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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 03-16-2011, 12:29 PM
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Re: How To Compile Your Own Kernels, Modules, Tinboot (NAND boot), and More for Begin

Originally Posted by rpierce99 View Post
afaik you don't want to just gzip the directory, what I did is write a short shell script that copies all of the .ko files (searching recursively) to a different folder and then gzips that, using the modues-versionstuff.tar.gz format. I don't remember where I found the example script (could have been the first post or a link from the first post) but I only had to make some small modifications to get it to work.
Worked fine. Thanks...
Sprint: G1000, HTC-6600, 6800, TP2 now Optimus S with Stock Android 2.2.2.
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2011, 06:29 PM
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Anyone try compiling a nand kernel lately?? nbh doesn't package up right for me or something. I can't get past first boot splash...

Off the slightly tweaked FRX05 Nandroid ROM, fuk winmo...
Rockin' The Official TouchPro 2 aka "The dopest phone with keyboard still":
F**k windows mobile, NAND flash to droid....
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2011, 03:34 AM
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Re: How To Compile Your Own Kernels, Modules, Tinboot (NAND boot), and More for Begin

Hi there,

I've just built success and got ruu_signed.NBH & modules- files.

Since new NAND version came and put everything inside device memory (only use sdcard for update) I want to known how to update zImage & modules.
Is there any guide to made androidupdate.tgz?
Can I use 'recovery' to update that file?

I was made a androidupdate.tgz by tar-zipped a directory with:
`-- modules
    |-- bcm4329.ko
    |-- cfg80211.ko
    |-- ip_queue.ko
    |-- iptable_filter.ko
then put it into /sdcard/andboot/androidupdate.tgz, update RHOIMG.NBH, reboot, stuck at boot. Error message: "not found rootfs" and fork a sh shell.

Best regard!
Uoc Nguyen
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2011, 12:52 PM
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Re: How To Compile Your Own Kernels, Modules, Tinboot (NAND boot), and More for Begin

Originally Posted by tiger2wander View Post
Hi there,

I've just built success and got ruu_signed.NBH & modules- files.

Since new NAND version came and put everything inside device memory (only use sdcard for update) I want to known how to update zImage & modules.
Is there any guide to made androidupdate.tgz?
Can I use 'recovery' to update that file?

I was made a androidupdate.tgz by tar-zipped a directory with:
`-- modules
    |-- bcm4329.ko
    |-- cfg80211.ko
    |-- ip_queue.ko
    |-- iptable_filter.ko
then put it into /sdcard/andboot/androidupdate.tgz, update RHOIMG.NBH, reboot, stuck at boot. Error message: "not found rootfs" and fork a sh shell.

Best regard!
Uoc Nguyen
You have the right idea with the modules. All modules just go in a tgz with the structure /data/modules inside it. All you really need to do is grab the correct initrd.gz from here: bootenv in Tinboot for linux-msm - Gitorious and put it in your /tinboot-linux-msm/kernel directory with the zImage.

Again, I apologize for the delay on updating the first post. I'm heading out to the zoo with the wife, but we'll be back in a couple of hours and I'll get it updated then. She has a baby shower after we get back, so that should give me plenty of time
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2011, 04:09 PM
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Re: How To Compile Your Own Kernels, Modules, Tinboot (NAND boot), and More for Begin

yeah, thanks, that's what I need, man. I'll re-compile them tomorrow (here is 3:05AM, btw need asleep).

Also, if you are going to edit the first post, don't forget to modify some line to make newcomer do correct things!
cat ~/android/linux-msm-rhod-nand/arch/arm/include/config/kernel.release
cat ~/android/linux-msm-rhod-nand/include/config/kernel.release
and add '-p' option to mkdir command to make it automatically create missing parent path if any to collapse code, for example:
if [ ! -d "$ANDROID/output/sdcard" ] ; then
   mkdir -p $ANDROID/output/sdcard
Best regard!
Uoc Nguyen
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2011, 10:40 PM
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I can't get past first boot splash stiiiiiiiiill....

Off the slightly tweaked FRX05 Nandroid ROM, fu(k winmo...
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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2011, 01:36 AM
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Re: How To Compile Your Own Kernels, Modules, Tinboot (NAND boot), and More for Begin

Originally Posted by tiger2wander View Post
yeah, thanks, that's what I need, man. I'll re-compile them tomorrow (here is 3:05AM, btw need asleep).

