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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 04:05 AM
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Re: Unofficial known issues list 8/31

Originally Posted by tylera_39 View Post
I've only been playing around for a total of a few hours so far but things I've noticed that haven't already been mentioned:
1) Power button and end button are working bass ackwards
2) Sprint 3G speeds aren't as good in Droid as WinMo
3) My WiFi is way stronger in Droid than WinMo
4) I've only done this a couple of times but when I have roaming set to Sprint Only in Droid, then reboot to WinMo if I have WinMo set to Roam only when I reboot to Droid it boots in Airplane mode and which I can't turn off without a reboot
5) If you set the on-screen keyboard to vibrate on key presses it severely slows the device down while typing to the point it's unusable

Hopefully I can give some more feedback the more I play with it. I'm running 2.2 Blazn cab
Thanks for your input
The power button and end are not working backwards, that's how they were set up.
The speed difference has been noted before, though I personally don't see much difference.
The part about roam only is very interesting.
On a side note, droid is a phone made by Motorola, it is not short for Android which is the operating system.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 10:45 AM
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Re: Unofficial known issues list 9/10

I am having problems with the GPS on my Verizon TP2. Is this a known issue? I was interested in using the Navigation application specifically.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 11:21 AM
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Re: Unofficial known issues list 8/29

Originally Posted by Grogck View Post
Maybe I'm just having it on a worse scale, but I actually consider this one a major deal breaker as pretty much every app I've tried (at least ones that weren't natively built into the build) crash immediately. Sure Android itself doesn't crash, but it pretty much makes the platform unusable when you can't launch most of your apps.

I haven't had a chance to try the build that came out yesterday yet, but I'll have to give it more than 24/48hrs once I do so as the first sound-fix build worked just fine for the first day or so before the apps suddenly started crashing. From what someone mentioned in the thread specific to this issue yesterday this problem seems to be specific to Sprint devices.
i had the same thing happening to me on mine they worked for a while then every one crashed over and over idk why but i uninstalled android and deleted the andboot and android folders reinstalled and everythings workinng again and better than it was i had a lot of apps installed and had turned overclocking off on my rhod400 i now have overclocking on and everythings working i did not however go to town with the apps lol just my personal experience
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 11:59 PM
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Re: Unofficial known issues list 9/10

MMS completely not working? I thought that sending works, and that it just can't receive? That was a big topic of discussion in the main thread awhile back. Of course, without a camera, there really isn't a lot of need to send so I can understand why it is a low priority for the devs.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 12:07 PM
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Re: Unofficial known issues list 9/10

Originally Posted by captobie View Post
MMS completely not working? I thought that sending works, and that it just can't receive? That was a big topic of discussion in the main thread awhile back. Of course, without a camera, there really isn't a lot of need to send so I can understand why it is a low priority for the devs.
Oh really? Okay, I'll update the main thread. This is the first I've ever heard anyone talk about sending MMS, probably for the reason you mentioned about the camera!
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 12:32 PM
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Re: Unofficial known issues list 9/10

Originally Posted by JWise1203 View Post
I am having problems with the GPS on my Verizon TP2. Is this a known issue? I was interested in using the Navigation application specifically.
Can you be more specific? It should be working, in fact on my RHOD400 (Sprint) I used the Google Navigation all weekend... it was fantastic, save that one time that the phone completely locked up while I was driving LOL!
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 01:52 PM
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Re: Unofficial known issues list 9/10

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Can you be more specific? It should be working, in fact on my RHOD400 (Sprint) I used the Google Navigation all weekend... it was fantastic, save that one time that the phone completely locked up while I was driving LOL!
Oh wow nice!

I am using a Verizon TP 2. I guess that is an RHOD500?? I am running the RAR version of Android v2.2 Froyo: BLAZN. Which I grabbed from the Project Android site: Downloads - Project Android

Anytime I go to use my GPS: in Navigation app, Bump, Google Maps etc. I get the GPS icon in the Notification bar. However the GPS never locks on to anything. Do I need to make any changes because I am using a Verizon phone (maybe I have a different GPS chipset)?
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 02:20 PM
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Re: Unofficial known issues list 9/10

Originally Posted by JWise1203 View Post
Oh wow nice!

I am using a Verizon TP 2. I guess that is an RHOD500?? I am running the RAR version of Android v2.2 Froyo: BLAZN. Which I grabbed from the Project Android site: Downloads - Project Android

Anytime I go to use my GPS: in Navigation app, Bump, Google Maps etc. I get the GPS icon in the Notification bar. However the GPS never locks on to anything. Do I need to make any changes because I am using a Verizon phone (maybe I have a different GPS chipset)?
Ok, so it does turn on that's a good sign. Quite often it locks me somewhere off the coast of Ghana (I think it's 0 deg lat/long...) and if I wait a sec it gets my actual location.

Do you have/use QuickGPS in WinMo? I've found that if you update QuickGPS in WinMo at least every 7 days (the more often the better) that locks in Android are MUCH quicker.

Plus, I also found I need to verify I have a good lock on my actual location with Google Maps before going to the Navi app.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 02:49 PM
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Re: Unofficial known issues list 9/10

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Ok, so it does turn on that's a good sign. Quite often it locks me somewhere off the coast of Ghana (I think it's 0 deg lat/long...) and if I wait a sec it gets my actual location.

Do you have/use QuickGPS in WinMo? I've found that if you update QuickGPS in WinMo at least every 7 days (the more often the better) that locks in Android are MUCH quicker.

Plus, I also found I need to verify I have a good lock on my actual location with Google Maps before going to the Navi app.
Thank you!! I didn't realize that my QuickGPS data was so out of date. Not to mention I figured that QuickGPS updated some settings in Windows Mobile only. I didn't think that it would update the GPS hardware itself. Navigation is working perfectly now.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 02:59 PM
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Re: Unofficial known issues list 9/10

Originally Posted by JWise1203 View Post
I am having problems with the GPS on my Verizon TP2. Is this a known issue? I was interested in using the Navigation application specifically.
GPS used to crash my TP2 on verizon all the time until I deleted my data.img and rebuilt it from scratch with the latest build.

I recommend updating your build and starting with a clean new data.img file.
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