Originally Posted by Xartic
Hey OMJ I wanted to thank you for giving us this awesome ROM! I love it!
The only thing I cant get to work is the speech-to-text. Every time I try to use it the microphone does not show any activity as if it were hearing my voice and it just stays there as if I was not talking at all. Let me know if there is a fix for this or if its something I will need to deal with for now. Other than that everything runs perfect.
Thanks again! 
it seems to be very sensitive, almost like there can't be any background noise
Originally Posted by dottat
Anyone else get fc's in the weather channel app when trying to load radar? Think every odex rom has done this.
I havent seen any
Originally Posted by b4u2
OMJ did that Netflix fix work for you? I haven't updated to the latest GB ROM yet. I did try that fix and it still won't play the movies. It just kicks me out. Works perfect on my wifes stock EVO. I will probably update ROM tomorrow. Thanks for all your work!
I dis not try the fix....the fix is really for non-supported phones, EVO is supported.....our issue is w/ the GB kernel
Originally Posted by hindjew
I'm still using OMJ_EVO_2.3.3_Gingerbread_v5.0_odexed-signed.zip - I haven't updated to v1.3 because this one actually has 4G running for me. This screen brightness really is killing my battery, I use both my 3500mah batteries to last a day. Sound about right? (I use the hell out of my phone) - I used to last 1.5 days on two batteries on froyo
u must have extreme use.....I use the stock battery, and it never dies....I almost always have 50+% by end of day
Originally Posted by KDmospd
I wonder what the difference is between this apk and just going to Settings/Display and checking the box... I had the old lock screen at first and then I went to settings/Disply and click the check box and the new lockscreen worked. Is there a NEWER screen???
Nice Rom... Thanks
when u check the box in settings/display, that's the stock android lock not sense 3.0
Originally Posted by busventinc
Omj on 1.3 USB tether not working just tried it and says I need to get a subscription through USB is the only way I can use it I don't use wifi is there a fix for it
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I havent seen a hacked version yet...amikam did hack the sprint hotspot but he said usb tether is not working
Originally Posted by dottat
Works fine untill reboot.
Omj- permanent flashable odex lockscreen zip was posted on miks forum and it works beyond reboots.
thx for the heads up.....
for those wanting the sense 3.0 odex lockscreen, I have it attached
Originally Posted by ZepticVillager
Nice rom, love Sense 2.1, 4G works very nicely, but I have a few other issues. Sorry if these are posted already but I didn't see them:
1) Some apps immediately force-close on boot. Example: ShootMe. I haven't had this issue on any other ROM. Is this a Sense 2.1 compatibility thing? The built-in Weather app sometimes force-closes and sometimes works.
2) Stock messaging app no longer has an option to limit the number of saved messages. I used to have mine set at 200, now they just keep piling up.
3) System clock will randomly run fast, even though it is set to sync with the network. I'll let it run for awhile, then look and it will be like 9-10 minutes fast. If I go to Date and Time settings, uncheck Automatic, then check it again it corrects itself. Then sometimes it will get fast again, sometimes it won't. Seems to be at random.
Any thoughts?
1. I havent ran into any apps fc'ing.....try using screenshot
2. not sure, i'll have to check
3. I saw that too, but not sure why it doing that
Originally Posted by dodgebusta
CM7 is a GB build. I know one of the nightlies fixed the screen brighness issue with EVO's...I had to go back to CM7 for now because of the screen brightness took out my 1500 and 3500 battery yesterday with light use in under 6 hours. I love the ROM OMJ, but just cannot have my battery draining that quickly. If I find out what was fixed on the CM7 nightly I will post it here...maybe its something simple...maybe not. Cause OMJ GB rom was a lot more stable than my CM7 has been.
my $0.02 worth.
cool....if u find the fix, pls post man....I'll keep my eyes open too
Originally Posted by turboll
well i removed the yellow one and downloaded the green one from the market and it worked perfect thankz

hmm, for some reason, the yellow version isnt working for some ppl....
Originally Posted by nateperez
Hey OMJ I downloaded your ROM on my EVO today but the internet isnt working. Im on Metro PCS. Can you tell me how to fix this?
sorry but I know nothing about getting service to work on other carriers, I would suggest searching to see if there's any changes u need to make