Also, if you are going to edit the first post, don't forget to modify some line to make newcomer do correct things!
cat ~/android/linux-msm-rhod-nand/arch/arm/include/config/kernel.release
cat ~/android/linux-msm-rhod-nand/include/config/kernel.release
and add '-p' option to mkdir command to make it automatically create missing parent path if any to collapse code, for example:
if [ ! -d "$ANDROID/output/sdcard" ] ; then
   mkdir -p $ANDROID/output/sdcard
Best regard!
Uoc Nguyen
I very much appreciate the help. As I've stated before, I wouldn't consider myself an expert at all with Linux, and any feedback is always welcome. I'm sure there are a lot of things in my scripts that could be improved, so keep them coming

Also, I just updated the first post with some of what I had. I'm still refining a few things, and the 2nd post will be updated shortly.
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2011, 03:12 AM
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Re: How To Compile Your Own Kernels, Modules, Tinboot (NAND boot), and More for Begin

Great update, natemcnutty!
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  #129 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2011, 04:02 AM
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Re: How To Compile Your Own Kernels, Modules, Tinboot (NAND boot), and More for Begin

Hey, natemcnutty

Need modify fullbuild.sh to fix this:
./fullbuild.sh: 38: Syntax error: "fi" unexpected (expecting "then")
 36 if [ ! -d $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules
 37      mkdir -p $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules
 38 fi
 36 if [ ! -d $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules ]; then
 37      mkdir -p $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules
 38 fi
previous snippets is missing ']; then' in 'if' clause, also we need to create system dir in androidupdate:
  39 if [ ! -d $ANDROID/androidupdate/system ]; then
  40      mkdir -p $ANDROID/androidupdate/system
  41 fi
Here is my modified script, tested and build successfully:
# Build Script for linux-msm-rhod-nand (Android on HTC) kernel, modules, XIP, and NBH
# Set the following variables
# ANDROID -- Root director for Android files
# TINBOOT -- tinboot directory
# KERNEL_PATH -- directory containing the linux-msm kernel source
# TOOLCHAIN_PATH -- directory containing the arm toolchain
# MODULES_PATH -- directory for modules

# do some cleanup before building if zImage already exists
echo "Removing previous zImage"
if [ -f $TINBOOT/kernel/zImage ] ; then
     rm $TINBOOT/kernel/zImage

# build kernel and modules
#export ARCH=arm
make clean
make ARCH=arm htc_msm_nand_defconfig
[ $? -eq 0 ] || fail "Kernel compilation failure"

# copy all drivers to single level directory for compression
KERNMODS=$(find -name "*.ko")
if [ ! -d $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules ]; then
     mkdir -p $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules
if [ ! -d $ANDROID/androidupdate/system ]; then
     mkdir -p $ANDROID/androidupdate/system
for i in $KERNMODS ; do
     cp $i $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules

# compress modules to a tar.gz and move to output
echo "Outputting modules to Desktop"
cd $ANDROID/androidupdate
tar cvzf $ANDROID/androidupdate.tgz data system
rm -rf $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules
mkdir $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules

# clean up modules
rm -Rf $KERNEL_PATH/lib/modules

# move new kernel
mv $KERNEL_PATH/arch/arm/boot/zImage $TINBOOT/kernel

#-----start build XIP-----
# remove old XIP if it exists
if [  -f xip/rhod ]; then
    rm xip/rhod
    echo Deleting old XIP

# make XIP folder if it does not exist
if [ ! -d "$TINBOOT/xip" ] ; then
mkdir $TINBOOT/xip

# compile tinboot XIP
echo "Start compiling tinboot/xip for rhod....."
$TOOLCHAIN_PATH-as  tinboot/tinboot2.S -o tinboot.o --defsym rhod=1 --defsym MTYPE=2292
$TOOLCHAIN_PATH-objcopy tinboot.o -O binary tinbootxip
mv tinbootxip xip/rhod

# cleanup tinboot
rm tinboot.o

# make sure XIP build was successful
if [ ! -f xip/rhod ] ; then
    fail "XIP build failed. XIP file was not found."

#-----start build NBH-----
# clean up previous log file
if [ -e "tools/log" ]; then
rm tools/log

# compile tinboot
cp tools/rhod_payload2 os.nb.payload

echo "Inserting tinboot into payload"
wine tools/osnbtool -c os.nb.payload 1 xip/rhod >> tools/log
mv os.nb.payload.NEW os.nb.payload >> tools/log

echo "Inserting blank imgfs into payload"
wine tools/ImgfsToNb.exe  tools/imgfs.bin os.nb.payload os-new.nb.payload >> tools/log

echo "Creating os.nb portion of nbh"
tools/nbmerge < os-new.nb.payload > os-new.nb

echo "Creating NBH"
wine tools/yang.exe -F RHODIMG.NBH -f os-new.nb -t 0x400 -s 64 -d RHOD****0 -c 11111111 -v Tinboot -l WWE >> tools/log

