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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2010, 10:13 PM
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Re: Unique android apps/features (vs iphone)

Riptide..things aside I think your friend is just doesnt know much...

Do you have an 8mp camera? (it doesnt but the 5mp camera on it is better)
Do you have a 1ghz cpu? (yes it does but I hear its under-clocked to save battery)
Do you have 1gig of memory? (both phones have 512mb ram..if you meant ROM they got more)
Do you have a replaceable battery? (its not that you cant replace it.you just void warranty)
Do you have Dual flash for your camera and camcorder? (no but their camera is better)
Do you have 5 point multi-touch? (it actually does..if it doesnt then its software locked)
Do you get 60fps? (in what?)
Can you play flash? (there was a port of flash for iphone)
Can you download music for free? (if you wanted to you can >.>)
Do you have Google Turn-by-Turn Nav with voice prompts? (This is coming)
Can you download apps from other sources? (if you jailbreak you can)
Do you have the same 9mb download speed I have on 4g? (if they take it to t-mobile they can)
Do you have an unlimited plan for $69? (on t-mobile? but neither does sprint...)

I can say that off the top of my head...

PS iphones are EVIL...BURN...
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2010, 09:14 AM
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Re: Unique android apps/features (vs iphone)

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Riptide..things aside I think your friend is just doesnt know much...

Do you have an 8mp camera? (it doesnt but the 5mp camera on it is better)
Do you have a 1ghz cpu? (yes it does but I hear its under-clocked to save battery)
Do you have 1gig of memory? (both phones have 512mb ram..if you meant ROM they got more)
Do you have a replaceable battery? (its not that you cant replace it.you just void warranty)
Do you have Dual flash for your camera and camcorder? (no but their camera is better)
Do you have 5 point multi-touch? (it actually does..if it doesnt then its software locked)
Do you get 60fps? (in what?)
Can you play flash? (there was a port of flash for iphone)
Can you download music for free? (if you wanted to you can >.>)
Do you have Google Turn-by-Turn Nav with voice prompts? (This is coming)
Can you download apps from other sources? (if you jailbreak you can)
Do you have the same 9mb download speed I have on 4g? (if they take it to t-mobile they can)
Do you have an unlimited plan for $69? (on t-mobile? but neither does sprint...)

I can say that off the top of my head...

PS iphones are EVIL...BURN...
Which is exactly one more reason why I wouldn't have an iPhone.... "The Apple mentality"


Why yes this new sports car has a V10 motor just like a Doge Viper. But what we have done is disabled 6 of the 10 cylinders so that you will get better gas mileage, and it keeps you safe so you can't get hurt with the true speed that this sports car potentially can have, so that means it's better and potentially faster than the Viper because everyone knows that 4 cylinders is better than 10.

Oh yea, Just keep in mind that if you try to enable any of the other cylinders... we will come to your house and crush your new car... for your protection, of course


Yea Thanks! But I will pass on that one
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2010, 04:00 AM
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Re: Unique android apps/features (vs iphone)

Originally Posted by Riptide9 View Post
Which is exactly one more reason why I wouldn't have an iPhone.... "The Apple mentality"


Why yes this new sports car has a V10 motor just like a Doge Viper. But what we have done is disabled 6 of the 10 cylinders so that you will get better gas mileage, and it keeps you safe so you can't get hurt with the true speed that this sports car potentially can have, so that means it's better and potentially faster than the Viper because everyone knows that 4 cylinders is better than 10.

Oh yea, Just keep in mind that if you try to enable any of the other cylinders... we will come to your house and crush your new car... for your protection, of course


Yea Thanks! But I will pass on that one
Lost me on that one which reminds on when a ford dealer told me that drum brakes are better than discs a few years back. I told him no and he said that ford's F1 program found it to be true, thats why all fords had drums in the rear.

My response was how come Eddie Irvine and Johnny Herbert (Jaguar, not Ford but I know the same shit) were using carbon ceramic brembos, 7 speed tranny and a V10 and this f***ing car you are showing me has nothing.

Now back to phones.....I can hold my phone upside down and make calls.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2010, 08:42 PM
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Re: Unique android apps/features (vs iphone)

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Riptide..things aside I think your friend is just doesnt know much...

Do you have an 8mp camera? (it doesnt but the 5mp camera on it is better)
Do you have a 1ghz cpu? (yes it does but I hear its under-clocked to save battery)
Do you have 1gig of memory? (both phones have 512mb ram..if you meant ROM they got more)
Do you have a replaceable battery? (its not that you cant replace it.you just void warranty)
Do you have Dual flash for your camera and camcorder? (no but their camera is better)
Do you have 5 point multi-touch? (it actually does..if it doesnt then its software locked)
Do you get 60fps? (in what?)
Can you play flash? (there was a port of flash for iphone)
Can you download music for free? (if you wanted to you can >.>)
Do you have Google Turn-by-Turn Nav with voice prompts? (This is coming)
Can you download apps from other sources? (if you jailbreak you can)
Do you have the same 9mb download speed I have on 4g? (if they take it to t-mobile they can)
Do you have an unlimited plan for $69? (on t-mobile? but neither does sprint...)

I can say that off the top of my head...

PS iphones are EVIL...BURN...

This has got to be the worst devils advocate role playing I have seen. "The iphone can do some of these things IF you want to void your warranty or jailbreak it (which I think also voids warranty), no flash but camera is better". Sorry, but a "better camera" isn't better if it doesn't have a flash. How good is it in the dark? And Sprint is practically unlimited for $69.99 a month. So you can't make unlimited calls to landline... Big deal. iphone charges $30 a month ON TOP of whatever you are paying for a plan.... iphone is weak compared to Droid.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2010, 07:14 AM
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Re: Unique android apps/features (vs iphone)

Well, everyone knows that "The most interesting man in the world "owns an EVO with Android. That alone, should be good enough, but while being redundant .

Removable battery.
did I say Flash?
Google Sky(free)
Google Voice
Google Nav
Open Source
Available on MANY carriers
Superior Reception
and Better 3g and 4g speeds in many cases
Choice of different models with Android OS
Plan Pricing (choices)
Camera with a different kind of flash
oh..... and ....Flash Player

I phone advantages:

Screen durability
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2010, 12:15 PM
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Re: Unique android apps/features (vs iphone)

Your not being redundant at all

but I think you forgot to mention the flash LOL
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2010, 03:54 PM
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Re: Unique android apps/features (vs iphone)

As stated iPhone if Jailbroken can now do flash with a port from Android (so you ment to say native flash)...and you can take an iphone to t-mobile as well for different price points...
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2010, 04:16 PM
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Re: Unique android apps/features (vs iphone)

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
As stated iPhone if Jailbroken can now do flash with a port from Android (so you ment to say native flash)...and you can take an iphone to t-mobile as well for different price points...
So? It can't do it natively. While Android can.

To me that's the point. Android can do more then the iPhone can out of the box with no rooting or jailbreaking.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2010, 04:22 PM
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Re: Unique android apps/features (vs iphone)

Originally Posted by blazingwolf View Post
So? It can't do it natively. While Android can.

To me that's the point. Android can do more then the iPhone can out of the box with no rooting or jailbreaking.
I am not disagreeing with that..just explaining for those that are not aware that it is possible.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2010, 03:55 AM
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Re: Unique android apps/features (vs iphone)

I don't have an iPhone 4, nor do I really care to have one (I heart EVO), but the iPhone has come a lonnnggg way since that piece of crap it was when it launched. At this point, I think it's hard to hate on either iOS (reception issue is funny, but I bet it doesn't factor into normal use for most) or Android. WP7 still has to earn respect though.
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