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  #1001 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2011, 02:11 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Originally Posted by manekineko View Post
Awesome news, can't wait to finally fully flash on Android.

With magldr, would it be possible to have both Android and WinMo in NAND at the same time with option to choose?

Also, I'm not sure wildebeest purr. Maybe mountain lions would be a manlier example of purring?
no idea what magldr is capable of. but that may be last on the list. I much rather have cotulla help get the gsm rhod up to speed on nand. and possibly get BT all solved. After this nand crap is done im going to commit whatever camera patches are flying around
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  #1002 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2011, 02:25 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
no idea what magldr is capable of. but that may be last on the list. I much rather have cotulla help get the gsm rhod up to speed on nand. and possibly get BT all solved. After this nand crap is done im going to commit whatever camera patches are flying around
I don't think Jerome is done working on it... Seems like it's almost done for RHOD, just need to resolve the issue where you zoom in, but the saved pic is zoomed out. AFAIK that's the only outstanding issue for the RHOD, but Jerome has many more devices to work out the kinks with...
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  #1003 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2011, 01:45 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

nand changes have been pushed.

i paused autobuild until i figure out wtf we are gonna do with deployment.

For now if you guys want to begin brain storming, just pull latest code and begin bricking .. i mean writing to nand :-p
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  #1004 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2011, 02:10 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
nand changes have been pushed.

i paused autobuild until i figure out wtf we are gonna do with deployment.

For now if you guys want to begin brain storming, just pull latest code and begin bricking .. i mean writing to nand :-p
You added the MTD drivers to the kernel so we can read/write to NAND, but we still need the rootfs to mount the partitions right? Also, we don't have tinboot modified to create the partitions or flash rootfs to NAND off the start, right?

I'm looking for a set of steps we still need to figure out to get this all going
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  #1005 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2011, 02:18 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
You added the MTD drivers to the kernel so we can read/write to NAND, but we still need the rootfs to mount the partitions right? Also, we don't have tinboot modified to create the partitions or flash rootfs to NAND off the start, right?

I'm looking for a set of steps we still need to figure out to get this all going
yeah we are missing the rootfs. I'm studying the dzo stuff right now to see whats up. he has a nice setup where you can install by pressing vol down during startup.

i have frx4 on my system partition already.. but i still need to boot off sd for the rootfs .. so that should be handled next.
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  #1006 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2011, 02:35 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Man this is exciting. Sounds like things are really moving forward on nand keep up the work acl and all the other devs. Thank you so much
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  #1007 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2011, 02:51 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
yeah we are missing the rootfs. I'm studying the dzo stuff right now to see whats up. he has a nice setup where you can install by pressing vol down during startup.

i have frx4 on my system partition already.. but i still need to boot off sd for the rootfs .. so that should be handled next.
Hey I PM'd dzo on xda-devs to see if he could help. He gave me some pointers, I'm sure if we had some specific questions for him he'd help. Seems like a pretty busy guy (I can imagine being a University professor is...) so he said he wouldn't be able to help out directly with our port... but he definitely seemed open to giving some tips or pointing us in the right direction.

I also mentioned netloc to him (sorry kinda OT to the thread) and he said he never got that working on the CDMA Vogue. I saw a post about the +BSINFO call that needs to go into the RIL, I'm still not quite sure if it's in there. Would really love to see netloc in Android for us CDMA folk!
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  #1008 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2011, 03:05 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Hey I PM'd dzo on xda-devs to see if he could help. He gave me some pointers, I'm sure if we had some specific questions for him he'd help. Seems like a pretty busy guy (I can imagine being a University professor is...) so he said he wouldn't be able to help out directly with our port... but he definitely seemed open to giving some tips or pointing us in the right direction.

I also mentioned netloc to him (sorry kinda OT to the thread) and he said he never got that working on the CDMA Vogue. I saw a post about the +BSINFO call that needs to go into the RIL, I'm still not quite sure if it's in there. Would really love to see netloc in Android for us CDMA folk!
ahh.. well i already copied all this stuff. Hard part is done actually. I need to buy cotulla a bottle of some sort of booze cuz without his nand driver this wouldnt work. The only thing that needs to be done now is just scripting. So now we break away from the xdandroid rootfs and initird.

You know we should just do what the hd2 guys did for the ril. They made a wrapper for the htc propierary ril and let it do its thing. No need to worry about how anything works..lol.
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  #1009 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2011, 03:15 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

This is my information dump post that's been coming for a few weeks. I'm working on initrd and rootfs trying to bring us up to date on the vogue as well as iron out tinboot stuff. I apologize for the crazy long post of links and all, but I need to do this to keep my stuff straight and hopefully help point others in the right place.

Tinboot References:
From what I can gather, Martin DZO maintains the Tinboot for the Vogue. There are a couple of other contributors as well that should be thanked for their work on this as well. The sources files can be found here:
SourceForge - androidhtc/tinboot.git/summary

As ACL has pointed out, he and the other contributors have generated an installer and done a ton of huge changes with the initrd. Those source files can be found here:
SourceForge - androidhtc/bootenv.git/summary

Safe Memory Locations (MTTY and Parition Layout)
In order to find what memory we should touch and not touch, I've gathered that MTTY can be used for a lot of this diagnostic as well as gathering information about bootup. The best resource I have found is this thread over at XDA:
[REF] The DEFINITIVE MTTY Thread!! MARK 2 - HD2 Edition - xda-developers (latest one)
[REF] The DEFINITIVE MTTY Thread!! - Diamond Edition - xda-developers (original thread)

For the partition layouts, there is an amazing thread over at XDA that details everything. It was originally started as a way to free up some extra space on NAND by removing the ULDR from the MBR, and it gives a great reference in the second post for where data gets stored:
[TUT] ULDR Removal for Elf/Elfins [ONLINE] - xda-developers

You can use MTTY to issue info 8 which should return this for all HTC devices:
Partition[0], type=0x20, start=..., total=... BOOT (ULDR)
Partition[1], type=0x23, start=..., total=... RAWFS (XIP)
Partition[2], type=0x25, start=..., total=... IMGFS (SYSTEM)
Partition[2], type=0x04, start=..., total=... FATFS

I have read through almost all of the threads, and I'm trying to better understand it. Unfortunately, I can't MTTY on my device since USB is toast. Android doesn't see the USB port either unfortunately, so I'm dead in the water on that front.

I may hit up that guy who was offering up his TMOUS TP2 as long as he gets it back. I don't mind returning it, but there is some risk involved in what we are doing. As long as he's cool with that, I'd just need to know how long I can use it as a dev phone. Thinking how awesome it would be if I could just flash all day long and test changes
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  #1010 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2011, 03:22 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
ahh.. well i already copied all this stuff. Hard part is done actually. I need to buy cotulla a bottle of some sort of booze cuz without his nand driver this wouldnt work. The only thing that needs to be done now is just scripting. So now we break away from the xdandroid rootfs and initird.

You know we should just do what the hd2 guys did for the ril. They made a wrapper for the htc propierary ril and let it do its thing. No need to worry about how anything works..lol.
Edited until I can find out why cotulla has someone else's PayPal info on his posts at XDA.

Last edited by natemcnutty; 02-02-2011 at 01:16 PM.
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