# clean up payloads
rm os.nb.payload
rm os-new.nb.payload
rm os-new.nb

# clean up tinboot directory
rm -rf xip
Best regard!
Uoc Nguyen
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2011, 03:45 PM
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Re: How To Compile Your Own Kernels, Modules, Tinboot (NAND boot), and More for Begin

Originally Posted by tiger2wander View Post
Hey, natemcnutty

Need modify fullbuild.sh to fix this:
./fullbuild.sh: 38: Syntax error: "fi" unexpected (expecting "then")
 36 if [ ! -d $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules
 37      mkdir -p $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules
 38 fi
 36 if [ ! -d $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules ]; then
 37      mkdir -p $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules
 38 fi
previous snippets is missing ']; then' in 'if' clause, also we need to create system dir in androidupdate:
  39 if [ ! -d $ANDROID/androidupdate/system ]; then
  40      mkdir -p $ANDROID/androidupdate/system
  41 fi
Here is my modified script, tested and build successfully:
# Build Script for linux-msm-rhod-nand (Android on HTC) kernel, modules, XIP, and NBH
# Set the following variables
# ANDROID -- Root director for Android files
# TINBOOT -- tinboot directory
# KERNEL_PATH -- directory containing the linux-msm kernel source
# TOOLCHAIN_PATH -- directory containing the arm toolchain
# MODULES_PATH -- directory for modules

# do some cleanup before building if zImage already exists
echo "Removing previous zImage"
if [ -f $TINBOOT/kernel/zImage ] ; then
     rm $TINBOOT/kernel/zImage

# build kernel and modules
#export ARCH=arm
make clean
make ARCH=arm htc_msm_nand_defconfig
[ $? -eq 0 ] || fail "Kernel compilation failure"

# copy all drivers to single level directory for compression
KERNMODS=$(find -name "*.ko")
if [ ! -d $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules ]; then
     mkdir -p $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules
if [ ! -d $ANDROID/androidupdate/system ]; then
     mkdir -p $ANDROID/androidupdate/system
for i in $KERNMODS ; do
     cp $i $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules

# compress modules to a tar.gz and move to output
echo "Outputting modules to Desktop"
cd $ANDROID/androidupdate
tar cvzf $ANDROID/androidupdate.tgz data system
rm -rf $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules
mkdir $ANDROID/androidupdate/data/modules

# clean up modules
rm -Rf $KERNEL_PATH/lib/modules

# move new kernel
mv $KERNEL_PATH/arch/arm/boot/zImage $TINBOOT/kernel

#-----start build XIP-----
# remove old XIP if it exists
if [  -f xip/rhod ]; then
    rm xip/rhod
    echo Deleting old XIP

# make XIP folder if it does not exist
if [ ! -d "$TINBOOT/xip" ] ; then
mkdir $TINBOOT/xip

# compile tinboot XIP
echo "Start compiling tinboot/xip for rhod....."
$TOOLCHAIN_PATH-as  tinboot/tinboot2.S -o tinboot.o --defsym rhod=1 --defsym MTYPE=2292
$TOOLCHAIN_PATH-objcopy tinboot.o -O binary tinbootxip
mv tinbootxip xip/rhod

# cleanup tinboot
rm tinboot.o

# make sure XIP build was successful
if [ ! -f xip/rhod ] ; then
    fail "XIP build failed. XIP file was not found."

#-----start build NBH-----
# clean up previous log file
if [ -e "tools/log" ]; then
rm tools/log

# compile tinboot
cp tools/rhod_payload2 os.nb.payload

echo "Inserting tinboot into payload"
wine tools/osnbtool -c os.nb.payload 1 xip/rhod >> tools/log
mv os.nb.payload.NEW os.nb.payload >> tools/log

echo "Inserting blank imgfs into payload"
wine tools/ImgfsToNb.exe  tools/imgfs.bin os.nb.payload os-new.nb.payload >> tools/log

echo "Creating os.nb portion of nbh"
tools/nbmerge < os-new.nb.payload > os-new.nb

echo "Creating NBH"
wine tools/yang.exe -F RHODIMG.NBH -f os-new.nb -t 0x400 -s 64 -d RHOD****0 -c 11111111 -v Tinboot -l WWE >> tools/log

# clean up payloads
rm os.nb.payload
rm os-new.nb.payload
rm os-new.nb

# clean up tinboot directory
rm -rf xip
Best regard!
Uoc Nguyen
Thanks, that was a last minute addition to the script based on your previous input. I had to change a couple of things from my script to keep in line with what I had originally posted as well, so thanks for catching those. I'll update them right now
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