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  #141 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 07:03 PM
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Re: Android running on US Cellular data service **Solved for most***

Originally Posted by eval- View Post
Some people have used phone number, some people ESN, IMEI, some people other things. Are you saying MSID is set to these things and it's _always_ whatever the MSID is set to? (Be it your phone#, IMEI/ESN or whatever?) That would help USCC people know what to find out / ask for if it's always so consistent. Multiple people confirm this?

Like I said, I don't have USCC, I don't even have a TP2. Just a diam500 user on Sprint trying to help y'all out. Seems USCC is pretty varied in what they set the MSID, or alternately user/pass to for ppp auth.

i run 2 us cellular stores. and every time we have problems with internet access it is the MSID that gets you online. those are ALWAYS the server settings at USCC. if anyone needs their MSID call 611 and ask for it. they will be more than happy to give you the information. they will have to verify you and you will have to be authorized on the account however. if you need an unlock code for your phone PM your IMEI to me and i will pull it up for you. we have a little tool to look them up.

p.s. due to the way the network works, you have 2 phone numbers technically. your CTN (phone number) and your MSID (the number the network uses to track your phone number. due to porting into and out of different carriers these may be different or they may be the same if you have had your phone number for a long time or if no one has used the phone number ever. FYI
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Last edited by skuddy; 03-25-2010 at 07:04 PM. Reason: clarification
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  #142 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 10:07 PM
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Re: Android running on US Cellular data service **Solved for most***

Originally Posted by skuddy View Post
i run 2 us cellular stores. and every time we have problems with internet access it is the MSID that gets you online. those are ALWAYS the server settings at USCC. if anyone needs their MSID call 611 and ask for it
that is awesome to get this mess sorted out. your info should be on the front page. so basically, as soon as USCC peeps get a new rootfs they need to grab GScript Lite, and make a script like below, run it, and reboot. thanks!!


chmod a+rw /init.etc/ppp/pap-secrets
chmod a+rw /init.etc/ppp/options.smd1

cat > /init.etc/ppp/pap-secrets << EOF

grep -v user /init.etc/ppp/options.smd1 > /init.etc/ppp/options.smd1
cat >> /init.etc/ppp/options.smd1 << EOF
user YOUR_MSID_HERE@uscc.net
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  #143 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 04:45 PM
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Re: Android running on US Cellular data service **Solved for most***

Originally Posted by skuddy View Post
i run 2 us cellular stores. and every time we have problems with internet access it is the MSID that gets you online. those are ALWAYS the server settings at USCC. if anyone needs their MSID call 611 and ask for it. they will be more than happy to give you the information. they will have to verify you and you will have to be authorized on the account however. if you need an unlock code for your phone PM your IMEI to me and i will pull it up for you. we have a little tool to look them up.

p.s. due to the way the network works, you have 2 phone numbers technically. your CTN (phone number) and your MSID (the number the network uses to track your phone number. due to porting into and out of different carriers these may be different or they may be the same if you have had your phone number for a long time or if no one has used the phone number ever. FYI

I just called and talked with data technical services because I'm not getting through with my MSID, and they said that the PPP user id should be your MSID@uscc.net, and the password should definitely be just your MSID by itself. Granted, US Cellular is thinking about making android phones premium devices, and not smart phones, which would be awesome. but thats beside the point.

Also, an update for everyone who actually has US Cellular. Android devices are on their way, they will be launching in July supposedly. Just a heads up for you all. I'm sticking with winmo, because then i get the best of both worlds =P

attached is what i see when i pull up an account. thats my phone number, my msid, and my serial number and device. ive blocked everything else out because I want to protect my company and myself. but just to give you an idea of what info is attached to the account. so if other people are using their hex esn and such? then i am wayyyyyy off base, and its a programming thing with the android programming.
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Last edited by skuddy; 03-26-2010 at 04:50 PM.
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  #144 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2010, 03:08 PM
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Re: Android running on US Cellular data service **Solved for most***

Originally Posted by chrialex View Post
I have a RAPH800 and using the default APN settings work for me with the rootfs from the 21st. No user/pass in it. Using the all-in-one package from my sig with updated zimage and rootfs. Before that it wouldn't work.
Just did this and it worked great! also have the tethering working. Thanks a million!
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  #145 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 10:06 AM
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Re: Android running on US Cellular data service **Solved for most***

