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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2011, 04:58 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete Froyo Bundle!!** FRX04 - "Stable"

Originally Posted by n1nj4Lo View Post
Yea I've got 2 and a half or 3 Gb's left on a 16Gb microSD? Is the 1258 posted in the main thread or included in the folder?
Originally Posted by hammester View Post
It is a buffer I/O error on dev mmcblk0. I get a bunch of those and then it stops loading with a message that says failed to mount the sd card, cannot continue. /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off.

This is even after I re downloaded and re formatted my sd card.
I guess I should redo this build with 1258 to avoid SD card issues.

The autobuild link is in the first post, I posted the link to 1258, but here it is again...

Kernel 1258.

I'm betting that'll resolve your issues.

Originally Posted by cganesh75 View Post
i had the same issue. it was complaining some MDP_BUSY or whatever and also something that ended with "4 out of 4 times" or something. went back to tiads version and it works. both of them after a clean format of the 8gb sd card
That error can be ignored, and is not the root cause. Are you using the same kernel in tiad's version? I'm not going to fight for users, but if you want to use this build I am here to help.

I would encourage you to try 1258 as well.

I'm not sure if I want to redo the bundle yet, as it seems there'll be another new kernel soon as well - I don't want to redo the bundle every day .
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2011, 05:04 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete Froyo Bundle!!** FRX04 - "Stable"

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
I guess I should redo this build with 1258 to avoid SD card issues.

The autobuild link is in the first post, I posted the link to 1258, but here it is again...

Kernel 1258.

I'm betting that'll resolve your issues.

That error can be ignored, and is not the root cause. Are you using the same kernel in tiad's version? I'm not going to fight for users, but if you want to use this build I am here to help.

I would encourage you to try 1258 as well.

I'm not sure if I want to redo the bundle yet, as it seems there'll be another new kernel soon as well - I don't want to redo the bundle every day .
Sorry I am a complete Noob. What do we do with the 1258 kernel?
  #93 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2011, 05:07 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete Froyo Bundle!!** FRX04 - "Stable"

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
I guess I should redo this build with 1258 to avoid SD card issues.

The autobuild link is in the first post, I posted the link to 1258, but here it is again...

Kernel 1258.

I'm betting that'll resolve your issues.

That error can be ignored, and is not the root cause. Are you using the same kernel in tiad's version? I'm not going to fight for users, but if you want to use this build I am here to help.

I would encourage you to try 1258 as well.

I'm not sure if I want to redo the bundle yet, as it seems there'll be another new kernel soon as well - I don't want to redo the bundle every day .
Quick dumb question, total XDAndroid newb here, how do I update with that image, do I unzip it or just drag "htc-msm-linux-20110214_200559-package.tar.bz2" file directly into the same root directory... Or what exactly...

Once I figure that out then I'm back off to bios bootland again, with crossed fingers. LoL
  #94 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2011, 05:14 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete Froyo Bundle!!** FRX04 - "Stable"

Originally Posted by hammester View Post
Sorry I am a complete Noob. What do we do with the 1258 kernel?
Originally Posted by n1nj4Lo View Post
Quick dumb question, total XDAndroid newb here, how do I update with that image, do I unzip it or just drag "htc-msm-linux-20110214_200559-package.tar.bz2" file directly into the same root directory... Or what exactly...

Once I figure that out then I'm back off to bios bootland again, with crossed fingers. LoL
Ok guys, you really do need to read the first post. I explained it pretty thoroughly, let me know if it doesn't make sense...

Originally Posted by arrrghhh
If you have any issues with the kernel, feel free to change it:
There are some devices that are having issues with the newest kernels. Please see the kernel autobuild service to get archived kernels. Once you download a replacement kernel, go to where you run haret.exe from - remove your old zImage/modules-xxxxx.tar.gz. Take the new zImage/modules-xxxxx.tar.gz and replace the old ones, same folder - where you run haret.exe from. Make sure the ‘zImage’ is named just that. Do not rename the modules file, do not extract it - should be in .tar.gz format.
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2011, 05:40 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete Froyo Bundle!!** FRX04 - "Stable"

Still getting the rdm busy message... Grrrr! I want this to work.

I removed the old files then copied the two new ones over and made sure to make the zImage one just that name.

