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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 10-19-2011, 11:50 PM
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Re: [DEV] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - CDMA ONLY

From NANDHOWTO - rhodium-nand - Nand poop - Google Project Hosting
I could never get steps 7, 8, 9 to work for me.
I googled and did this "fastboot boot recovery.img" which booted me into recovery and then I was able to proceed. Everything seems to work ok now.
I suspect that my END key isn't being recognized because in recovery mode I had to actually open up my keyboard and use the enter key to select "apply update from sd card".
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2011, 01:42 AM
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Re: [DEV] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - CDMA ONLY

Originally Posted by hlo View Post
From NANDHOWTO - rhodium-nand - Nand poop - Google Project Hosting
I could never get steps 7, 8, 9 to work for me.
I googled and did this "fastboot boot recovery.img" which booted me into recovery and then I was able to proceed. Everything seems to work ok now.
I suspect that my END key isn't being recognized because in recovery mode I had to actually open up my keyboard and use the enter key to select "apply update from sd card".
that isn't right, hold power button to go into recovery, end button to fastboot.
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2011, 10:33 AM
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Re: [DEV] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - CDMA ONLY

Originally Posted by muziling View Post
that isn't right, hold power button to go into recovery, end button to fastboot.
Oh. That might explain it. Thanks!

Next question is that I cannot get DroidWall working. Googling seems to indicate a kernel change is required to get iptables. Issue 59 - droidwall - Error applying iptables rules. Exit code: 2 - DroidWall - Android Firewall - Google Project Hosting

I see various kernels Downloads - rhodium-nand - Nand poop - Google Project Hosting but I don't know how to go about installing them.

Btw, this is awesome!
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2011, 11:22 AM
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Re: [DEV] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - CDMA ONLY

need two modules, didn't care NAND support or not
modprobe xt_owner
modprobe ipt_REJECT
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2011, 11:28 AM
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Re: [DEV] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - CDMA ONLY

Finally Got This working!!
Got a new class 10 SD card, but dont think that was really my issue.

*Still have to enter Recovery from fastboot.
* Reboot to recovery does not work
*Cannot test Wifi Thetering, not included (wonder if a kernel patch would add wifi access point to the Wifi Setting Thetering option. Must be more involved, have to mess with the RIL mabye? Will post my research on this if I make progress)
*USB Wifi Thetering not working, driver issue in Win 7 64 Bit maybe? Will Test on couple of different computers
*Market FC, will try another Market
(edit: have not found a stable gapps yet :'( )
*Will test different recovery.img as well
(Phone wants to default to Fastboot, even when I hit the Power button. Have to do the batter pullout trick, for 20-30 sec, but wont always work.)
so I do:

FC in most gapps apps
SOD on Wake (4) in 24hr
Reboot when trying to enable disable radios, cant always repeat though

looking forward to looking at the log files this weekend now.
Finally got it working, but my primary Wifi at home is with this TP2 Wifi access point (the adhoc wont work for HP TouchPad/cm7 alpha/webos dual boot)

Great job guys, great Job ACL.

If anybody have info on how to cook wifi access-point in Gingerbread, please PM me with info. Will like to play will the source a bit more ^^



Last edited by baalho; 10-21-2011 at 02:23 PM. Reason: removed direct links
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2011, 12:42 PM
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Re: [DEV] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - CDMA ONLY

Originally Posted by baalho View Post
Finally Got This working!!
Got a new class 10 SD card, but dont think that was really my issue.

*Still have to enter Recovery from fastboot.
* Reboot to recovery does not work
*Cannot test Wifi Thetering, not included (wonder if a kernel patch would add wifi access point to the Wifi Setting Thetering option. Must be more involved, have to mess with the RIL mabye? Will post my research on this if I make progress)
*USB Wifi Thetering not working, driver issue in Win 7 64 Bit maybe? Will Test on couple of different computers
*Market FC, will try another Market
(Will post my success with Tiad8 market in Gapps link)
*Will test different recovery.img as well
(Phone wants to default to Fastboot, even when I hit the Power button. Have to do the batter pullout trick, for 20-30 sec, but wont always work.)
so I do:

FC in most gapps apps
SOD on Wake (4) in 24hr
Reboot when trying to enable disable radios, cant always repeat though

looking forward to looking at the log files this weekend now.
Finally got it working, but my primary Wifi at home is with this TP2 Wifi access point (the adhoc wont work for HP TouchPad/cm7 alpha/webos dual boot)

Great job guys, great Job ACL.

