Re: How To Compile Your Own Kernels, Modules, Tinboot (NAND boot), and More for Begin
Originally Posted by Lmiller1708
Just Copy and paste this to your script. It should work fine... From his orginal code before we update to squash.
echo "Compress modules to a tar.gz and move to output dir"
KER_VER="$(cat $KERNEL_PATH/include/config/kernel.release)"
cd $OUTPUT_PATH/modules
MODULES=$(find -name "*.ko")
for i in $MODULES ; do
cp $i $OUTPUT_PATH/kernel/modules
cd $OUTPUT_PATH/kernel
tar -cvzf $OUTPUT_PATH/kernel/$KER_VER.tar.gz modules
Not sure what you are asking with your second question.
It's not strictly necessary for your own use, but another piece of this process that most like to do is strip the modules so they're not 10 megs, but that's totally optional.