Originally Posted by cflynt View Post
Now any of you USCC users etc, if you could update to the latest rootfs.img and let me know if your Data is working without modification, rumor has it, it might be, otherwise look in the APN settings and populate your info that you had to do before, without using the script. Use the options in the APN. Let me know if that works for ya!
Originally Posted by RSD View Post
Is this the link for the latest rootfs?
Hey all, this works for me and a lot simpler than the scripts and manual edits. Just replace your rootfs.img file and you should be good to go. Mackie is updating the all in one download later this evening and it should be ready for all USCC customers to try. It may also fix data with other CDMA providers. Make sure to give thanks to the ones who are sharing and helping.
Touch Pro 2 with Stock US Cellular ROM (WM6.5) Dual boot to Android
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  #146 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 06:42 PM
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Re: Android running on US Cellular data service **Solved for most***

I have a motorola droid and I have it active on us cellular and I'm trying this method to get my data back. When I go into gscript and run the batch file it says bad mode and then it's says it cannot create the files because it's read only and then busybox says permissions denied. i tried the terminal emula to change it to read/write but it says bad mode as well. Can someone shed some light on what I should do now? Thanks
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  #147 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 11:17 PM
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Re: Android running on US Cellular data service **Solved for most***

Originally Posted by scooter2479 View Post
I have a motorola droid and I have it active on us cellular and I'm trying this method to get my data back. When I go into gscript and run the batch file it says bad mode and then it's says it cannot create the files because it's read only and then busybox says permissions denied. i tried the terminal emula to change it to read/write but it says bad mode as well. Can someone shed some light on what I should do now? Thanks
I would download Android Terminal Emulator and EStrongs File Explorer from Market then try to manually run these steps...

Launch Android Terminal Emulator then enter in

chmod a+rw /init.etc/ppp/pap-secrets
chmod a+rw /init.etc/ppp/options.smd1

Now launch EStrongs File Explorer

Press the '/' button near the top left
Tap the 'init.etc' folder
Tap the 'ppp' folder
Tap the 'pap-secrets' file (if prompted select EStrongs Editor)
Enter in your MSID@uscc.net * MSID (You may need to call USCC to get this)
Press the physical Windows key and tap "Save"
Now tap the 'options.smd1' file
Move to the bottom then add user MSID@uscc.net
Press the physical Windows key and tap "Save"

This will allow you to see the errors that may occur. Since these files are in ROM on your phone, you may need to copy these files to an SD card, edit them, then copy them back over the originals. I have to do this when I am working in Windows Mobile files in ROM.

I also am attaching a revised script to try if you wish, just edit the number with your MSID and rename to .sh to run in GScript. Please post your results so other can learn from this.

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  #148 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2010, 11:57 AM
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Re: Android running on US Cellular data service **Solved for most***

I cant get past the first part, Everytime I try chmod it says bad mode. I looked in the file system and I don't see a init.etc folder and I don't have a pap-secrets or options file either. I'm assuming because it was on verizon and they dont use the same thing as us cell. So if someone could tell me excatly what's in those too and I could create them and see if that works. Thanks
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  #149 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2010, 03:03 PM
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Re: Android running on US Cellular data service **Solved for most***

Originally Posted by scooter2479 View Post
I cant get past the first part, Everytime I try chmod it says bad mode. I looked in the file system and I don't see a init.etc folder and I don't have a pap-secrets or options file either. I'm assuming because it was on verizon and they dont use the same thing as us cell. So if someone could tell me excatly what's in those too and I could create them and see if that works. Thanks
Since you have an Android device, you might try to change the APN settings.

While at the home screen press the physical Windows key, select settings, then select Wireless & networks, select Mobile networks and now select Access Point Names, then tap CDMA Generic. Now change the username to MSID@uscc.net and the password to MSID. You may have to switch to Airplane mode or reboot after these changes. Also try changing the Authentication type to PAP if the above does not work.

After that it will need to be one of the Linux guru's to help change those settings.

Good luck.
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  #150 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2010, 01:47 PM
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Re: Android running on US Cellular data service **Solved for most***

Under mobile networks, I only have home and automatic as options, nothing else.
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