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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2010, 06:55 PM
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Re: The Smoothest running Android Sense 2.1 experience ever with latest rootfs 07/01/

Originally Posted by Damionix View Post
I don't even get to that step. I just click to start installation and immediately it says installation unsuccessful. I have never had any luck with Cab installtion of these Android installation
Hey, I just tried it with the .rar and it works perfectly, its rather simple to do as well, just extract and copy and paste it one the root of your SD Card, everythings in ANDBOOT, then just rename the rootfs witht he file on the 1st page to rootfs.img, copy and replace and bam finished! It took a while to boot up, but its awesome!
Running whatever the latest 23xxx NRG Dinik+Cookie ROM is
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 11:35 AM
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Re: The Smoothest running Android Sense 2.1 experience ever with latest rootfs 07/01/

Originally Posted by Damionix View Post
I don't even get to that step. I just click to start installation and immediately it says installation unsuccessful. I have never had any luck with Cab installtion of these Android installation
I tried the .Rar Version and when I use it the Sprint Network does not come on. Network Connection and APN are greyed out.
No option to even create the Sprint APN and Internet.com, I don't know what else to do.

The Cab version will not install on EnergyROM, when I use stock, it installs just fine. And network work. But I when I switch to EnergyROM, it always says installation Unsuccessful immediately I try to lunch the application to install.

Anyone has an input here. I have the latest RootFS and all. Dont know what am doing wrong
"Motorola SLVR --> Motorola Q --> Motorola Q9c --> HTC Mogul --> HTC Touch Pro --> Touch Pro 2

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 12:40 AM
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Re: The Smoothest running Android Sense 2.1 experience ever with latest rootfs 07/01/

Originally Posted by Damionix View Post
I tried the .Rar Version and when I use it the Sprint Network does not come on. Network Connection and APN are greyed out.
No option to even create the Sprint APN and Internet.com, I don't know what else to do.

The Cab version will not install on EnergyROM, when I use stock, it installs just fine. And network work. But I when I switch to EnergyROM, it always says installation Unsuccessful immediately I try to lunch the application to install.

Anyone has an input here. I have the latest RootFS and all. Dont know what am doing wrong
I have not used Energy ROM in a while. I just like the smoothness of the Plutonium & Neodium ROMs from Vin. I would tell the maker of the energy ROM about this problem maybe there might be a bug in his ROM.Below are some common reason your ROM would not install.

1. Trying to install the ROM into the internal memory of the touch pro 2.
2. Having the SIM card in the phone.
3. Maybe install the wrong version of the ROM on the work network for example install the sprint rom with rhod500 which is used for verizon.
4. Not having enough memory on your sd card.
4G Hotspot tethering with Samsung Epic just start 3G first and then start up 4G otherwise your phone will restart. wifi_tether_v3_0-pre10.apk wifi_tether_v3_0-pre12.apk

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 09:37 AM
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Re: The Smoothest running Android Sense 2.1 experience ever with latest rootfs 07/01/

Originally Posted by jamice4u View Post
I have not used Energy ROM in a while. I just like the smoothness of the Plutonium & Neodium ROMs from Vin. I would tell the maker of the energy ROM about this problem maybe there might be a bug in his ROM.Below are some common reason your ROM would not install.

1. Trying to install the ROM into the internal memory of the touch pro 2.
2. Having the SIM card in the phone.
3. Maybe install the wrong version of the ROM on the work network for example install the sprint rom with rhod500 which is used for verizon.
4. Not having enough memory on your sd card.
Thanks for the response. I appreciate it. I finally just retorted to doing it old fashion way. Make an image backup of my Energy ROM, then reinstall the stock ROM, and then Install the .CAB version which makes the network connection work fine ( NO wifi and GPS). And the reinstall EnergyROM, then Restore my backed up Image. Long step but worth it
I have an 8GB Micro SD card with 7GB space left, I installed the right Sprint Stock ROM, and have no SIM Card inserted.
I think it's just EnergyROM. Its not the first time that the installation of .cab file has failed me on his ROMS.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 11:34 AM
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Re: The Smoothest running Android Sense 2.1 experience ever with latest rootfs 07/01/

Energy ROM are cutting edge but they have some bugs that don't get resolved. I am glad you figured it out. I am using Vins custom ROM's this dude fixes everything on his ROMs I would suggest you give his ROM a try you won't regret it. He has a Plutomium rom which is the 23XXX system build and the Neodium which is the 21XXX system build. I am currently using the 21908 with cookies with no problems.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 02:17 PM
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Re: The Smoothest running Android Sense 2.1 experience ever with latest rootfs 07/01/

Originally Posted by jamice4u View Post
Energy ROM are cutting edge but they have some bugs that don't get resolved. I am glad you figured it out. I am using Vins custom ROM's this dude fixes everything on his ROMs I would suggest you give his ROM a try you won't regret it. He has a Plutomium rom which is the 23XXX system build and the Neodium which is the 21XXX system build. I am currently using the 21908 with cookies with no problems.
OT, but:

How does that 6.5 build run? I'm using Mr. X 6.18, which is 21903, with CHT and it is slow as balls on my phone :-\

I'm beginning to think my TP2 is just a slouch because everyone else seems to think it flies! But even after flash dancing and Task29, I still have a sluggish phone. Even if there is nothing happening on the device, text entry is at least 10-20 characters behind, sometimes lagging by up to 50 or more!

Last edited by kidwolf908; 07-07-2010 at 02:30 PM.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 09:44 PM
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Re: The Smoothest running Android Sense 2.1 experience ever with latest rootfs 07/01/

Originally Posted by kidwolf908 View Post
OT, but:

How does that 6.5 build run? I'm using Mr. X 6.18, which is 21903, with CHT and it is slow as balls on my phone :-\

I'm beginning to think my TP2 is just a slouch because everyone else seems to think it flies! But even after flash dancing and Task29, I still have a sluggish phone. Even if there is nothing happening on the device, text entry is at least 10-20 characters behind, sometimes lagging by up to 50 or more!
The 6.5 build run very well. Take it for a test drive.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 09:56 PM
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Re: The Smoothest running Android Sense 2.1 experience ever with latest rootfs 07/01/

phone resets, I see android menubar, then it continues to boot to windows...usually catch the simple stuff but what did I miss or how do i get it to continue with the andoid load?
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 10:52 AM
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Marjetplace Search

Every time I I try to do a search in Marketplace, it freezes the phone and then semi reboots back into the Android. Anyone has a fix for this?

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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 12:10 PM
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Re: Marjetplace Search

Originally Posted by Damionix View Post
Every time I I try to do a search in Marketplace, it freezes the phone and then semi reboots back into the Android. Anyone has a fix for this?

That is one of the bugs in the Sense build. Maybe a future build will fix it.
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