Originally Posted by ndno
LOL, now that this has become a stickie, lots of work for you arrrghhh answering everyone's questions...  Hope that FAQ is coming up soon. Haven't had time to play with the new 1258 kernel yet. I guess the official changelog is listed somewhere on XDA; can't find it on the XDAndroid site.
Official changelog is on the
autobuild site.
FAQ is up! Just needs more crap added to it. Whether or not it gets read... Different story

Originally Posted by n1nj4Lo
It's just like it is on my pc
FRX04 (Folder)
AndroidAps (Folder inside FRX04)
conf (Folder inside FRX04)
media (Folder inside FRX04)
STARTUPS (Folder inside FRX04) except for > Rhodium/RHO400 startup.txt it's in the FRX04 root
haret.exe (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
initrd.gz (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
modules- (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
rootfs.img (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
system ext2 (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
zImage (inside FRX04 no sub directory folder)
Ok, if you want it in the FRX04 folder, you have to add that rel_path= statement to your startup.txt. Otherwise everything must be at the root of the SD... Again in the first post
