Originally Posted by eric12341
Does kitchen have Sense 2.5?
I remember seeing it somwhere as a cab install.
I am interested to try this version 6.1 and I found it already in my computer sitiing there lol
I am using my TP2 on Tmobile sim while my Evo3D gets replaced.
The dam thing died on me from water damage when putting on a screen protector!
Originally Posted by eric12341
blackout rom had a version of HTC messaging that didn't lag. it was fantastic! too bad I couldn't stay on that rom due to other annoyances I found with it. in the rom I recommended HTC messaging doesn't lag but the messages get out of order after awhile.
I am still on it and havent experienced the messaging order bug yet and I am guessing your experience may be due to using PIMBackup retoring old texts.