It's odd that it worked one time and got to the boot screen and now I can't get it to do that at all again, I think it was sitting there for 45mins or so. LoL
  #96 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2011, 05:53 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete Froyo Bundle!!** FRX04 - "Stable"

Originally Posted by n1nj4Lo View Post
Still getting the rdm busy message... Grrrr! I want this to work.

I removed the old files then copied the two new ones over and made sure to make the zImage one just that name.

It's odd that it worked one time and got to the boot screen and now I can't get it to do that at all again, I think it was sitting there for 45mins or so. LoL
Hrm. You never see the flying Androids? Did you place all the files at the root of your SD card or are they in a folder?

Have you tried formatting with the HP tool? You copied a startup.txt file and put it at the root of the SD as well... right?

Unfortunately I'm grabbing at straws at this point, as this build works for most... If you can't try a different SD, you may have to get the magnifying glass out to read some of those tiny lines of text .
  #97 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2011, 06:02 PM
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Originally Posted by n1nj4Lo View Post
I tried the cab and installed both NET Core and Net Frameworks 3.7, but the bootup screen stales and doesn't do anything right away... I installed everything to (Except for Net Core and Net Frameworks 3.7) the storage card and see it all there in andboot... I have the T7380 with the sim card taken out. I left it sitting there for almost an hour and cameback to a flashing XDANDROID screen with the animated logo.. Nothing would wake from that screen and I had to reset my device I'm using BLAZN...

Do I need to install Net Core and Net Frameworks 3.7 to the storage card, also am I selecting the right model Rhod400 for Sprint Touch Pro2 World Phone (T7380) plus Gen Y Boot says Android Missing every time I boot and it loads the screen.

This new zip file do I need to extract it all onto my storage card no folder or extract it all to a folder on the storage card called XDANDROID or whatever?

Can someone please help!
This is the froyo frx04 thread, not the BLAZN last year thread brudda... hopefully your not useing the kernel from BLAZN too.... haha

frx04 1258
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2011, 06:07 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete Froyo Bundle!!** FRX04 - "Stable"

LOL, now that this has become a stickie, lots of work for you arrrghhh answering everyone's questions... Hope that FAQ is coming up soon. Haven't had time to play with the new 1258 kernel yet. I guess the official changelog is listed somewhere on XDA; can't find it on the XDAndroid site.
  #99 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2011, 06:11 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete Froyo Bundle!!** FRX04 - "Stable"

It's just like it is on my pc

FRX04 (Folder)
AndroidAps (Folder inside FRX04)
conf (Folder inside FRX04)
media (Folder inside FRX04)
STARTUPS (Folder inside FRX04) except for > Rhodium/RHO400 startup.txt it's in the FRX04 root
haret.exe (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
initrd.gz (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
modules- (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
rootfs.img (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
system ext2 (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
zImage (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
Originally Posted by MassStash View Post
This is the froyo frx04 thread, not the BLAZN last year thread brudda... hopefully your not useing the kernel from BLAZN too.... haha

frx04 1258
No I'm using the kernel/distro(?) provided in the first page of this thread.

Last edited by n1nj4Lo; 02-16-2011 at 06:14 PM.
  #100 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2011, 06:12 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete Froyo Bundle!!** FRX04 - "Stable"

Originally Posted by ndno View Post
LOL, now that this has become a stickie, lots of work for you arrrghhh answering everyone's questions... Hope that FAQ is coming up soon. Haven't had time to play with the new 1258 kernel yet. I guess the official changelog is listed somewhere on XDA; can't find it on the XDAndroid site.
Official changelog is on the autobuild site.

FAQ is up! Just needs more crap added to it. Whether or not it gets read... Different story .

Originally Posted by n1nj4Lo View Post
It's just like it is on my pc

FRX04 (Folder)
AndroidAps (Folder inside FRX04)
conf (Folder inside FRX04)
media (Folder inside FRX04)
STARTUPS (Folder inside FRX04) except for > Rhodium/RHO400 startup.txt it's in the FRX04 root
haret.exe (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
initrd.gz (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
modules- (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
rootfs.img (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
system ext2 (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
zImage (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
Ok, if you want it in the FRX04 folder, you have to add that rel_path= statement to your startup.txt. Otherwise everything must be at the root of the SD... Again in the first post .
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