Originally Posted by eval-
Some people have used phone number, some people ESN, IMEI, some people other things. Are you saying MSID is set to these things and it's _always_ whatever the MSID is set to? (Be it your phone#, IMEI/ESN or whatever?) That would help USCC people know what to find out / ask for if it's always so consistent. Multiple people confirm this?
Like I said, I don't have USCC, I don't even have a TP2. Just a diam500 user on Sprint trying to help y'all out. Seems USCC is pretty varied in what they set the MSID, or alternately user/pass to for ppp auth.
i run 2 us cellular stores. and every time we have problems with internet access it is the MSID that gets you online. those are ALWAYS the server settings at USCC. if anyone needs their MSID call 611 and ask for it. they will be more than happy to give you the information. they will have to verify you and you will have to be authorized on the account however. if you need an unlock code for your phone PM your IMEI to me and i will pull it up for you. we have a little tool to look them up.
p.s. due to the way the network works, you have 2 phone numbers technically. your CTN (phone number) and your MSID (the number the network uses to track your phone number. due to porting into and out of different carriers these may be different or they may be the same if you have had your phone number for a long time or if no one has used the phone number ever. FYI