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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 02:44 PM
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Thumbs up Widgets!

Widgets are awesome... Here is an updated list of the ones PPCGeeks users use and recommend:

Clocks Weather and Calendar:

Beautiful Widgets - Of course. Very nice clock/calendar/weather widget. Also includes toggles for many phone functions.

Jorte - Personal Organizer Application that has a nice array of calendar widgets.

Weather Widget - Free - Not only does this have weather, it has a clock formatted very similarly to the HTC Sense flip clock. A must have for the weather, and if you haven't purchased a better clock this one works like a charm! The 4x1 weather forcast if very nice.

24 Clock Widget: A clock like the one from the TV show 24. Only shows in 24 hour times.

Pure Grid Calendar - This is a very nice 4x4 calendar widget that ties into your gmail or activesync calendar. It's a paid app but very nice if you can spare the space on your desktop

Sakura Calendar Widget: A small 1x1 calendar that is simple and useful.

Executive Assistant: Very nice widget, Free version has ads. Widget provides links to all your major communications functions and also compiles information about them IE Messages, Emails, Text, Voicemail.

Weatherbug Widget: The paid version has a very nice 4x1 widget that shows the weather forecast.


Open Home Settings Widget: A handy widget that is included with Open Home that gives quick access to turn on/off WiFi and BlueTooth as well as display brightness, security and locale information and more.

More Icons Widget - A widget that allows you to put up to 4 application shortcuts in a 1x1 space. The free version
allows for 3 and a widget properties button. The paid version allows you to replace the properties button.

SpeedDialer Widget: Great speed dialer with the ability to add 20 contacts and to sort them in any order you want.

ultimatefaves - Not a true Widget, more like a semi-widget. But "UltimateFaves lets you organize your most frequently used items (apps, bookmarks, contact cards, phone numbers, etc.) in beautiful 3D carousels".

Astrid Task Manager - A simple yet powerful task manager app which has a widget that allows you to display your to-do list on your desktop.

OneClick Widget - Toggle wifi, bluetooth, airplane mode (with wifi or not), brightness, vibrate/normal (silent option), Gps, & 2G-3G (link 2 clicks [GSM Only]). Change icon size, graphic effects, colors, gradients, & transparency.


MixZing - Music player with built in album art grabber and widgets that display album art.

iMusic Widget Plugin - Widget Add-on for the iMusic app which allows you to download music directly to your phone based on searches and top 20 lists. Very nice addition to an already amazing application.

Pure Music Widget - This is a very nice music widget that is the only one known that will also control the HTC Sense Music Player. It displays album art and has 1x1 2x1 and 4x1 widgets.


Gmail Unread Count - Brand new 1x1 widget that shows how many unread/new messages in your gmail account. Also clicking it opens the gmail app.

Facebook: You just have to know what is going on with family and friends. This is the one that gets installed when you install the official Facebook app.

Twidgit Lite
: Twitter Widget for Android.

Battery Widget: Nice little battery widget to let you know when you need the juice. Also, when you long press the widget, shortcuts to Display/GPS/WiFi/BlueTooth settings.

sportstap - The widget for this app is awesome. Easily switch between your favorite sports teams, and scroll through previous & upcoming games. And a single tap on the score will bring up the app with scoreboard, game stats & more.

SetCPU: This is a must have app if you're rooted and overclocking. As a nice bonus it includes a widget that displays you're current cpu speed.

Handcent: This is Texting app that includes a 1x1 Icon/Widget it shows how many messages unread.

Reader Widget Pro - Google reader widget. The 4x1 is nice. Customizable. £0.50 (The free version has ads *yuck*)

Last edited by banden; 06-19-2010 at 10:43 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 02:51 PM
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Re: Widgets!

I initially was going to just post for the Gmail Unread Count app as it's brand new and very nice.

So far it's been good... the only 2 issues I've seen with it are already on the todo list for the developer. Only one gmail account per widget and landscape mode doesn't resize the widget.

  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 12:22 AM
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Re: Widgets!

I've tried a few widgets, but the only ones I keep on the screen are the Battery widget and a digital clock widget with date. Probably by far the most taken for granted widgets, but both are must haves in my book.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 09:48 AM
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Re: Widgets!

Great idea banden! I use the following:

Facebook: You just have to know what is going on with family and friends. This is the one that gets installed when you install the official Facebook app.

SpeeDialer Widget: Great speed dialer with the ability to add 20 contacts and to sort them in any order you want.

Battery Widget: Nice little battery widget to let you know when you need the juice. Also, when you long press the widget, shortcuts to Display/GPS/WiFi/BlueTooth settings.

24 Clock Widget: A clock like the one from the TV show 24. Only shows in 24 hour times.

Sakura Calendar Widget: A small 1x1 calendar that is simple and useful.

Open Home Settings Widget: A handy widget that is included with Open Home that gives quick access to turn on/off WiFi and BlueTooth as well as display brightness, security and locale information and more.

Pure Grid Calendar: Very cool full calendar that can run 4x, 4x3 or 4x4 (my choice) and cann sync with up to four calendars at the same time (Gmail, HTC Sense, Exchange and Droid Exchange).
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Last edited by rainfreak; 01-16-2010 at 09:53 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 03:41 PM
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Re: Widgets!

Nice Rainfreaks, I added them to the OP.

Keep em coming folks!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 04:25 PM
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Re: Widgets!

Nice job, this will definitely become a good reference for new Android users.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2010, 01:52 PM
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Re: Widgets!

Added Executive Assistant. A very nice all in one widget that combines phone, email, calendar and text data in one widget.

  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2010, 04:17 PM
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Re: Widgets!

Here are a couple of my favorites.

ultimatefaves - Not a true Widget, more like a semi-widget. But "UltimateFaves lets you organize your most frequently used items (apps, bookmarks, contact cards, phone numbers, etc.) in beautiful 3D carousels".

sportstap - The widget for this app is awesome. Easily switch between your favorite sports teams, and scroll through previous & upcoming games. And a single tap on the score will bring up the app with scoreboard, game stats & more.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2010, 04:34 PM
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Re: Widgets!

Updated! Plus that Fender phone is slick!

  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 05:25 PM
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Re: Widgets!

awesome post!
i think we should also add the social networking widgets :

facebook & twitter

sorry dont have links nor apps avail im at work..but they are both avail for free via market.

Last edited by SoCalSpecialist; 02-05-2010 at 05:28 PM.
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