If anybody have info on how to cook wifi access-point in Gingerbread, please PM me with info. Will like to play will the source a bit more ^^


Thanks for the list bro. I'll take a look into all these. Also i hate to get into this kinda stuff but you know tiad8 stuff or any menitoning of that is not really welcomed on ppcg or xda. If you are going to post gapps links, you can do it from omgb team or cyanogen mod.

i have nothing against the guy, but i have a resonsibility to xdandroid, htc-linux.org and of course my own builds.
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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2011, 01:49 PM
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Re: [DEV] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - CDMA ONLY

I get your drift man, it is a direct link to the forum post, not a particular file. But I knew that i was kinda sorta crossing a fine line

*So basically I wanted to test the FC in Market app.
results: Still FC. Did not get to test paid app

* wanted to see if the problem was with the recovery.img or what
(Still have to use fast boot to get into recovery)
*Can task29 or directly flash from SD

still getting FC right after boot. I usually dont touch the phone until I see the green light after boot.
With out Gapps.zip, the room feels very stable and fast!!!

3G worked out of the box, so did SMS on Sprint.

TP2 RHOD400 Sprint
OMGB 1.2.2


Will try a fresh install and do:
Fastboot erase recovery
Fastboot erase boot
Fastboot erase misc
Fastboot erase system
Fastboot erase data
Fastboot erase cache
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2011, 02:02 PM
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Re: [DEV] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - CDMA ONLY

Originally Posted by baalho View Post
I get your drift man, it is a direct link to the forum post, not a particular file. But I knew that i was kinda sorta crossing a fine line

*So basically I wanted to test the FC in Market app.
results: Still FC. Did not get to test paid app

* wanted to see if the problem was with the recovery.img or what
(Still have to use fast boot to get into recovery)
*Can task29 or directly flash from SD

still getting FC right after boot. I usually dont touch the phone until I see the green light after boot.
With out Gapps.zip, the room feels very stable and fast!!!

3G worked out of the box, so did SMS on Sprint.

TP2 RHOD400 Sprint
OMGB 1.2.2


Will try a fresh install and do:
Fastboot erase recovery
Fastboot erase boot
Fastboot erase misc
Fastboot erase system
Fastboot erase data
Fastboot erase cache
It's all good. I'm just being careful.

I have a new LK in the works and will be out with the next build. Unfortunately i cant repliate any of this and whats funny is that i have two rhods. Arrrggg and i habe been bouncing ideas about differences between rhods that are the same model. Not sure why some react different to LK. In the past Lmiller and I found it almost impossible to replicate some LK issues.
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  #129 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2011, 02:22 PM
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Re: [DEV] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - CDMA ONLY

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
It's all good. I'm just being careful.

I have a new LK in the works and will be out with the next build. Unfortunately i cant repliate any of this and whats funny is that i have two rhods. Arrrggg and i habe been bouncing ideas about differences between rhods that are the same model. Not sure why some react different to LK. In the past Lmiller and I found it almost impossible to replicate some LK issues.
Thats weird man.
Wife is getting an Iphone 4s on sprint, so I will get her TP2 as well.

I have another tp2 with a cracked digitilizer.
So will have 3 tp2, al rhod400. So all these CDMA RHOD400, react different to the LK.
Its like an enigma how any of this work, if at all=D>

Getting a international version of galaxy s2, will put it on the t-mobile/walmart plan. Looking forward to developing on a native platform

I will remove any direct links in my posts, thanks for the heads up
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2011, 02:51 PM
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Re: [DEV] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - CDMA ONLY

Originally Posted by baalho View Post
I get your drift man, it is a direct link to the forum post, not a particular file. But I knew that i was kinda sorta crossing a fine line

*So basically I wanted to test the FC in Market app.
results: Still FC. Did not get to test paid app

* wanted to see if the problem was with the recovery.img or what
(Still have to use fast boot to get into recovery)
*Can task29 or directly flash from SD

still getting FC right after boot. I usually dont touch the phone until I see the green light after boot.
With out Gapps.zip, the room feels very stable and fast!!!

3G worked out of the box, so did SMS on Sprint.

TP2 RHOD400 Sprint
OMGB 1.2.2


Will try a fresh install and do:
Fastboot erase recovery
Fastboot erase boot
Fastboot erase misc
Fastboot erase system
Fastboot erase data
Fastboot erase cache
To fix your market FC, use the included gapps, just go to... Settings > Language & Keyboard > Select Language, Select English (United States) and all will be good.

I don't have any problem getting into recovery, just hold power, select reboot, select recovery and hold power once blue screen appears. What I do have a problem with is after using recovery, I go to reboot phone now, then have to hit end key to select, and it will reboot into fastboot?
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