47 PM
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Re: whose with me?

Originally Posted by spiritcrusher33 View Post
true i worded that wrong.. but see your point..

Also in this half of the country sprint and verizon reign supreme.. as far as coverage..in rural areas.. sprint of course. cause sprint used to supply our landlines. for years til they sold out to embarq which in turn sold out to century link.. point being.. att and t-mobile are sparse here. cause..of a few things..

1. we have 1 cable company down here.. nothing else..
2. we have 1 telephone service.. phone and dsl etc..
3 We are 30 minutes from mesquite tx.. where all 4 have great 3g coverage... so why would att or t-mobile want to invest in a market..( my town ) they has always been sprint.. hell the one cable company wont even bring cable internet here cause they so there is no market..lol cause of what used to be sprint monopoly on the dsl market here.

and there are alot of small towns like mine in the same situation.. i say small.. but July 2008: 8,794 people so im sure that is up to 10,000 or more by now..

even if i had good 3g coverage with t-mobile 150.00 a month vs 129.99 - 25% discount. = 97.50 thats quite a diff on contract. I dont know alot of people around here that have or want to spend 250 on a even more plus plan..lol

but it is cheaper if all u do is talk.. no data or texts.. or nav. or mobile tv.. etc.. thats why most older people have att for roll over mins..

point im with sprint cause of coverage and price.

not with tmobile anymore cause of price and coverage..<----both sucked

if u want to save 10 bucks and tmobile works for u hey go right ahead.. its your choice.. but dont care what u say or show.. t-mobile will not be cheaper.. than sprint on contract.. when u have data and unlimited text..

off contract maybe alittle cheaper.. ( even more plus ) but like i said.. Also the kinda people who will even consider that are the people who have to pay 500 dollar deposits on att and verizon.. and will prolly mess up the account.. and go to metro pcs or boost in 2 months.lol and have to be in collections for a phone they cant pay for...

I see it when i go to the mall.. all i see at the tmobile are rude thugs and teens. that cant even be polite enough to say im sorry i was in line.. last time i went this thuggy guy was all up in my face saying yo this is the end of the line.. lol i turned to him and said YO respect your elders.lol

bah people are so stupid..

anyway.. im ranting again and got way off..
Yes, I understand that the last time you checked T-Mobile didn't have service in your area. What I am telling you is that I also travel to rural areas quite often, and Sprint doesn't have service in ANY of the rural areas I travel to. Yeah, they get 1X service most of the time (although I have been without voice service even while my kids had EDGE on their prepaid T-Mobile sidekicks) but I have been to plenty of rural areas and can tell you first hand that your experience does not mean it's liek that everywhere (which is how you are making it sound). Sprint sucks in plenty of places, and T-Mobile is great in plenty of places- both rural and city.

As for your ridiculous cost numbers, lets go over that...

T-Mobile Even More Plus 1500 unlimited text and web, with a MyTouch 3G (comparable to Hero):
Phone cost: $399.99 (no contract)
Plan cost: $119.99
So over the course of that 2 year contract, $16 per month. With the plan and the phone both factored in, that is about $136 per month on T-Mobile- with no contract.

Sprint Everything Data 1500 with Hero:
Phone cost: $179.99 (with 2 year contract)
Plan cost: $129.99
So over the course of that 2 year co0ntract, the phone costs $7 per month. So with the plan and the phone both factored in, it costs about $137, and that is WITH a 2 year contract.

So, again, T-Mobile comes out cheaper. If you get some kind fo discount on Sprint, fine- that will obviously play into it. But for the average joe T-Mobile is cheaper, and they don't even require a contract.

And this is all taken straight from the websites, no hunting for secret deals or discounts...
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 06:35 PM
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Re: whose with me?

So the point is the extra dollar spent is worth it to me cause of coverage..

and for u t-mobile works where u live. end...

oh one flaw.. nobody will get the everything 1500 plan when u can have the 450 plan for 69 a month with any mobile..lol so if u want unlimited calling with unlimited text and data its 69 .99 a month..thats way cheaper than t-mobiles unlimited plans.lol

hows that one!!!lol
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 06:46 PM
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Re: whose with me?

Originally Posted by spiritcrusher33 View Post
So the point is the extra dollar spent is worth it to me cause of coverage..

and for u t-mobile works where u live. end...

oh one flaw.. nobody will get the everything 1500 plan when u can have the 450 plan for 69 a month with any mobile..lol so if u want unlimited calling with unlimited text and data its 69 .99 a month..thats way cheaper than t-mobiles unlimited plans.lol

hows that one!!!lol
Well you also have to factor in Sprint's nickel and dime fees ($5 per month if you're not on autopay, another $5 per month if you don't get the electronic statements, new higher regulatory fees, etc).

I didn't include any of that in my figures. If you start to look at all that, T-Mobile is significantly cheaper- and no contract.

Last edited by BlackDynamite; 01-11-2010 at 06:48 PM.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 07:09 PM
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Re: whose with me?

i had bout the same amount of taxes and fee with tmobile than i do with sprint.. but ido electronic billing.. and the regulatory fee went from 20 cents to like what 40 cents...

its verizon who nickle and dimes u to death,lol
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 07:53 PM
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Re: whose with me?

Originally Posted by spiritcrusher33 View Post
i had bout the same amount of taxes and fee with tmobile than i do with sprint.. but ido electronic billing.. and the regulatory fee went from 20 cents to like what 40 cents...

its verizon who nickle and dimes u to death,lol
Sprint nickels and dimes the people who don't have electronic billing and as of this month- autopay. If you don't have autopay and you have an account spending limit, you'll see a new $5 per month fee from Sprint as of this month.

The regulatory fee is small, but that extra $5 per month is worth complaining about. So if your taxes and fees with T-Mobile were the same as they were with Sprint in the past, then Sprint would be more expensive now with the new fees they added this month.
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