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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2010, 10:24 PM
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SDK not allowing platform downloads

OK, I got SDK installed, but when I tried to add available addons, ie Android 1.5, I get the error "Download finished with wrong checksum. Expected d3cf755695ed7f104d768b3ae9a748ceca5f6c69, got 76bbb475e4ed213310f1f4b4e95ea106ed492ee7.". I tried forcing http instead of https, but had no luck. Installed Eclipse and tried installing platforms their way, but it confuses me even more then SDK. Any idea on what I'm doing wrong? Mostly I'm just trying to get a 1.5 emulator going to test some programs, if there is any easier way to do it.

P.S. Tried it with the 2.1 platform and it gives me the same error.

Also, is there a repository that is tailored specific for the Moment. Couldn't find anything from Samsung, but I may have not looked enough.
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