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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2011, 01:14 AM
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Re: [TESTING] .39 Kernel **NEW** 6/7/11

Hi all, there is a new kernel up on the 39 autobuild that could fix the slowness/not working on CDMA devices. I don't have one, or even a data plan for that matter, so let me know how it does.

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Old 06-17-2011, 09:20 AM
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Re: [TESTING] .39 Kernel **NEW** 6/7/11

Originally Posted by jonpry View Post
Hi all, there is a new kernel up on the 39 autobuild that could fix the slowness/not working on CDMA devices. I don't have one, or even a data plan for that matter, so let me know how it does.

Thank you! Tryin it out now...

Update - at first I went with an old data.img. Not sure if it was an app or what, but the thing was dog slow and just wouldn't work right. Eventually it locked up HARD - no backlight on the kbd...

So I figured I would try a new data.img - only been up maybe 20-30mins, but so far it's great! Connected to data, seems to be working well. Now to restore all my apps and see if it blows up...

Last edited by arrrghhh; 06-17-2011 at 10:12 AM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2011, 10:53 AM
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Re: [TESTING] .39 Kernel **NEW** 6/7/11

Trying this baby out on a brand new clean build, so far so good, decent data, now in the process of setting it all up again with Titanium backup. Will let you know how it goes. On another note, just got my music beta invite, won't work on any "phones" I've had connected, hyc's builds, stock FRX06, nada nothing. Any thoughts?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2011, 11:53 AM
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Re: [TESTING] .39 Kernel **NEW** 6/7/11

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
On another note, just got my music beta invite, won't work on any "phones" I've had connected, hyc's builds, stock FRX06, nada nothing. Any thoughts?
Kinda OT but you need the new Music app. Probably need to download it from the Market.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2011, 01:40 PM
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Re: [TESTING] .39 Kernel **NEW** 6/7/11

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Kinda OT but you need the new Music app. Probably need to download it from the Market.
Quick OT comment: I tried, tried on the phone and from the website, it was a nogo. I'll keep trying.

Back OT. Setting the phone up, rebuilt w/ TB and while in the midst of the backup received a phone call, got caught in a loop and the annoying ringtone I have wouldn't stop, phone kept ringing but never saw who called, was never able to answer, phone just basically froze. Had to reboot to winmo to get it to stop. Happened again a little while ago when DL'ing another app. I know it was a phone call because of the ringtone I've set, unless something else randomly picked that ring at random. I've never had that happen that I can think of where while DL'ing something (or using data for that matter) where I've received a phone call and wasn't able to answer, but I can't say that it was just related to the kernel.

Other than that this has been pretty stable and quick.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2011, 01:44 PM
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Re: [TESTING] .39 Kernel **NEW** 6/7/11

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
Quick OT comment: I tried, tried on the phone and from the website, it was a nogo. I'll keep trying.

Back OT. Setting the phone up, rebuilt w/ TB and while in the midst of the backup received a phone call, got caught in a loop and the annoying ringtone I have wouldn't stop, phone kept ringing but never saw who called, was never able to answer, phone just basically froze. Had to reboot to winmo to get it to stop. Happened again a little while ago when DL'ing another app. I know it was a phone call because of the ringtone I've set, unless something else randomly picked that ring at random. I've never had that happen that I can think of where while DL'ing something (or using data for that matter) where I've received a phone call and wasn't able to answer, but I can't say that it was just related to the kernel.

Other than that this has been pretty stable and quick.
Heh, I had the same thing happen to me. I was restoring thru TB, and a phone call came in... however the ring tone only went off once, and I did indeed miss the call.

I know Android is meant to multitask, but I have a feeling our phones aren't up to the task. I wonder how native Android phones handle it with low hardware... If the phone is workin hard, there has to be a way to prioritize the phone call/app.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2011, 07:05 PM
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Re: [TESTING] .39 Kernel **NEW** 6/7/11

Priorities don't mean squat if the CPU is busy in the MMC device driver. But not sure how it's able to get a ringtone started if it's already too busy. Something else is misbehaving...
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2011, 07:46 PM
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Re: [TESTING] .39 Kernel **NEW** 6/7/11

Originally Posted by highlandsun View Post
Priorities don't mean squat if the CPU is busy in the MMC device driver. But not sure how it's able to get a ringtone started if it's already too busy. Something else is misbehaving...
Is there anything you can recommend as to how to figure out what's causing it? It seems to get caught in a loop and only a reboot can fix it. Which logs should I try to get if I can hook it up to my pc w/ adb and re-create it?
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2011, 09:34 PM
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Re: [TESTING] .39 Kernel **NEW** 6/7/11

Use rpierce99's logging app, it grabs most of the logs so you don't have to guess which one to grab.


And use my dmesg, it's a lot more readable: http://highlandsun.com/hyc/FRX06+/dmesg
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Old 06-18-2011, 08:28 AM
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Re: [TESTING] .39 Kernel **NEW** 6/7/11

Bear with me for a second.... I have rpierce99's logging app, but to recreate the problem I will have to start doing a backup and then make a phone call to the phone then do a reboot, will his app work in this situation i.e. will it give me enough time to get all of those things going to recreate the issue? I didn't think so, I assumed it took a look at the immediate processes but didn't go on for 1-2 minutes, but then again I'm a noob at this which is why I'm asking.
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